Djinn N Tonic
Caught harboring weird interests.
==> MK
GT: WhY Would You do somEThing likE ThaT?
GT: foR WhaT i maY do To TT?
GT: You cRaziER Than i ThoughT if You Think i Would scREW him ovER
GT: unlikE You, hE and I aRE acTuallY fRiEnds
==> TT
GT: i knoW You Will
GT: 'causE i won'T TRY To kill You
GT: conTRaRY To populaR bElEif
GT: WhY Would You do somEThing likE ThaT?
GT: foR WhaT i maY do To TT?
GT: You cRaziER Than i ThoughT if You Think i Would scREW him ovER
GT: unlikE You, hE and I aRE acTuallY fRiEnds
==> TT
GT: i knoW You Will
GT: 'causE i won'T TRY To kill You
GT: conTRaRY To populaR bElEif