[OOC] To the Roots... [The Hidden Truths]

We could also seriously beat ourselves up to alter our faces...

"those worthless goons... always looking for trouble in a bar..." :mrgreen:
Precision: it's night time right ?

So a cloak of fur should hide most of our features...

Daki's going to the cache anyway.
I haven't yet decided what Silver Tusks will do, though I think he'd be against splitting up whenever possible, especially considering the fact that he can't be in both places at once should things go awry... >_>
Well, I had posted something for cyl to respond to about a day ago, but he's yet to respond to it. >_>
there's something I didn't notice till now. The raven on Daki's shoulder doesn't look anything like a normal raven... It's got silvery tattoos all over it's body, making it easily recognizable as an Anathema from the stories you've all heard.

Then again, all of you can still argue about it with him, or you can let it slide, and since he can't be in more than one place, some of you can keep him busy, while someone else is going out to the secret place with the disguises.

Silver Tusks hasn't taken the Charm that will let him hide the tattoos.
Moonsilver Tattoos are only evident on True Forms. Thus, we would have noticed them on the guy fighting the DB, but they'd be nowhere near noticeable on the raven. That is, unless he has a Tattoo Artifact, which is visible on all forms. But he doesn't.
This is exactly why I'm in the form of a Raven, and not a human. Well, this and to hide the Grand Goremaul. >_>

Lupo ran off to the wagon already to get said documents.....Though, I suppose he could be back already.

Or did you mean you were going out to the wagon as well....?
Well, she knows his human form, not his mammoth. And that's fine, I'm still waiting for the others to react. :P
I'm gonna pull a Dude Not Cool card there, SRC, since that pool would invalidate any reason for Lai-fen to think she could forge something (especially better than Lupo, who has much better Linguistics), and therefore the entirety of my last four or five posts.

Even if the book does support you. I wish you'd brought it up back when I first mentioned Lai-fen wanted to do it since she has much more Larceny than Lupo, but no Linguistics. At this point, going back and changing things would be impossible, and there's absolutely no reason Lai-fen would think she could do it if she really couldn't.

In summary, let us know these things before retconning becomes impossible. Seriously. I can't think of a thing to do with this now, and I really shouldn't be stuck because of mechanics.

So, yeah, fgh, you're gonna be waiting a while on a response, because I'm really stonewalled right now.
Sorry you feel this way, but my reading of the rules suggests that Larceny has nothing to do with forgery, unless you want to stunt it somehow. BTW, if I write something, and you can think of another way of doing it, or you think my ruling is wrong, just ask if you could use a different combination of ability and attribute, and provide a good reason for why it's so, and I might let you do so.
Your ruling is right (I mentioned as much), but your timing of providing it is entirely off-throwing. If you'd mentioned it way back when we mentioned forging the papers in the first place, I wouldn't have even had Lai-fen volunteer to do it instead of Lupo.

Also, Larceny=crime, and forgery=crime. That's how I got there. It's not illogical, but White Wolf can be is the thing.
If you wanna try Larceny + Intelligence, sure, you can do it, I'll just assume that the difficulty is one higher, because it's not the ability I would commonly use for this, unless you really score high on Intelligence +Bureaucracy.
In case anyone's wondering, ravens in Exalted are sentient creatures who can live as long as humans. They are usually not that intelligent, but can be over time. Ancient ravens are the subject of much reverence. So, as unusual as one that speaks perfectly might be, it's not unrealistic.
Err....source...? I've only seen one example that being the example raven under heartsblood in the lunar book. That raven is specifically described as being a special example of the species, also, it makes no reference to the bird being sentient simply that if seen it would be watched for omens or signs by the shamans.
As interesting as this discussion can be, and I think it can be, it doesn't have much bearing now, when Daki basically announced to the two who weren't at his house that the raven is a Lunar... :D
TherealBrickwall said:
In case anyone's wondering, ravens in Exalted are sentient creatures who can live as long as humans. They are usually not that intelligent, but can be over time. Ancient ravens are the subject of much reverence. So, as unusual as one that speaks perfectly might be, it's not unrealistic.
I'm gonna call shenanigans. Got a page reference for that one?

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