[OOC] To the Roots... [The Hidden Truths]

Question, if we personally made an item, does it count it's full price against our resources or just the price to make it...? For instance, I've been picturing the yeddim carts as being a resource 3 or 4 purchase, with his personal cart being a 4. That said, if he got it 'at cost' (since he made it) it would count as resource 3 as far as the resources we can take with us go, right?
TherealBrickwall said:
I did some checking. You can do multiple clinches, but not in the same Action. It has a Rate of 1. It just means that maintaining a Clinch doesn't count towards that rate, so if you flurry, you can make a new Clinch while maintaining another Clinch. But unless you have something to expand the Rate, no multi-clinch in one Action.
Helpful tidbit for later.
You know, at first I thought so too, but this is actually incorrect. Go double check page 157 of the Core. Flurrying with a clinch is technically impossible without an appropriate stunt or Charm.

[QUOTE="Exalted Second Edition]Clinching can be part of a flurry, and with a stunt or magic, it is possible to try holding two or more opponents at once by repeatedly flurrying with every new clinch roll (see p. 370).

It is because of this line, I believe the Rate 1 limit of clinches is an effort to prevent some from attacking the same individual multiple times with a single Clinch. It does not specify in the way you are saying. Also, "making a new Clinch while maintaining another Clinch" would still violate rate rules in the way you are stating, considering that every check to renew a Clinch is an action where a Clinch action is actually used (the choices of moves available with the Clinch are always the same, regardless of which action you are on).
You can't exceed an attack's Rate without magic, not even with stunts, I'm pretty sure.

In other words, their talk of flurrying clinches is lies and blasphemy. White Wolf can't make a coherent system. We should know that by now.
TherealBrickwall said:
You can't exceed an attack's Rate without magic, not even with stunts, I'm pretty sure.
Meh, the book says otherwise. Sorry, but unless Errata is released to contradict such, in my mind the word of the book takes precedent over what anyone else says (aside from the ST, of course).

EDIT: Uh... SRC, you know that Blinding Spark Distraction only works when your opponent is wielding a metal weapon as well, right? Unless I'm terribly mistaken, I don't think Lai-Fen's hands are made of metal... :P
fhgwdads05 said:
in my mind the word of the book takes precedent over what anyone else says (aside from the ST, of course).
In this case, I am going by the word of the book. It happens to contradict itself. It's not like I'm making this up; that's what a Rate is for.

Also, it's your turn to post. He's going to die by mote attrition if he keeps this up.
Daki was wounded by the flames, unless you stunted that, and I missed it. I'm pretty sure I wrote that Daki is also in the flame's area.
Woops, I missed that my bad... well, unless I do a retroactive 3 die stunt, he will hit (PDV is 5 on the T he attacks).

Your call: let me try to get the stunt with an awesome description, or burn me (which I would totally accept since I failed to read I got hit... damn work monopolizing too many synapses !).

I'd burn me to teach me to read more carefully ! :twisted:
DB uses Elemental Burst Technique, rolled 8 suxxes to attack, Daki and Silver Tusks, let me know your Dodge DV so I can calculate damage.

Cool :)

So I won't post my stunt in the IC thread since that tick is long gone, but here it is:

When the flames came at him, Daki did not bend like reed in the wind, instead he put both his blades in the middle of the flames to divide their path in half, and used a special technique his mother taught him when he was still a young boy.

Instead of fire she used to throw strong winds at him, but the force of the essence flow was similar, and his mother was a lot stronger than this Dynast.

A good martial artist had to face every situation with calm and introspection to deal with it, and for this one there was only one proper way to solve the problem.

The second his blades met the fire, Daki started to swing them around, in a circular movement with incredible speed, using the cold metal and the vaccum of air his swings created to guide the flow of fire essence, bending it to its will, and made a 360º turn.

As he finished his turn he stomped on his wooden ground with one last violent step, taking a strong grounding stance and spread both his arms in a perfect horizontal line as he released a kyai.

The burst of flames followed his movements with a single second of delay and for a beautiful instant the flow of fire essence was dancing around him in circles as if it was actually coming from him, and finally two huge flames sprung from the blades in a continuous line to finally crash violently against the nearby walls.

His master had taught him well.

So incoming attack is 8 suxx, my DV was 5 at that tick + stunt.
damn, you got a way with words....

Alright, i'll let you go unharmed by the fire, that was a beautiful description, but just this once.
TherealBrickwall said:
fhgwdads05 said:
in my mind the word of the book takes precedent over what anyone else says (aside from the ST, of course).
In this case, I am going by the word of the book. It happens to contradict itself. It's not like I'm making this up; that's what a Rate is for.

Also, it's your turn to post. He's going to die by mote attrition if he keeps this up.
I know what Rate is for, and I know you're not making this up. What I also know is that there are exceptions to the rules. We're not dealing with something sacrosanct like UFvIO. If the book says you can break a rule with an exceptionally nice stunt, then awesome. This isn't VAP, this isn't Zeal - it's clinching two foes at once, mortals no less. I sincerely doubt this is something that's going to be happening every time we get into combat, let alone more than a handful of times ever again in this game.

And yes, I know it's my turn to post. I've had life to deal with today though, so I haven't gotten around to it yet. I may tonight, and then again I may not. I'll certainly try though.
damn, you got a way with words....
Alright, i'll let you go unharmed by the fire, that was a beautiful description, but just this once.

Won't happen again, promise.

Thanks :mrgreen:
It doesn't matter to me, I have my action worked out but have yet to write a post for it. Trying to work on some other things at the moment.
Gak got a reunion on my lunch break... was eating my sandwich in the conference room... classy !

Will post tonight has work now :evil:
My extra BP is spent. I'm not sure I want to know what kind of Attributes I'll have when I Exalt, but I have a feeling that they'll be quite scary.

Anyway, question for the ST: Can we spend our XP on things with Immediate training times when we Exalt? Like, for instance, if I want to increase a Favored so that I can pick a certain Charm, am I allowed to do that? I don't think this will actually impact me, but it's something good to know.
TherealBrickwall said:
My extra BP is spent. I'm not sure I want to know what kind of Attributes I'll have when I Exalt, but I have a feeling that they'll be quite scary.
Anyway, question for the ST: Can we spend our XP on things with Immediate training times when we Exalt? Like, for instance, if I want to increase a Favored so that I can pick a certain Charm, am I allowed to do that? I don't think this will actually impact me, but it's something good to know.
It might be wise to boost your Social attributes a bit with those Exaltation dots. That is, unless you want to be the 'boring' one. :P
Low attributes can be just as interesting as high ones. She's not supposed to be good with the social things. I might up Manipulation a bit, but the lack of Social is intentional.

Also, I want to take Mantis Style. I think it needs a few rewrites, though. It gives you Join Battle dice after combat has started some times, and has other 1e holdovers.
By boring, I meant in play - as is, she has the mortal norm for all of her social attributes. This means she's no more likeable, tricky, or physically attractive than Peasant Extra #4, etc. That said, I'm not saying she should have Social abilities equal to her Physical or Mental - of course she shouldn't, that's not her thing right? I was just mentioning how it may be useful overall to give them a boost. Certain situations might imply their use, and being able to talk your way out of a sticky situation (one you couldn't run from first, of course) is always helpful. :P

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