[OOC] To the Roots... [The Hidden Truths]

Not to mention the fact that sometimes the best way to get info is by socializing with them. besides, sometimes the best way to infiltrate a place is to seduce your way in, or arrive to a social event as if you belong there.
If I need to use those, then I've probably already failed.

You don't need to be socially adept to be socially interesting. I mean, with 4 more Attribute dots, it's either that or incredibly insane other stuff. Fun insane, but still insane.
Don't be silly. I still want my Wits and Perception high too. ^_^

I think I'll start on my list of 'what I get when I Exalt' now. Get all the approvals/changes out of the way.
Well, a good way of doing things would be to compare the Solar chargen with it's Heroic Mortal counterpart.

Solars: Primary 8, Secondary 6, Tertiary 4

Heroic Mortals: Primary 6, Secondary 4, Tertiary 3

As you can see, Solars get 2 extra dots in the Primary and Secondary categories, and 1 in the Tertiary. Since Heroic Mortals get 4 attribute dots when they Exalt, it can be inferred that those dots are intended to be spent with 1 or 2 each to the Primary and Secondary categories, and 1 to the Tertiary. Obviously, this is not an actual rule as it's not in the Core, but it's also probably a wise method of placing them.

Now, regardless of how Therealbrickwall spends his Exaltation dots, his attributes will still be crazy. That's because he spent 16BP on increasing them (+2 dots to physical and mental each, from what I can tell). Still, it would probably be good to balance the massive BP boosting given to those two by giving the Social attributes a sizable boost as well.

TherealBrickwall said:
You don't need to be socially adept to be socially interesting.
This is true. But being socially adept certainly does help you in that. Likewise, being social inept hurts you.
I put a list of what I want for my Exaltation bonuses on my character thread. Please offer comments there. Meanwhile, can we please kill this Terrestrial so we can get out of this city?
Two-weapon fighting isn't terribly useful without Charms or distinct weapons. The main advantage for magic-users is that each has its own Rate, so two Rate 3 weapons mean 6 attacks. The main advantage for mortals is to have a weapon with good accuracy/damage and one with good defense.

Also, you take a -1 penalty for all pools with the weapon in your off-hand.

Hope that helps.
SRC: If Silver Tusks has his anima up (which he could easily do), he runs faster than the DB. He can catch him. Easily, in fact. He runs at 20 yards per Dash, the DB's down to 18 with wound penalties. And he acts before the DB can take a second Dash action. Flurry that with an attack, and DB is done for.

Oh, and the dude's at a -4 penalty to DV right now, so there's no way he can defend well enough. Even if he spends max motes on his First Melee Excellency, his DV is 7.

Can we kill him please?
You could kill him, but it seems that it would flare your anima? are you sure you want to do that? you're in enough trouble as it is with this guy's anima flaring. flaring yours will be a sure magnet for any Dragon-Blooded or Immaculate monk out there to take you down.
You can activate anima powers without flaring, and this is only 5m. Also, he's currently just as visibile, and clearly has to run rather far for help.

In short, he has no reason to be getting away. fgh, please go murder him horribly ^_^ .
If you've read the thread with Lupo, you'll see that he might not to go too far, as there are three Immaculate monks who already planned to pay Daki a visit...

While the DB's flaring anima is bound to attract attention, how much more do you think it's gonna attract if it gets snuffed out suddenly. That will only make anyone who saw it know that there is a danger out there, and as far as you are aware many people would rather turn to the DBs for help, as they are the ones in power right now.

But I leave it up to you...
I was considering that... Also, Dexterity Excellencies can add to movement, so there's that too. And as for the DB's flaring anima, well, he's going to attract attention for two reasons aside from any potential snuffing: he's flaring, and he's running like he's trying to get away from a threat (I'm assuming this, given the fact that the left side of his body is nothing more than crushed bone in a jade can).

What I'm wondering is how he's doing all of this, despite the wound penalties he's taken. I mean, wound penalties subtract directly from movement, so if he has a -4 wound penalty, his speed would be 1 yard before Bellows-Pumping Stride (at least I believe this is how the penalties work, given that they remain until the wounds disappear, while the Charm could be activated at any time). I mean, it's pretty clear you're using ST powaz, but why? Do you want to get us chased by a whole city for the story? :P

EDIT: I see the character profile now. You wanted another recurring foe, I suppose? I'll leave him alone if you really want it that much, SRC. :P Besides, Silver Tusks has some sense of discretion. He didn't even take human form until he had reached Daki's place.

Speaking of which... What are we doing about Daki? Considering cyl's gone until further notice, do we keep him around?
The fact that there's a DB flaring is already gonna draw as much attention as possible. Killing him might scare some of it away. There is absolutely no reason not to kill him. At least that way he couldn't describe all of us. Seriously, letting him get away is a really bad move. Tusks would be wanted by the Wyld Hunt across the entire North and we'd never be able to enter a city again. That seems like a pretty big problem. We're already going outside the walls in the winter. At the very least, we should try to preserve some sanctuary.
TherealBrickwall said:
Tusks would be wanted by the Wyld Hunt across the entire North and we'd never be able to enter a city again.
Correction: You would never be able to enter a city again. Silver Tusks would have no problem getting in. :D

That being said, I'm waiting to see what SRC has to say. To be honest, wanted by the Wyld Hunt or not, it's going to me a lot harder for them to get him, than say, a Solar. And preserve some sanctuary? Do you realize what's happened to the North? The REALM is INVADING. There won't be any sanctuary soon, regardless of what we do here. And no, if those three Immaculate Monks are on their way, attacking and killing that DB won't scare the attention away. God, no. Even if you escape, Magistrates could still hunt you down. They could easily get your identity from any other passers-by. They have an inkling of who you are, and if even Silver Tusks kills this Dragon-Blooded, that doesn't mean you haven't already been spotted.

You're overreacting. Above all else, this could only add to the game and make it more interesting. I want an interesting story. I don't care if we "win" or "lose," so let's not try not to turn it into that, please?

I'll make this decision based on what I think Silver Tusks would do IC, and whether or not SRC would mind losing another potential recurring character, and that's it. Nothing else.
Look, as far as I'm concerned you can kill him, while I thought to make him a minor recurring enemy, he's not importnat in the grand scheme, though his somewhat close relations to Mnemon herself might cause more troubles if he's found dead, but that is a piece of info your characters do not possess.

As for describing you all? They alreay have the descriptions of most if not all of you... Remember, they have tried to arrest at least some of you, this will only add Tarsus and Silver Tusks at most.

As for how the dude is running fast despite his wounds, if you read the text i wrote you'll notice that I made no mention of how debilitating his wounds are... and there are some other details missing, like his Hearthstone. I'm sure you can make an educated guess, but later tonight i'll fill in some of the gaps...

Whether you like it or not, the fact that this guy's anima flared has attarcted attention. and it will take him time to call up the DBs, so you have some time of grace in which to hide/escape. Yes, I planned for an intense scene where you guys have to flee the city, how much of a mess you leave behind is partly up to you.

Regarding cyl, I'll use my awesome powers, and he'll go along with you, and maybe add some tidbit of info, if it seems appropriate, but he won't Exalt till cyl returns. Meanwhile, I will probably add something where he suffers some wounds that will force him away from battle, at least until they heal.
Considering all of that, the 1 background dot I put into Solar Bond is unusable until he returns. If you don't mind, could I take 3xp for it, or swap it with something else? Of course, I'd buy it up once more when he returned.
I'd rather you kept it, but if you want you can change it to someone else. Maybe the future twilight, he might need more help at first than your Zenith...
Well, I'd rather keep it, swap it for something completely different, or get the XP. To be honest, the bond with Daki fit best, and given the thought I've put into it so far I don't really think I want to change it to another at this point. I guess I'll just keep it as is then...
I'm back so problem solved ^^

Damn sister, made me miss my DB frag, and now he's ninjasmokebombed us !

We better hide soon and quick.

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