Sleepless Gamer
The Prophecy The medicine cat of Summit Clan, Mistfall, has received a vision from Star Clan. A relentless and fierce storm raged on around the cats. Below them lay a sickening pool of blood that painted their paws a scarlet hue. As the storm continued to roar, stones were picked up by the strong winds and hurled about. A few hits would surely prove fatal. After a few moments, a member of Star Clan approached the medicine cat. “A storm is coming. One of stone and bloodshed.” Mistfall snapped her gaze to the starry cat with an expression of pure horror, “What do you mean? A fatal storm of stone? I don’t understand. This is unlikely anything I've seen before. Are you speaking of a clan? A natural disaster? War? There must be more to make sense of.” Against the medicine cat's wishes, the starry cat began to fade. “A storm of stone is soon to come, when it falls you must save the clans.” Before the medicine cat could reply, they woke with a jolt to the sun rising. Its light rays seeped through the bramble and leaf barriers that formed the den. How she desperately wished to have had a simple dream of munching on a plump mouse instead.
Written by Violetti