New Member
Step one: look kind of clueless and vulnerable alone after dark. Anika had that routine down pat by now. They just couldn’t help themselves in the end. She walked slowly down the street as the sounds of night life invaded her ears. She appeared nonchalant, a well-trained poker face, but her eyes were alert, sweeping from one side of the street to the other. A couple passed by so close that she had to sidestep. Both were laughing: the woman clinging to the man’s arm like it was the only thing keeping her standing. Anika’s eyes followed them for a short while before she turned back towards where she had been going. Not what she was looking for. There weren’t really many ways to be exactly sure until they were fangs in your face. But she’d gotten a sense for them. Something about their body language and the way they would look at you. It would send the hairs of the back of her neck standing on edge in warning.
A few bars down the street. A Chinese restaurant. Possibly an office building. There was nothing sinister about the area. It was fairly well trafficked too. Could she have been mistaken? No… something was hunting around here. She was sure of that. Three disappearances in the past few months. The thing was covering its tracks but not well enough. One of the bodies had been found just a few days ago. Throat cut, a classic move. Cause enough damage and they won’t find the bite marks. Anika came to a stop in front of a building and glanced at its facade. The sign announced the place as Liberty Inn. She sighed and pulled out her phone.
“Come on. I know you’re here”, she muttered to herself. This could take all night.
It ended up being only half an hour or so.
“Do you need help?” a voice asked. The tone was pleasant. Conversational. Anika’s eyes flicked up from her phone. The man standing there looked harmless enough. He was well dressed in jeans and a black jacket. Chestnut brown hair was combed back in a neat manner. He was smiling at her.
“I just noticed that you’ve been standing here by yourself”, he continued. It made sense he would have been watching her for a while. Waiting to see if she was truly alone. And there it was. That gleam in his gaze as it lingered just a moment too long on her exposed neck. Showtime.
“I was supposed to meet someone. But I guess he stood me up”, Anika said, pouting her lips ever so slightly.
“Wow. I’m sorry. Only an idiot would stand up a girl like you”, he grinned at her and she had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. Instead she kept the pout on her face.
“I dressed up and everything!”
Fighting in a dress wasn’t her ideal choice but it was needed to sell the lie. High heels would have really been the cherry on top but that just seemed like asking for trouble. In sneakers she could at least run if she needed to.
“Well… my night is free. I’d love to show you around. Wouldn’t want the dress to go to waste”, the man said and Anika smiled. He was taking the bait.
“Really? You’re too sweet!” she beamed at him as if spending the night together was the best thing that could have possibly happened to her. In other cases, she might have taken it slower, acted harder to get, but she figured he’d be too thirsty by now to question why this was so easy. She was right.
“Follow me.”
They walked in silence for a while as he left the main street. She could sense the urgency wafting off him in waves and it made her stomach turn. They turned to a smaller side street and the sounds of traffic grew more distant. Anika took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. The stake was just there, hidden on the inside of her jean jacket. Its shape felt familiar and reassuring. In her light pink, rather innocent looking small backpack she carried a few more just in case.
“Where are you taking me?” she asked with a giggle that made her die a little inside. But she needed him relaxed, sure of himself.
“Somewhere we can have a good time”, he glanced back at her with a grin that could only be described as seedy.
“Oh how mysterious!” she batted her eyelashes at him. He was taking her away from the main road, probably to an alleyway with only one exit. Screams would echo here so he would need to silence her quickly. If he got her pinned it would be game over. She would need to be quicker. Down one small street, then another. Then he led her down the alley. Anika’s body tensed, anticipating the moment. If she timed it right, there wouldn’t even be a fight.
“Down here”, he was breathing heavier now. Anika stopped and pushed her hands into her jacket with a mock shiver like she was cold.
“Come on”, he was beckoning her now, the smile long gone. She took a few steps closer, hesitantly at first like she was shy to close the distance between them.
“Sure… Just one thing”, Anika lunged forward without warning, the stake gripped in her hand. She crashed into him, the stake plunging right into its target. The vampire’s eyes widened in a mix of surprise and pain. His jaw opened and closed a few times in rapid succession.
“Hunter”, he gargled, blood now pooling out the side of his mouth. His arm lashed out, sharp nails extended, but she pushed the stake deeper and his arm dropped back to his side.
“What gave it away?” Anika asked dryly as he fell to his knees in front of her. He clawed feebly at his chest but it was too late for him now. She’d pushed it deep enough to destroy whatever heart he had left in there. She watched the life fade from his eyes and the thing crashed to the ground with an unceremonious thud. She waited a few seconds, her heart beating wildly in her chest, just to make sure. The thing was dead. All she needed to do now was move his body somewhere it wouldn’t be seen from the mouth of the alley. It would be gone by morning. She bent down to grab the vampire by the shoulders.
There wasn’t much warning at all. Only the slightest shuffle of shoes on concrete. She heard it, she sprung herself forward to dodge. But just a little too late. Something sharp ripped through the fabric of her jacket, right through the dress and into her side. She spun from the impact and slammed into the wall. There was a sickening crack and she doubled over. Little black spots danced in her vision, threatening to take over and rob her of her consciousness. She sucked in air through her teeth, fighting back the flood of pain and nausea. If she fainted now, she was as good as dead.
“You heard me coming. Impressive”, the man said with a smile. He stood next to the vampire Anika had just staked, his right hand covered in her blood. There were two of these fuckers. She should have been more careful, should have considered this possibility. She struggled to stand up straight as her side screamed in protest. The man glanced down at the dead vampire, his face impassive.
“I guess he had it coming. Not the sharpest tool in the shed, that one”, he said. His lips curved into a lopsided smile. Anika kept her eyes on him as she slid the small knife tucked away in her sleeve into her palm. Her mind was running a million miles an hour. She wouldn’t win a fight in this state. She needed to incapacitate him for just long enough. Adrenaline started to rush through her body. The pain is in your mind, get past it.
The man lifted his hand to his mouth, licking her blood off his fingers. Her stomach turned in disgust. He grinned at her with bloody teeth as he sauntered closer like a lion cornering a wounded gazelle. He thought he had her. A reasonable assumption given her condition. Anika knew she couldn’t kill him with this knife. It would have to be plan B.
She screamed, both in frustration and pain, as he plunged the knife right into the man’s eye down to the hilt. He howled in agony and staggered back, his hands flying to his face. Anika didn’t waste a second. She took off running towards the mouth of the alley even as pain ripped through her entire being.
“Bitch!” his enraged roar followed her, the scream echoing off the walls, making it sound like there were a dozen of him back there. He could come after her, she knew that. He probably would after he got that knife out. She ran blindly, her legs nearly failing under her several times. She clutched her side, painfully aware that she was losing too much blood.
Finally she collapsed, her legs refusing to carry her any further. Anika crawled to hide behind a dumpster, placing her back against the wall. She gritted her teeth to suppress the whimper of pain that threatened to escape her mouth. She could hear a car going by. Sounds of cheerful chatter somewhere from the other side of the building were just barely audible. She was so close to safety and yet so far from it. Anika glanced down at her ribcage. The fabric was so saturated with blood that it was impossible to tell exactly how bad the wound was. She pressed down ever so slightly with her finger and had to clasp her other hand over her mouth to muffle the scream. Her rib was almost definitely broken.
He will be able to smell the blood. He’ll know where I am. The thoughts came, declaring just how dire her situation was. With a pained groan she struggled her backpack off and pulled out a t-shirt. She pressed it to her wound even if doing so made her want to vomit. There was no time to dress the wound but she couldn’t afford to pass out now either. With her free hand she pulled out another stake.
“Shit shit shit”, she muttered as she strained her ears to hear if the monster was approaching.
Elysium was reasonably busy for a Thursday night. They’d only been open for a few hours at this point so it would probably pick up as they neared midnight. Not that Elio minded the quieter times. Weekends were busy enough that he rarely saw his bed before the small hours. He took a sip of his soda and closed his eyes, leaning his back onto the counter behind him. Some pop song that he had forgotten the name of sounded from the speakers. Loud enough to create an atmosphere but not drown out the conversation.
“It’s only a few hours into your shift and you’re already slacking off?”
Elio opened his eyes lazily and glanced to his side only to find Jack grinning at him from behind the counter. The owner of Elysium hardly dressed up for the part. He was wearing only a dress shirt unbuttoned at the collar and dark jeans. Not that he really needed to impress anyone, the patrons weren’t there to look at him. He had a full roster of people working for him to keep them plenty distracted.
“Just taking a breather boss”, he replied unconcerned. The two had been friends since the first year of college and Jack would let him get away with nearly anything, Elio knew that much. Not that he didn’t bring in enough money to earn that privilege.
“Who are you avoiding?” Jack asked as he leaned in conspiratorially. He knew Elio too well. Elio searched the club space in front of him, his eyes jumping from one table to the other. About half of the luxurious black leather sofas were filled with people. Finally he spotted Ethan and the brunette he had pawned off on the guy. Ethan was one of the newer hires and eager to start building his own client base. That woman was one Elio wouldn’t have minded him stealing. He nodded his head towards the couple.
“The one that looks like a housewife?”
“She is a housewife. Her husband doesn’t know she comes here. He thinks the money goes to spa treatments.”
Jack let out a low whistle and chuckled. Elio knew he shouldn’t have really been talking about that stuff. And he wouldn’t have, if it had been anyone but Jack. Jack cared too much for his club to risk offending his clients’ privacy. Anything Elio said would never leave his confidence. It was quite amazing, the kind of things women would tell him, as he coaxed them to buy overpriced champagne and bottles of wine. He didn’t mind listening to them most of the time. All he had to do was smile gently, nod his head like he understood, offer a few words of encouragement. He was happy to do so but sometimes he couldn’t help thinking that it wasn’t him they should have been talking to.
“Any problems?” Jack asked and Elio considered for a moment before shaking his head.
“No… not really. She is getting a bit attached but I can handle it” he assured his friend. Their job tiptoed a fine line most of the time. Their mission was to make the clients feel special, appreciated. Show them a good time so they would keep coming back and spending their hard-earned money. But it was all a fantasy at the end of the day. There were always a few who inevitably forgot that fact.
“Just let me know if I need to step in, alright?” Jack patted him on the shoulder and Elio nodded. He downed the rest of his soda and placed the glass on the counter. Soon enough he would be nursing another glass of wine. At this point he had mastered the art of making it seem like he was drinking just as much as the women were. It was a skill you needed in this place if you didn’t want to get absolutely plastered night after night. So much of his job was pretending and yet a part of him enjoyed that.
“Sometimes I think we might be bad people”, he said with a wry smile to show Jack he wasn’t being all that serious as he said this. Jack rolled his eyes and pushed himself off the counter to stand upright.
“Have a moral crisis in your own time. Now get back out there and make some money.”
Elio chuckled at his friend’s retreating form and pushed a hand through his hair.
“Will do.”
A few bars down the street. A Chinese restaurant. Possibly an office building. There was nothing sinister about the area. It was fairly well trafficked too. Could she have been mistaken? No… something was hunting around here. She was sure of that. Three disappearances in the past few months. The thing was covering its tracks but not well enough. One of the bodies had been found just a few days ago. Throat cut, a classic move. Cause enough damage and they won’t find the bite marks. Anika came to a stop in front of a building and glanced at its facade. The sign announced the place as Liberty Inn. She sighed and pulled out her phone.
“Come on. I know you’re here”, she muttered to herself. This could take all night.
It ended up being only half an hour or so.
“Do you need help?” a voice asked. The tone was pleasant. Conversational. Anika’s eyes flicked up from her phone. The man standing there looked harmless enough. He was well dressed in jeans and a black jacket. Chestnut brown hair was combed back in a neat manner. He was smiling at her.
“I just noticed that you’ve been standing here by yourself”, he continued. It made sense he would have been watching her for a while. Waiting to see if she was truly alone. And there it was. That gleam in his gaze as it lingered just a moment too long on her exposed neck. Showtime.
“I was supposed to meet someone. But I guess he stood me up”, Anika said, pouting her lips ever so slightly.
“Wow. I’m sorry. Only an idiot would stand up a girl like you”, he grinned at her and she had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. Instead she kept the pout on her face.
“I dressed up and everything!”
Fighting in a dress wasn’t her ideal choice but it was needed to sell the lie. High heels would have really been the cherry on top but that just seemed like asking for trouble. In sneakers she could at least run if she needed to.
“Well… my night is free. I’d love to show you around. Wouldn’t want the dress to go to waste”, the man said and Anika smiled. He was taking the bait.
“Really? You’re too sweet!” she beamed at him as if spending the night together was the best thing that could have possibly happened to her. In other cases, she might have taken it slower, acted harder to get, but she figured he’d be too thirsty by now to question why this was so easy. She was right.
“Follow me.”
They walked in silence for a while as he left the main street. She could sense the urgency wafting off him in waves and it made her stomach turn. They turned to a smaller side street and the sounds of traffic grew more distant. Anika took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. The stake was just there, hidden on the inside of her jean jacket. Its shape felt familiar and reassuring. In her light pink, rather innocent looking small backpack she carried a few more just in case.
“Where are you taking me?” she asked with a giggle that made her die a little inside. But she needed him relaxed, sure of himself.
“Somewhere we can have a good time”, he glanced back at her with a grin that could only be described as seedy.
“Oh how mysterious!” she batted her eyelashes at him. He was taking her away from the main road, probably to an alleyway with only one exit. Screams would echo here so he would need to silence her quickly. If he got her pinned it would be game over. She would need to be quicker. Down one small street, then another. Then he led her down the alley. Anika’s body tensed, anticipating the moment. If she timed it right, there wouldn’t even be a fight.
“Down here”, he was breathing heavier now. Anika stopped and pushed her hands into her jacket with a mock shiver like she was cold.
“Come on”, he was beckoning her now, the smile long gone. She took a few steps closer, hesitantly at first like she was shy to close the distance between them.
“Sure… Just one thing”, Anika lunged forward without warning, the stake gripped in her hand. She crashed into him, the stake plunging right into its target. The vampire’s eyes widened in a mix of surprise and pain. His jaw opened and closed a few times in rapid succession.
“Hunter”, he gargled, blood now pooling out the side of his mouth. His arm lashed out, sharp nails extended, but she pushed the stake deeper and his arm dropped back to his side.
“What gave it away?” Anika asked dryly as he fell to his knees in front of her. He clawed feebly at his chest but it was too late for him now. She’d pushed it deep enough to destroy whatever heart he had left in there. She watched the life fade from his eyes and the thing crashed to the ground with an unceremonious thud. She waited a few seconds, her heart beating wildly in her chest, just to make sure. The thing was dead. All she needed to do now was move his body somewhere it wouldn’t be seen from the mouth of the alley. It would be gone by morning. She bent down to grab the vampire by the shoulders.
There wasn’t much warning at all. Only the slightest shuffle of shoes on concrete. She heard it, she sprung herself forward to dodge. But just a little too late. Something sharp ripped through the fabric of her jacket, right through the dress and into her side. She spun from the impact and slammed into the wall. There was a sickening crack and she doubled over. Little black spots danced in her vision, threatening to take over and rob her of her consciousness. She sucked in air through her teeth, fighting back the flood of pain and nausea. If she fainted now, she was as good as dead.
“You heard me coming. Impressive”, the man said with a smile. He stood next to the vampire Anika had just staked, his right hand covered in her blood. There were two of these fuckers. She should have been more careful, should have considered this possibility. She struggled to stand up straight as her side screamed in protest. The man glanced down at the dead vampire, his face impassive.
“I guess he had it coming. Not the sharpest tool in the shed, that one”, he said. His lips curved into a lopsided smile. Anika kept her eyes on him as she slid the small knife tucked away in her sleeve into her palm. Her mind was running a million miles an hour. She wouldn’t win a fight in this state. She needed to incapacitate him for just long enough. Adrenaline started to rush through her body. The pain is in your mind, get past it.
The man lifted his hand to his mouth, licking her blood off his fingers. Her stomach turned in disgust. He grinned at her with bloody teeth as he sauntered closer like a lion cornering a wounded gazelle. He thought he had her. A reasonable assumption given her condition. Anika knew she couldn’t kill him with this knife. It would have to be plan B.
She screamed, both in frustration and pain, as he plunged the knife right into the man’s eye down to the hilt. He howled in agony and staggered back, his hands flying to his face. Anika didn’t waste a second. She took off running towards the mouth of the alley even as pain ripped through her entire being.
“Bitch!” his enraged roar followed her, the scream echoing off the walls, making it sound like there were a dozen of him back there. He could come after her, she knew that. He probably would after he got that knife out. She ran blindly, her legs nearly failing under her several times. She clutched her side, painfully aware that she was losing too much blood.
Finally she collapsed, her legs refusing to carry her any further. Anika crawled to hide behind a dumpster, placing her back against the wall. She gritted her teeth to suppress the whimper of pain that threatened to escape her mouth. She could hear a car going by. Sounds of cheerful chatter somewhere from the other side of the building were just barely audible. She was so close to safety and yet so far from it. Anika glanced down at her ribcage. The fabric was so saturated with blood that it was impossible to tell exactly how bad the wound was. She pressed down ever so slightly with her finger and had to clasp her other hand over her mouth to muffle the scream. Her rib was almost definitely broken.
He will be able to smell the blood. He’ll know where I am. The thoughts came, declaring just how dire her situation was. With a pained groan she struggled her backpack off and pulled out a t-shirt. She pressed it to her wound even if doing so made her want to vomit. There was no time to dress the wound but she couldn’t afford to pass out now either. With her free hand she pulled out another stake.
“Shit shit shit”, she muttered as she strained her ears to hear if the monster was approaching.
Elysium was reasonably busy for a Thursday night. They’d only been open for a few hours at this point so it would probably pick up as they neared midnight. Not that Elio minded the quieter times. Weekends were busy enough that he rarely saw his bed before the small hours. He took a sip of his soda and closed his eyes, leaning his back onto the counter behind him. Some pop song that he had forgotten the name of sounded from the speakers. Loud enough to create an atmosphere but not drown out the conversation.
“It’s only a few hours into your shift and you’re already slacking off?”
Elio opened his eyes lazily and glanced to his side only to find Jack grinning at him from behind the counter. The owner of Elysium hardly dressed up for the part. He was wearing only a dress shirt unbuttoned at the collar and dark jeans. Not that he really needed to impress anyone, the patrons weren’t there to look at him. He had a full roster of people working for him to keep them plenty distracted.
“Just taking a breather boss”, he replied unconcerned. The two had been friends since the first year of college and Jack would let him get away with nearly anything, Elio knew that much. Not that he didn’t bring in enough money to earn that privilege.
“Who are you avoiding?” Jack asked as he leaned in conspiratorially. He knew Elio too well. Elio searched the club space in front of him, his eyes jumping from one table to the other. About half of the luxurious black leather sofas were filled with people. Finally he spotted Ethan and the brunette he had pawned off on the guy. Ethan was one of the newer hires and eager to start building his own client base. That woman was one Elio wouldn’t have minded him stealing. He nodded his head towards the couple.
“The one that looks like a housewife?”
“She is a housewife. Her husband doesn’t know she comes here. He thinks the money goes to spa treatments.”
Jack let out a low whistle and chuckled. Elio knew he shouldn’t have really been talking about that stuff. And he wouldn’t have, if it had been anyone but Jack. Jack cared too much for his club to risk offending his clients’ privacy. Anything Elio said would never leave his confidence. It was quite amazing, the kind of things women would tell him, as he coaxed them to buy overpriced champagne and bottles of wine. He didn’t mind listening to them most of the time. All he had to do was smile gently, nod his head like he understood, offer a few words of encouragement. He was happy to do so but sometimes he couldn’t help thinking that it wasn’t him they should have been talking to.
“Any problems?” Jack asked and Elio considered for a moment before shaking his head.
“No… not really. She is getting a bit attached but I can handle it” he assured his friend. Their job tiptoed a fine line most of the time. Their mission was to make the clients feel special, appreciated. Show them a good time so they would keep coming back and spending their hard-earned money. But it was all a fantasy at the end of the day. There were always a few who inevitably forgot that fact.
“Just let me know if I need to step in, alright?” Jack patted him on the shoulder and Elio nodded. He downed the rest of his soda and placed the glass on the counter. Soon enough he would be nursing another glass of wine. At this point he had mastered the art of making it seem like he was drinking just as much as the women were. It was a skill you needed in this place if you didn’t want to get absolutely plastered night after night. So much of his job was pretending and yet a part of him enjoyed that.
“Sometimes I think we might be bad people”, he said with a wry smile to show Jack he wasn’t being all that serious as he said this. Jack rolled his eyes and pushed himself off the counter to stand upright.
“Have a moral crisis in your own time. Now get back out there and make some money.”
Elio chuckled at his friend’s retreating form and pushed a hand through his hair.
“Will do.”
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