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Fantasy (Open) Willow Witches and The Faceless- OOC

I meant to get the first post up today for accepted characters, but absolutely forgot about previous plans I had for the night. Super sorry about that, totally irresponsible of me. Tomorrow I'll have it for sure.
After a very long hold up my main character sheet is finally up for display. The history may be a bit dodgy but everything else should be good to go.
Sorry that last post took so long. Between all the adjusting that comes with moving to a new area, I was finding little time to actually write. But, I got something out, as bare bones as it is it will have to do for now.
Sent a PM to Foolish Ghoul, but so everyone else is aware - Fritz' computer is bugged right now, so every post involving his character will most likely be sent through me. We're just doing collabs thusfar, but if there's ever the need for our characters to separate, god help us.
In this post, Abel receives news of a town from a wanderer, Ser Deacon notices an otter doing otter things(?), Varys' continues talking with a mysterious woman who just keeps getting stranger, and Bayan and Lutolf meet the eccentric and possibly crazy leader of a band of wanderers. What happens next? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z.
If you got an IC notification, ignore it. I'm writing on my phone at work and my finger slipped. Post will be done by the end of the day, and I'll start bringing people together.

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