Not really. I just love sour things more than sweets. :P  Oh.. do tell!


So when I was in Marine Corps boot camp, we have a Saturday liberty at the very end of the 13 weeks of training. The day before I'm talking about all the things I'll be able to eat, talking about pizza, burgers, etc., etc. Well, the next day I went to the store on base and got a giant party bag of snickers. Within fifteen minutes I had finished them all. I devoured them. Oh my effing goodness! It was so good! What we didn't know, was that after the five hour liberty, which we all stuffed our faces with food and I bought another bag of snickers and devoured, the drill instructors had a plan. They took us on a three mile run then through the confidence course then took us to practice our drill. There was a LOT of reverse march called. Which is you taking one step the turning on the ball of your foot. Needless to say, about half of my platoon, including myself threw up our goodies. LMFAO
Apparently when my older brother was a child he once ate a large amount of skittles, to the point he became ill. There was rainbow colored vomit all over our white carpet.
Hey everyone. I will be away from a computer tomorrow. I'll be having surgery for an umbilical hernia. It's only an hour or two procedure so it's not bad at all. But I will be jacked up by anesthesia and pain meds.

I'm off for four days after that so I'm free afterward! ^.^
Hey everyone. I will be away from a computer tomorrow. I'll be having surgery for an umbilical hernia. It's only an hour or two procedure so it's not bad at all. But I will be jacked up by anesthesia and pain meds.

I'm off for four days after that so I'm free afterward! ^.^

Have fun mate.

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