Hello. I've been out of the loop from RPN for a while. RL has been quite time consuming, between college classes and jumping from jobs, I've hardly had time to do much of anything except work, eat, sleep, repeat. I should like to join the IC, with my Ramai Priestess character, if thats okay with the effected players and Game Master. 
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No, no, Beish would be the most useful member in this ragtag team, for he's most susceptible to Erik's attacks

I have no life and just reread every single page. And I came across one thing. I don't know why, but just the idea is super sweet. So I thought I'd bring it up again.

Hm... Isn't Beish the popular one! xD

Aspen's approach gave me an idea, however. It would not take place for quite some time, perhaps in much later chapters, but it might add a slightly emotional element to this story.

It's nothing major, but I think it could be fun.

Now, Beish will be losing his father in a later chapter. He had been sick for quite some time, after all, but Beish is still unprepared. When he does pass away, Beish will enter a period of grief. The man was supportive of his learning, and taught him a great many things in his early life. 

Aspen, on the other hand, has been without a father figure for the majority of her life. She has never had someone to support her or to guide her. She has been alone, and perhaps she might have been a different person if her parents had lived. 

What I'm getting at is that when Beish enters his period of sadness, he almost reaches out in turn to Aspen, to care for her as his father had done. Maybe something happens to Aspen to trigger Beish to do this, like she twists her ankle or somewhat. 

This would be more like a father/daughter kind of love. It would just be a small dagger in this huge RP, but I think it would add this almost tender element to it.

What do you think?

So how's this fight gonna work @Huey? Are you and me just gonna go back and forth with posts? I'll tell you right now, Howie has some anger he needs to let out, and I've been itchin for a fight scene especially after watching tonights UFC. 
Hello. I've been out of the loop from RPN for a while. RL has been quite time consuming, between college classes and jumping from jobs, I've hardly had time to do much of anything except work, eat, sleep, repeat. I should like to join the IC, with my Ramai Priestess character, if thats okay with the effected players and Game Master. 

You may most definitely get back in. I gave a lead in for your Priestess. Check out the post with all the pictures I made in the RP.

I have no life and just reread every single page. And I came across one thing. I don't know why, but just the idea is super sweet. So I thought I'd bring it up again.

I agree!

So how's this fight gonna work @Huey? Are you and me just gonna go back and forth with posts? I'll tell you right now, Howie has some anger he needs to let out, and I've been itchin for a fight scene especially after watching tonights UFC. 

Back and forth with posts please, also, they are indeed Goblins. :D

@Huey did you forget about me or are you still formulating

I haven't forgotten you. I need to approve the latest character that just applied then I have something in mind for the two of you.

Huey wouldn't forget about anyone. Or at least, I hope he wouldn't.. ._.

Nope. I haven't forgotten any of you, my daughters were all sick this weekend. Hence my MIA. Sorry all!
I have no life and just reread every single page. And I came across one thing. I don't know why, but just the idea is super sweet. So I thought I'd bring it up again.

Can't wait to set this into action. Not that I'll like making the post in which Beish's father dies. 

But let's start by softening that wall that Aspen has built.

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