[OOC] To the Roots... [The Hidden Truths]


Are you insane? Now is the time for heroics! It's just us, our blade and wits against a handful of lesser fools with no real chance of beating us. (by handful I mean a few hundred, by fools I mean dragon blooded warriors who's hatred for us is so great they'll kill everyone in the city to get us but we're heroic mortals :P )
Uh well I was under the impression he couldn't be caught.

You can't catch him, and he can keep up his high speed for a few turns
Depending on how this is calculated, Daki acts on the same tick as he does, runs pretty fast, but if his

speed is charm powered, I won't be much of a match.

Also: 3 immaculate monks sent for me :shock: ... damn... I'm the local celebrity ! 8)
Tusks can catch him. Read a page back or so.

Anyway, I plan on leaving the city. It's a foregone conclusion that we'll be doing so ASAP. I just want to see this DB go splat, because I hate him and his face. And I haven't even SEEN his face. But I know it'll look prettier when we turn it into pudding.
Yeah, Silver Tusks could catch him if he activated his Anima power. Probably. But then we run into the issue of him running in broad daylight with his unnaturally-large Moonsilver beat stick, which is basically a giant, neon sign with "Anathema" on it. He would then proceed to utterly crush one of the princes of Earth, who was running away from him.

Now, let's think about this. An obvious Anathema, blood-spattered after brutally and mercilessly slaughtering one of the Princes of Earth, apparently a favorite of the new Empress. That'll go over real well with the locals. There would have never been a faster and more efficient Wyld Hunt assembled in the entire history of the Realm.
An obvious Anathema, blood-spattered after brutally and mercilessly slaughtering one of the Princes of Earth. That'll go over real well with the locals.
And you wonder why you got no friends there :mrgreen:
fhgwdads05 said:
That'll go over real well with the locals.
I'm sure they resent the Realm occupation too, y'know. Nobody likes a military occupation of their home. And, of course, it's not like it'll be any better when he goes home crying to his mommy about how the other kids were mean to him. At least this way she won't know exactly who did it. Maybe if she had Necromancy she might be able to tell, but she doesn't.

Blood for the blood god! Splut the unclean!
It's not the Empress, Mnemon is "only" the Satrap... You have no idea who the Empress is, but she's still powerful, and remember that even the Dbs have Investigation Charms, even if the locals were reluctant to talk to them, and they could always just torture.
Sure, I get a feeling that the Db's actions may have irked some of you.
Not just the DB, but their men too.

As Tarsus just proved, there might be good men hiding in the ranks of the imperials... but until they do not actually rebel against the imperials command, as he did, they are nothing but a bunch of passive murderers to him. Worthless gutless, preserving their own shappy lives to their conscience and righteousness.

I'll read through my old castebook Zenith again, to get a better grasp of the ideals of a "true" Zenith and will form some sort of future "school of thought".

Of course, events in the game will modify it :)
I've already updated the Xp post with your current total XP.

Silver Tusks has a total of 58 XP, and the rest of you 28 XP. That is, unless you've spent some of it...
I've spent 29 so far, so I'll have 29 banked. Though, I have some expenditures in mind that require no training time, if you're cool with that SRC.
PM them to me, and we'll see.

Also, as a general rule, if you use XP to raise a Favored or Caste Ability, during a scene, you cannot use that to buy a Charm that has the new rating during the scene.

For example, if you decide to raise Melee from 3 to 4 during a scene, you cannot buy a Charm whose requirement is Melee 4 during the same scene, though you could do it when you get to a new scene, or when you get some rest time.
PM them to me, and we'll see.
Also, as a general rule, if you use XP to raise a Favored or Caste Ability, during a scene, you cannot use that to buy a Charm that has the new rating during the scene.

For example, if you decide to raise Melee from 3 to 4 during a scene, you cannot buy a Charm whose requirement is Melee 4 during the same scene, though you could do it when you get to a new scene, or when you get some rest time.
Well, of course with the Charms. They require training time :P . I was talking about things such as Essence 3, Virtues, Willpower, etc. But yeah, I'll PM you with the specifics once I figure them out.
BTW, just so you guys (Cyl and Karrth) know... IC, Silver Tusks has told Daki and Tarsus his name, that he's here to make sure they get out of the city alive.
SRC, let's make that past-tense. It's something he probably asked Tarsus back at Daki's place. Also, it's helpful because he hasn't been introduced or introduced himself to the others. Until Daki/Tarsus says otherwise, I imagine he's just a strange raven to them.
not as far as you know, but they do seem to be out and about trying to locate the Anathema, there's a good chance that they will search the wagon, and it's not as hard as you might think to stop a Yeddim...
Just checking, but has there been any indication that Lupo's been uncovered yet...? or lei-fen for that matter....stealthy sneaky sorts that they are....

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