OOC (Tribal Feud)

This is so fun seeing all the old members come back because I heard so much about the first Tribal Feud from KiKi xD
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
That's okay. I just wanted to know what's happened so far rather than read everything that's happened. *shrugs*
I don't know too much, but from what I can tell humans have arrived on the island. The Kiba tribe is rather hostile towards them while the Azoth people are being welcoming. Two Azoth members sparred but got hurt and are currently being taken care of. That's all I know.
I shall be postin tomorrow! Just been busy lately


@PlaguedWithInsanity I think I'll pass on a sibling for Specks, I didn't design him with a sibling in mind, so I'm going to have to turn the offer down. I appreciate the offer though!
A rough summery of what's happened so far:

Humans have landed on the island and a Kiba scout spotted them. The scout was found by an Azoth scout. Azoth knows that Kiba knows, so are making preparations for being attacked. Kiba is still deciding on what to do with the information.

Tidus and Mala went overboard while sparring so are getting treatment. 2 humans and all three Azoth healers are in the healer's den.

Alik and Akane are found Darren near the cave entrance and aren't happy about it.

Xander just came back to Kiba's side and Adeliht is headed out.
TerraBooma said:
@PlaguedWithInsanity I think I'll pass on a sibling for Specks, I didn't design him with a sibling in mind, so I'm going to have to turn the offer down. I appreciate the offer though!
It's okay ^^

I'll just look for someone else who's character I can create a sibling for. It's all good. :3
I'm going to make another character tomorrow. I'll start tonight but do personality and history in the morning when I'm refreshed.
@Kayzo dont worry about too much about the thread, one of our friends who controls the most characters is away at the moment x I can see where you're coming from though and if I have time later today I'll post as Mallory ^^
[QUOTE="The J]@Kayzo want to join our skype group?

I don't have a Skype.
Hey guys I'm gonna try post later today been studying for a hectic test thats in a couple of hours xx

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