I'm sorry everyone. I'm going to shut down the RP. It just doesn't have the same fire anymore.

I would love to RP with everyone in other circumstances though.

I'll be putting together an idea for a Star Wars RP sometime today.

I'll also be putting this idea on the back burner to possibly revive it some day. I know what not to do with it now.

Thank you all so much for all the effort and time you put into this!
I'm sorry everyone. I'm going to shut down the RP. It just doesn't have the same fire anymore.

I would love to RP with everyone in other circumstances though.

I'll be putting together an idea for a Star Wars RP sometime today.

I'll also be putting this idea on the back burner to possibly revive it some day. I know what not to do with it now.

Thank you all so much for all the effort and time you put into this!

Well, I just had to read this after I've posted don't I.
If shutting this down is what you want, I'm not going to stop you, but I hope you change your mind, or at least come back to it some day.
I'm sorry everyone. I'm going to shut down the RP. It just doesn't have the same fire anymore.

I would love to RP with everyone in other circumstances though.

I'll be putting together an idea for a Star Wars RP sometime today.

I'll also be putting this idea on the back burner to possibly revive it some day. I know what not to do with it now.

Thank you all so much for all the effort and time you put into this!

It does take strength to say something like this, so I applaud you. I had a lot of fun while this lasted, and don't ever think that I will forget Beish. 

Cheers to all. 
I'm sorry everyone. I'm going to shut down the RP. It just doesn't have the same fire anymore.

I would love to RP with everyone in other circumstances though.

I'll be putting together an idea for a Star Wars RP sometime today.

I'll also be putting this idea on the back burner to possibly revive it some day. I know what not to do with it now.

Thank you all so much for all the effort and time you put into this!


That was, surprising. Yet I expected it.


Umm, I hope you, do come back to this someday. As it was my first rp here.

So, uh.... I guess this is it? 
I'm sorry everyone. I'm going to shut down the RP. It just doesn't have the same fire anymore.

I would love to RP with everyone in other circumstances though.

I'll be putting together an idea for a Star Wars RP sometime today.

I'll also be putting this idea on the back burner to possibly revive it some day. I know what not to do with it now.

Thank you all so much for all the effort and time you put into this!

Awww :(  It was fun while it lasted though ) I hope we can all rp together again sometime, whether its here or somewhere else. 
I'm sorry everyone. I'm going to shut down the RP. It just doesn't have the same fire anymore.

I would love to RP with everyone in other circumstances though.

I'll be putting together an idea for a Star Wars RP sometime today.

I'll also be putting this idea on the back burner to possibly revive it some day. I know what not to do with it now.

Thank you all so much for all the effort and time you put into this!

And I read it after I actually posted? Shit.

Well, a farewell to y'all. Hope we'll meet again sometime. 

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