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Realistic or Modern {Open} Teen Roleplay

Davis Butler

I'm behind that abnormally large mouse.
Ello! My name is CalebLee, and I'd like to have you roleplay in my roleplay! The basic plot to this is just be a teenager. Organize parties, go to school, love someone, anything like that. Just be a teenager...and roleplay. I based this off of an old roleplay I rp'd on with 2 other people. It died. And...anyone can join at anytime!
Aylessa woke up. She yawned and looked at her clock, it was nine o'clock in the morning. She stretched her arms up in the air and got up. "Another day." She mumbled and walked to the bathroom.

I get up off the bed, and I immediately go to my closet to change. I don't care too much for walking around in my pajamas. I switch in the bathroom, and I walk to the kitchen to fix myself a bowl of cereal.


My eyes open slowly as I wake up. I look into the kitchen to see the time. 9:02...didn't sleep in today. That's new. I get up slowly and walk into the kitchen for breakfast. I fix myself a bowl and I avoid looking at Davis.
Alex groaned as the sunlight broke through his bedroom window. He didn't want to get up, but he didn't exactly have a choice. After a moment of mental debating, he pushed himself out bed. A moment later he launched into his morning routine. After a short stint in the bathroom, he located a white t-shirt and jeans before throwing on his jacket and making his way downstairs. He grabbed a piece of toast and the keys to his truck before heading out.

I finish my cereal and walk out of the house. I have plans today. Plans to walk in the park. (I'm eating toast right now...Stalker....)
elyana hyun | 16

elyana regretted waking up so early. she had been awake since four in the morning. unable to go back to sleep, she decided to take an early walk before the morning bustle, which was going to start in thirty minutes or so. despite the beautiful sunrise, she was not satisfied completely. 'maybe some coffee would help;' she thought. she got up from the park bench and decided to head towards the local coffee house.
Aylessa brushed her teeth and then got into the shower. She finished taking a shower and dried herself off with a towel. She wrapped the towel around her and looked in the mirror. Her hair was soaking wet, so she put it into a bun and went back into her room to see Kyle sitting on her bed. "Good morning Mommy!" He said smiling. Aylessa yelped and pointed her finger at Kyle. "How many times have I told you not to come into Mommy's room in the morning." Aylessa scolded her son.
This Friday morning was no different than any other week for Harper. Music was blasting in the master bathroom of what was her parents house, and make-up was scattered all along the marble counter tops. Steam rose from the barrel of Harper’s curling iron as it heated her thick, brown locks into wide curls. An array of fragrances filled the air as every makeup product a girl could need was open. Shades of gold and brown coated the majority of her eyelids, while a thick black cat wing finished it off. Harper slipped out of her eldest brother’s tee shirt, leaving her clad in only a black lace bra and a matching lace boy-short. Long, black arms covered her tan skin as Harper slipped into a tight, body con dress. The fabric was tight against her toned, dancer body and ended just high enough to cover the essentials. Sitting on the closed toilet, Harper began to squeeze into a pair of black patent leather flats. “Harper! Let’s go. " a voice beckoned from the bottom of the stairs. Harper waddled down the stairs to her brother, who was driving her to the loal coffee shop before school.

I jog down the sidewalk and I look around at all the houses and trees. "Beautiful morning." I note as I stop to let a car pass. I continue my journey down to the park. I arrive and I sit down on the bench to look around and listen to the noises before school.


I look over at the broken coffee maker. I moan as I want a coffee. "Ugh." I say, and I walk outside and begin walking to the coffee shop.
Kyle pouted and walked out of Aylessa's room. Aylessa sighed put on a gray lace bra and some black panties. She thwn pulled out a black and white striped sleeveless top, a black vest and a pair of black capries. 'Can never go wrong with black.' She thought to herself and got dress. By the time she was down dressing herself Kyo yelled up the stairs asking if she wanted to join him and Kyle to get some coffee. Aylessa ran down the stairs and raced Kyle to the car. Of course letting him win.
elyana hyun | 16

the aroma of coffee beans clung to elyana's clothes as she entered the coffee shop. she ordered a non-decaf frappacino and found refuge in a plush sofa on the patio. 'maybe i should skip school today,' she thought, contemplating the idea. her social awkwardness resulted in her not having many friends, which made school not as enjoyable as it should be.
A honk was heard from outside as her brother was getting anxsious . Double checking that her cellphone,school ID and makeup were in her clutch, Harper made her way out the door. Beep-beep-beep-beeeeeep. Harper typed in the security code to her house and pulled the door tight behind her. Harper slid into the passanger seat taking the seat closest to the window. Bright lights flashed through they as they travelled from the outer edges of the city into the vibrant downtown. Cars, trucks and the occasional taxi zipped past the vehicle as it rounded the corner; stopping in front of the most zen coffee shop, JJ Bean. She went inside and waited in line to order her latte.
Alex placed his bag in the back of his baby blue truck before hopping in. The old truck had been a gift from his uncle, it wasn't fancy but it would get him where he wanted to go, or where he didn't want to go. In this case, that was school. Or well the coffee shop and then school. He turned the stereo up. Enjoying the music as he drove. One of his favorite songs was playing, so far this was turning out I be a pretty good morning. He reached the parking lot at the same time the song hit the drum solo. He took the time to tap out the solo on the steering wheel. Someone looking in from outside might think he was having a seizure due to his wild movements. Rocking out in the morning before school was one of his favorite activities.
Kyo drove as Aylessa was in the passenger seat. She continued trying to explain to Kyle why he couldn't ride in passenger seat. Kyle lost the argument and sat in the back pouting. Aylessa giggled. "If I get you a dount would you be happy?" Aylessa asked already knowing the answer was yes. Kyle immediately perked up with a giant grin like the argument never happen. Kyo parked at the coffee shop JJ Bean. He gave Aylessa his wallet and told her what he wanted. Aylessa rolled her eyes at her lazy uncle and got out of the car. She walk into the store and looked around as she got in line.
Elyana looked up from her book, Okay for Now, at the sound of a rock song. It sounded slightly like Julian Casablancas but she couldn't tell. Amused by the enthusiastic rocker, she let out a light chuckle, dwelling a little longer than normal on the person in a car. Did they go to school with her? 'Damn,' she thought, putting the book down. 'I forgot my glasses again.'. She tested her vision trying to make out the face of the rocker, before realizing that if he noticed her staring she'd seem weird. Picking up the book again, she busied herself and tried not to worry about her slight blindness.
Once the song ended, Alex exited his truck. His hair was now a bit messier than it had been earlier but he didn't really care. He couldn't help but wonder if anyone around had seen him. After a moment he headed into the coffee shop, hopping in line. There were quite a few people here today. But that was to be expected. It was morning, everyone wanted there coffee to get them through the day. Alex smiled a bit to himself, he couldn't help but feel happy this morning.
Murphy jumped as her alarm went off for the third time that morning. Grumpily, she sat up and silenced her phone. She could her dad and brother joking around downstairs. They'd probably been awake since about 7 am, however Murphy had a knack for getting ready in under 5 minutes so she always chose to sleep in late. She begrudgingly walked to the side of her room where all of her boxes remained unpacked from the move. She knew she'd have to settle in eventually but procrastination always got the best of her. She pulled out an old t-shirt she'd gotten from a camp a few years ago which luckily still fit. She thew her hair up in a bun and mumbled something about never being able to pull off the cute messy bun. She put on her far too worn out converse, went downstairs and mumbled a quick good morning to her family before rushing out the door and driving to her first day at a new school.
Sky was typically good at getting up early in the morning, she got up an hour before she had to leave. She put on a nice floral designed dress and flats, she left her hair down and went down stairs to eat. Her parents were on a business trip to London so her aunt was staying with her. She ate breakfast and quickly re applied her make up and got in to her new Dodge Charger that her parents got her and headed to school.
Aylessa sighed. "What's taking so long, I have to be at school soon." She mumbled as she looked in front of her to see how many more people are before her. Aylessa started tapping her foot impatiently which got her mean looks from some people around her, but she didn't care. She never cared about anything much, except for her coffee right now.


The park wasn't very far from school, so I knew I had a few minutes of just sitting there. I look over to my left at the school. I didn't care too much for school, not that I really ever did. But my opinion didn't really matter as I got my work done in school, and got good grades. I get up, and I begin walking to school.


I walk to the coffee shop, thinking about maybe skipping school today. I arrive, and I'm surprised at the line. I sigh and wait in line.
"Hey." I said to @CalebLee "You here for coffee too?" I smiled. Lots of students where here for the first day of school. I,myself was trying to get some work done before going to my first day.
(Just do I said to Karen. I'll figure it out. If you say @CalebLee, I might not know if its Karen or Davis.)


"Yeah. Duh." I say, and I roll my eyes at the stupid question.


I arrive at school and I begin to wait for its opening.

"Where's my coffee?" I ask, smirking as well in a positive way. She could become a best friend. "So, I'm Karen."

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