Everything's Shiny Cap'n
- One on One
Her fingers curled around his bicep, and in a rough drag she turned him. She looked at him like he'd just committed the most heinous crime and broken her heart. Hayden hated that, hated how his insides curled up like a snake desperate to find out who'd hurt her so he could hurt them. But the fact of the matter was, he already knew what was hurting her and it was he who was responsible for that line of anguish that separated her brows. It was he who caused those glassy eyes, brimming with unshed tears. He suddenly knew he'd bend over backwards to make sure he didn't see her cry again- and he hated himself for that very fact.
The anger that boiled deep within his gut rose to the surface as she all but yelled at him, demanding to know what had been said, what they both already knew. He could feel the eyes of Jade and Jayden as they leaned closer to the blow up, their hushed whispers carrying on the breeze. Hayden's jaw ticked, his dark eyes narrowing on the spitfire in front of him as she continued to explode. She demanded to know if it was true and he could all but imagine as Jayden and Jade held their breaths, breathless with anticipation of the news.
He wouldn't give it to them however. If word got out about their connection... their... bond- they'd be targets number one and two in the next competition. So Hayden did what he thought was best, and that was to shutter his expression as best as he could and wrenched out of Essa's hand. She looked about ready to murder him and he couldn't have that either. So he bent, his shoulder connected with Essa's stomach and lifted, hoisting her over his shoulder like she was a sack of potatoes.
He banded his arms over her legs, stopping any kicks or struggling there- ensuring she wouldn't be able to escape him as he marched them away from prying eyes towards the empty dock.
"If you quit struggling, I'll consider not throwing you into the ocean." He hissed at her as he stomped his way down the steps towards the dock. Finally when they were out of earshot he bent, setting her back down. Her hair was a wild halo around her, curling up around her face from her short stint upside down. He braced himself ready to catch any blows she might rain down upon him for his invasion of space.
"What were you thinking?" He seethed, stepping forward like it was instinctual. He couldn't deny the undeniable, almost feral desire to be in her space. "Announcing what we know to everyone like that? Use your fucking head Essa- or do you want to fight extra hard in the next competition because being the winners of the previous set isn't enough of a target on our backs? Hm?" Fuck, she smelled so good, he longed to grasp her by the back of the neck and bury his nose in the soft curls near her ear. His arm still burned from where she'd touched him and he did everything possible to avoid noticing it.
"You saw it too?" He lowered his voice to ask the question burning in his mind. "The lines of Fate?" She didn't have to answer him, he could already see the answer in her eyes. Bound so tightly together, they were. "Hades wasn't very forthcoming with information." He admitted into the silence that had fallen between them for long seconds. "He demanded to know why I was bound up by the threads of another, and when he revealed the line he said the competition was about to get a whole lot more interesting." Hayden dragged a hand through his hair, his weary mind trying desperately to make sense of the words the God had spoken.
"For better or worse, it seems you and I are... bound." Hayden had to bite out the last word. "Everything we've been feeling is just a product of the God's meddlesome games." His gaze lifted and he met Essa's eyes and before he knew what he was doing, his thumb caught a stray tear that had managed to slip from the corner of her eye. Her skin was soft under his touch, and sparks of pleasure skirted up his arm, he pulled back like he'd been burned. "We can't give in." He muttered. "Tell me everything they told you and I'll do the same, and when one of us wins, we'll find a way to serve this tie. Forever." He felt sick as he spoke the words, like the idea of not being connected to Essa might kill him. But it was what they had to do. They would not be willing pawns in this game of divinity.
The anger that boiled deep within his gut rose to the surface as she all but yelled at him, demanding to know what had been said, what they both already knew. He could feel the eyes of Jade and Jayden as they leaned closer to the blow up, their hushed whispers carrying on the breeze. Hayden's jaw ticked, his dark eyes narrowing on the spitfire in front of him as she continued to explode. She demanded to know if it was true and he could all but imagine as Jayden and Jade held their breaths, breathless with anticipation of the news.
He wouldn't give it to them however. If word got out about their connection... their... bond- they'd be targets number one and two in the next competition. So Hayden did what he thought was best, and that was to shutter his expression as best as he could and wrenched out of Essa's hand. She looked about ready to murder him and he couldn't have that either. So he bent, his shoulder connected with Essa's stomach and lifted, hoisting her over his shoulder like she was a sack of potatoes.
He banded his arms over her legs, stopping any kicks or struggling there- ensuring she wouldn't be able to escape him as he marched them away from prying eyes towards the empty dock.
"If you quit struggling, I'll consider not throwing you into the ocean." He hissed at her as he stomped his way down the steps towards the dock. Finally when they were out of earshot he bent, setting her back down. Her hair was a wild halo around her, curling up around her face from her short stint upside down. He braced himself ready to catch any blows she might rain down upon him for his invasion of space.
"What were you thinking?" He seethed, stepping forward like it was instinctual. He couldn't deny the undeniable, almost feral desire to be in her space. "Announcing what we know to everyone like that? Use your fucking head Essa- or do you want to fight extra hard in the next competition because being the winners of the previous set isn't enough of a target on our backs? Hm?" Fuck, she smelled so good, he longed to grasp her by the back of the neck and bury his nose in the soft curls near her ear. His arm still burned from where she'd touched him and he did everything possible to avoid noticing it.
"You saw it too?" He lowered his voice to ask the question burning in his mind. "The lines of Fate?" She didn't have to answer him, he could already see the answer in her eyes. Bound so tightly together, they were. "Hades wasn't very forthcoming with information." He admitted into the silence that had fallen between them for long seconds. "He demanded to know why I was bound up by the threads of another, and when he revealed the line he said the competition was about to get a whole lot more interesting." Hayden dragged a hand through his hair, his weary mind trying desperately to make sense of the words the God had spoken.
"For better or worse, it seems you and I are... bound." Hayden had to bite out the last word. "Everything we've been feeling is just a product of the God's meddlesome games." His gaze lifted and he met Essa's eyes and before he knew what he was doing, his thumb caught a stray tear that had managed to slip from the corner of her eye. Her skin was soft under his touch, and sparks of pleasure skirted up his arm, he pulled back like he'd been burned. "We can't give in." He muttered. "Tell me everything they told you and I'll do the same, and when one of us wins, we'll find a way to serve this tie. Forever." He felt sick as he spoke the words, like the idea of not being connected to Essa might kill him. But it was what they had to do. They would not be willing pawns in this game of divinity.