[OOC] To the Roots... [The Hidden Truths]

yeah, it looks like you actually gain back XP for Flaws, but I want to make sure that everybody knows: No Flaws will be allowed without serious discussion with me as to how and why they are there, especially after you Exalt.
Woops. :oops:

Sorry, I've been busy brushing up on my Russian cursing. Mat is such a amazingly vulgar language. :P
This is true, to an extent. It goes so much deeper than that though, the very roots of mat itself are five incredibly obscene Russian words, from which several dozen even more obscene words are made to form the entire base of the (sub) language. I realize explaining it this way makes it seem similar to cursing in English, but it's far more complex and expressive than how we do things.
fhgwdads05 said:
Woops. :oops:
Sorry, I've been busy brushing up on my Russian cursing. Mat is such a amazingly vulgar language. :P
Karendash! Shto merojendia!

I assume you have a Russian handy to ask what that means. It's probably not the correct romanization, but said aloud, it should work.
As someone whose parents and grandparemts speak russian (I never learend but that's another matter alltogether), I have some incling of how different the two languages are.
Damn, you both are well out of my league. I just started a day ago, but I'm armed with a powerful weapon - a beginner's reader on mat written by a Princeton PhD student on Russian Lit and a full pronunciation guide. :P

Translation, Brickwall?
fhgwdads05 said:
Damn, you both are well out of my league. I just started a day ago, but I'm armed with a powerful weapon - a beginner's reader on mat written by a Princeton PhD student on Russian Lit and a full pronunciation guide. :P
Translation, Brickwall?
No way. Find a Russian speaker, and speak it to them. In a loud angry tone, preferably.
Dear ST,

I have a problem :D

The way things are going, Daki will probably leave his book store, take his savings, going to a friend's to arrange a trip out of Whitewall as soon as he returns, and depending on the info the poor guy left will give me and the situation, maybe go after one of the names... but most likely he will leave the city.

Hence the problem, if I can't make contact with the others, how are we going to team up ? :D
don't worry, who ever said you'd manage to get out of the city before either the rest of them meet you, or maybe your Lunar pal will show up...
So have I :)

Don't know if you want to continue treating it as combat. He can try to fight the hold, but I doubt he'll manage to get free (I mean my dicepool is twice his...).
Maybe his Lunar pal is already there...

I mean, whoever said my prelude and everyone else's was running on the same calendar? :P
Don't worry Thereal, you're not too far behind, and I hope you're feeling better.

Dhf, actually if you look at the dates you'll see that your prelude is about 3 months before theirs, you're already in the city now, trying to track these cultist down... and you're about to meet up with Daki, see his thread...
No worries about the post, but I'd suggest not to upset the poor scholar too much, he seems to be on edge for some odd reason. :lol:
It's true the fact they knew his name stressed him out more than the attack, this was... unexpected !
I actually wasn't planning on having him talk to Daki. Actually, the post for my Lunar (who I still need a Deed name for T_T) would basically describe how he got into the city, and what he was doing in the alleyway.
I SO hope that the GM isn't cruel and have the poor kid I'm having running errands for Tarsus searched.... The content of the note is so clear as daylight if one expects Tarsus to be a traitor.

I hope you don't mind me making a few player made up things (mostly the ninth squad here).
fhg, while your mission was partly to check on the guild, Daki was singled out as one you must extract, if only for his ideas on civilization, which go along with those of some of the Luanrs'.

Karrth, don't worry, as long as you don't counter soemthing critical i don't mind you making some things up, and if you do, then i'll let you know, and you cn change you post, but the Whitewall militia i haven't event ried to flesh out much, so feel free.

Also, if I want to be cruel there are so many other things I can do besides having that kid getting caught... :twisted:
Daki was singled out as one you must extractif only for his ideas on civilization, which go along with those of some of the Luanrs'.
Lucky him, out of a city controlled by the imperials, soon to be under lunar control... and soon to be anathema... I should have taken the Unlucky flaw to its max :lol:

Edited: I forgot incoming DB + 9th squad... I definitely lost the 9BP :mrgreen:
Thanks :)

And I know that they will propably use hisw attempt to warn the others as a means to locate all the members.... But Tarsus isn't a master spy ^^ He's a smith and a soldier and the two professions have quite a connection: Hitting things with a large metal object :P I'm trying to play out how that kind of man would try his hand at this.

Would have been so much easier to stab the commander and leave by the window... But that's not all that heroic....

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