[OOC] To the Roots... [The Hidden Truths]

I just realized that this doesn't matter. Even if they don't, Silver Tusks still has enough post-soak damage to 'Damage' the wall.

BTW, triple posting FTL. >_<
not for long... I do believe the people in the house, and in the neighboring houses, have heard Silver Tusk's knock on Daki's wall (or through the wall, as the case may be)
Both of Silver Tusks' current DVs are 2 (flurries hurt...), but I'll be attempting to stunt said DV. Speaking of which, was there a stunt bonus to my last action? I edited the post a little asking about it before you responded with the DB's action, but you never got back to me.

BTW, he was wearing a large, flowing hooded cloak to conceal his entire body and tattoos. Not that it will still be there after this big burst of fire hits him...

EDIT: Um... Since Elemental Burst Technique is a normal Simple Charm (meaning Speed 6, DV -1), shouldn't the DB's next action be on Tick 11, not Tick 10? >_>
Hey SRC, that'd be 38xp, wouldn't it? The Prelude for Tuuluuwaq lasted a total of 7 pages (7 x 4 = 28, +10 for the chapter end as you said?).
Not that I want to whine or anything, but I usually give the max number of xp reached by a thread to all other characters, to keep the balance between them on the long run.

In this case, Silver Tusks has exalted and gained 38 xp, Tarsus is still mortal and has gained 4 xp... see where I am going ?
Do remember cyl that my Charms cost at least 2xp more than yours in general... >_>

Though, I wouldn't want you guys to really end up behind, either. SRC?
I understand where you're going cyl, and I'll make sure all you who haven't Exalted yet will receive the same XP, but there's a bit of a reason for keeping Silver Tusks a bit ahead of you guys. Also remember that some of that XP gap is due to him having Exalted already, you'll close that gap a bit when you do too.
Oh yes I know, I wasn't talking about the solar/lunar balance, I personnally think your xp costs are totally unjustified, even with your shapechanging abilities. :)

I just remembered what you and Coyote told me in the WwtD game when you joined... about keeping the players on the same level. I think you were right.

SRC: I'm not worried about your management, I trust your judgment on this, just wanted to raise a point I have faced as a ST myself, pbp and solos can get out of hand when players team up :)
If I may, from the rules I remember that there was a limit to the max number of attackers per person, like 5. I can't recall any page ref though...

Anyway, sorry for the untimely post :?
Five is the maximum number of attackers for any given tick, yes. If the soldiers back up after attacking, sure, more could probably attack on the next tick, but supposedly you can only fit in a maximum of 5 human-sized attackers around a single human-sized target. This is somewhere in the Core, most likely somewhere under Coordinated attacks or somewhere similar, but exactly where I can't remember at the moment.

And god damn, 5 levels. Seems like someone needs a hammer to the face.
that's fine, there aren't more than 5 attackers on any one of you, and with the Db's action, and Tarsus' words, they are likely to back down.
Just to clarify things: the two guards who originally stood at the bathroom door are dead now, right?

EDIT: And crap, I just realized - Silver Tusks' soak should have been higher. He still has the Buff Jacket from his tribe, meaning he should have had a soak of 5L against that attack, not 2L. Oh well. >_<
The Two guards who stood at the bathroom entrance are still alive, badly hurt, but still alive, only two of the three who attacked Daki are dead.
Sorry fhg, I just went along with what was written in your Character, and didn't see the buff jacket, reduce your damage by 2.

Also, I've updated the combat sequence, fhg, Silver tusks is up next, and after that it's Daki's turn (which he already did), and Tarsus.
No worries, I had forgotten to put it in there because it's lack of moonsilver makes it unable to be used in DBT.

Working on a post, hopefully it'll be up tonight.

EDIT: I just noticed something curious in the Combat section of the Core. Under "Grappling" on page 157, it says "Clinching can be part of a flurry, and with a stunt or magic, it is possible to try holding two or more opponents at once by repeatedly flurrying with every new clinch roll (see p. 370)."

This is something I missed before, but I intend on making use of the bolded bit, if that's cool. :P
I liked the techique of clinch/break hold/throw for knockdown... but knockdown resistance roll is too easy (diff 2) plus the distance is truly crappy (wooh feel my strength and fly over... 4 yards).

Break hold/putting them down works strangely better

One day I'm going to go akidodo on 5 guys and put them all down in an action... one day !
Despite how far people can move in Combat per tick (which is obscenely fast, if you think about it), do you actually realize how far 4 yards is?

That's 12 feet. Or 3.6 meters. That's pretty goddamn far to throw someone, especially before the use of Charms. Also, don't forget that those soldiers are suffering a -3 wound penalty at the moment. That internal penalty applies to all their pools, and directly to their DVs. Considering they probably had a Stamina + Resistance or Dexterity + Athletics pool of only 5-6 before the penalty, and that they can't stunt and don't double 10's, I disagree about the knockdown roll. :P
Did anyone think these soldiers will stick around when their new "commander" is incinerating them, the guy they came to arrest killed two of them, the commander they knew turned against them, and there's a fucking Anathema with a hammer that looks as big as they are who just grabbed two of them and threw them 4 yards as if they were twigs?!

BTW cyl, hopefully you'll be seeing much bigger throws in the Thousand Fists chronicle once I get the higher Solar Hero style Charms. ;-)
Well knockback/down is useful against mortal extras, but can't be used efficiently against any more powerful being.
Haha, or once Silver Tusks gets Roused Bear Throw. :P

EDIT: This is not true. See Impressions of Strength (Birth of Flight) - for 2m, that same Knockback check rises in difficulty by (Strength).

Add in Strength 5, DBT, First Strength Excellency, Grand Goremaul = Oh wait, that knockback check there, the one for you getting hurled backwards 10 yards - that's not difficulty 2 anymore. It's difficulty 14. :twisted:
fhgwdads05 said:
Despite how far people can move in Combat per tick (which is obscenely fast, if you think about it), do you actually realize how far 4 yards is?
That's 12 feet. Or 3.6 meters. That's pretty goddamn far to throw someone, especially before the use of Charms. Also, don't forget that those soldiers are suffering a -3 wound penalty at the moment. That internal penalty applies to all their pools, and directly to their DVs. Considering they probably had a Stamina + Resistance or Dexterity + Athletics pool of only 5-6 before the penalty, and that they can't stunt and don't double 10's, I disagree about the knockdown roll. :P
It is reasonable to be "thrown" that far with a proper technique. It is also possible for someone to be back on their feet in a very short time. And that's at middling levels of proficiency. Of course, if you're wearing armor (mobility penalties exist for a reason), and you're heavily wounded, you will probably not get up ever, much less be able to avoid falling down.

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