[SIZE= 12px]You shouldn't have called upon the wrath of the spectral elephant, ink. Now, prepare to suffer from the phantom ass-burn.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]*cue ass-burn music*[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]If you're truly situated in the abstract concept of absolute nothingness, then how yous have internet access?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]@InKryption[/SIZE]
I'm not situated in absolute nothingness, I'm simply the King of the concept, and anything considered to be linked to the concept. Besides, the internet is also quite an abstract thing, you know? There's no real way you can manipulate it without the middle-man (the computer), which also simply displays the information in a format which humans can understand. It's everywhere, yet it's nowhere in reach - as if it were Nothing.
I'm not situated in absolute nothingness, I'm simply the King of the concept, and anything considered to be linked to the concept. Besides, the internet is also quite an abstract thing, you know? There's no real way you can manipulate it without the middle-man (the computer), which also simply displays the information in a format which humans can understand. It's everywhere, yet it's nowhere in reach - as if it were Nothing.

*munching continues* The Internet thing reminds me of Bloody Monday. 
Hey, if the internet was an embodiment of nothingness, then why don't I have FREE internet?

You can't be king of nothingness, because there's nothing to rule over; the concept is way too barebones, expansive for ruling. A more plausible thing you could be a king of, is insane hobo monkeys. Ook ook, eek eek.

But then again, how are you writing if you have nothingness? How can you possibly write? How do you have internet access without PAYMENT?

[SIZE= 12px]Shit costs me way too much than it should; bleeds me drier than the atacama.[/SIZE]
You are making the assumption that I am the embodiment of nothingness, I see. Well, let me put that theory to rest: I am me, a person on the internet on the planet Earth, but also heir to the title "King of Nothing", after Bryztin the 0th.
You are making the assumption that I am the embodiment of nothingness, I see. Well, let me put that theory to rest: I am me, a person on the internet on the planet Earth, but also heir to the title "King of Nothing", after Bryztin the 0th.

It's kinda like how I'm the embodiment of storytelling. Almost like a god. That's why I'm called the Chronicler. I document events. Also heir to the storytelling throne. Which is made of books.
Oh, how interesting. You have my unroyal support, Chronic.

And speaking of books, I really need to get a new one - or continue writing my own. I just really need to start doing something literature-related.
Oh, how interesting. You have my unroyal support, Chronic.

And speaking of books, I really need to get a new one - or continue writing my own. I just really need to start doing something literature-related.

I still have like 10 books I stole from middle school from teachers to read. I also have to get to reading the Bible.
Ehhhh... Aight. As an ex-Cathlic, let me give you some advice for when you do do that: take every story with a grain of salt. It's filled up with "Writer's Inspiration", one of the go-to examples being when Moses "made a path in the sea". It didn't happen exactly like that, you see, but the event was "documented" decades, even a century later, and them having so much faith in all-mighty God, believed that some mythical phenomenon had to have occurred. But yeah, just remember not to take anything seriously. °.,,,,,,.-
Ehhhh... Aight. As an ex-Cathlic, let me give you some advice for when you do do that: take every story with a grain of salt. It's filled up with "Writer's Inspiration", one of the go-to examples being when Moses "made a path in the sea". It didn't happen exactly like that, you see, but the event was "documented" decades, even a century later, and them having so much faith in all-mighty God, believed that some mythical phenomenon had to have occurred. But yeah, just remember not to take anything seriously. °.,,,,,,.-

Oh don't worry, I'm not a believer. I'm a foundationist at best. I mean, I believe at some length but I believe that there's a higher power above god. And that God isn't the only omnipotent being in this universe.
Heh. Interesting that you bring that up. I myself believe in my own form of existentialism. I basically believe that, there is a God, or possibly more than one omnipotent being, who created the laws (Gravity, and the other three forces, which I don't remember in English), but contrary to what Christianity believes (that God is all nice n' shit, and that Good and Bad is an astral concept type thing), I don't think that the psychological concept that us sentient beings have created (Good and Bad) is an essential element to said God(s)'s existence. And that, a possibility might be that said God(s) might not actually be fully aware of what it's doing even - that it just sort of exists the way it is, and does things without any real meaning.

Now that I've explained this, I'm only now realizing that I somewhat lean towards Foundationism, as I don't actually think there is any real way to define those Omnipotent Beings.
You are making the assumption that I am the embodiment of nothingness, I see. Well, let me put that theory to rest: I am me, a person on the internet on the planet Earth, but also heir to the title "King of Nothing", after Bryztin the 0th.

Wait a minute, are you telling me that you're a person on the internet, or a person who's using the internet?

Also, how does a Bowl of Broth type on a laptop/PC?

[SIZE= 12px]Depends on whether the broth is omnipotent or not.[/SIZE]

It's kinda like how I'm the embodiment of storytelling. Almost like a god. That's why I'm called the Chronicler. I document events. Also heir to the storytelling throne. Which is made of books.

[SIZE= 12px]Are you trying to tell us that you really just sit on books everyday? Or should I say, BOOKLETS!?!?!?!?[/SIZE]

Oh don't worry, I'm not a believer. I'm a foundationist at best. I mean, I believe at some length but I believe that there's a higher power above god. And that God isn't the only omnipotent being in this universe.

[SIZE= 12px]Godus Operandi[/SIZE][SIZE= 12px].[/SIZE]
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I could be either, in any case. Who knows, you may have been talking to a self-aware AI all this time, with a copy of a personality of a person who once existed, but is no longer with us.
Heh. Interesting that you bring that up. I myself believe in my own form of existentialism. I basically believe that, there is a God, or possibly more than one omnipotent being, who created the laws (Gravity, and the other three forces, which I don't remember in English), but contrary to what Christianity believes (that God is all nice n' shit, and that Good and Bad is an astral concept type thing), I don't think that the psychological concept that us sentient beings have created (Good and Bad) is an essential element to said God(s)'s existence. And that, a possibility might be that said God(s) might not actually be fully aware of what it's doing even - that it just sort of exists the way it is, and does things without any real meaning.

Now that I've explained this, I'm only now realizing that I somewhat lean towards Foundationism, as I don't actually think there is any real way to define those Omnipotent Beings.

If I wanted to define good and bad, I'd go to straight to nihilism.

Wait a minute, are you telling me that you're a person on the internet, or a person who's using the internet?

[SIZE= 12px]Depends on whether the broth is omnipotent or not.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Are you trying to tell us that you really just sit on books everyday? Or should I say, BOOKLETS!?!?!?!?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Godus Operandi[/SIZE][SIZE= 12px].[/SIZE]

Well, Nihilism is an essential element to most (if not all) forms of Existentialism, in regards to the definitions of "Good and Bad".
I could neither be a hobo, nor a monkey, as neither of them have access to the internet, and one of them doesn't even know what this string of symbols is supposed to mean, or that it has any greater meaning at all.

Insane, however, is another story.

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