[OOC] To the Roots... [The Hidden Truths]

If I don't get 2 successes with my stunt dice for the clinch, that whole action is invalidated.

I think we're going to lose this. In fact, I don't think we even stand a reasonable chance of winning.

*goes to roll up new character*


So apparently this thing didn't have its DV penalty nullifier up this turn. I feel better.
I'm going to be upping my Fav/Caste Abilities with XP a bit, if that's all right. Not too much, because I'm saving up for more Charms, maybe even a combo, but some Abilities are needed right now.

I think I'll settle for making sure all my Caste and Favoreds are up to 3 for now. That's 10 XP, nicely matching my Exaltation. That okay?
Since your setting has changed things a bit; where does the imperial influence stop ?

'cause that's where we're going ! :wink:
Well, currently in the North, the only real extension of DB power is Whitewall, which you're just leaving, So you could roam the North and try to stay ahead of the DBs.

Another option is to try and locate both the cave where the Lady of Whispers left a gift for Tarsus, and thepartly explored citadel for which you've got a partial map of. Both are located in the mountains to the north-west of Whitewall.
I'd go with that... but... do we have enough ressources and materials to go there ? *** says looking at Atrius Night***
We have people and yeddim fodder for a month and that should be supplemented by hunting and grazing. I doubt that will be a terrible problem as we do have fhgwdads05's character with us. Also, they aren't pretty but I did make sure to grab an assortment of different sized winter gear before heading out. We should be able to make it, and it might be mentioned that as far as Lupo is concerned the plan is to take the road south till just prior to day break then start cutting north and circling the city for the proper direction to the 'lost fortress' which he sees as a pseudo-literal godsend. Also, I might have missed something but it's the first I've heard of the cave for tarsus.....Someone that knows may want to bring that up before we've gone too far.....
References to "God" don't make much sense when that's not specific at all in the setting, you know :P .

Also, totem animals are chosen and hunted down by a Lunar. They shouldn't be starting off with one. It's more likely that a newly Exalted one would have a random warform because of Perfected Hybrid Interaction.
Actually, the totem animal isn't hunted by the Lunar, it becomes a part of him when he Exalts. If he wants to be able to take the form of other animals he needs to perform a Sacred Hunt and drink the animal's heart's blood, and thereafter he can assume the shape of that animal.
MoEP Lunars agrees with you. I coulda sworn I read somewhere that a Lunar had to choose their Spirit Shape and hunt it. It always seemed so much more appropriate to the Lunar feel to me.
I remember something too about a hunger for the totem animal, I am sure it was present in 1e and remembered it was present too in 2e.
Not from what I could read from MoEP:Lunars. The momen you Exalt as a Lunar, you gain access to your Spirit Shape. After all, aLunar's Spirit Shape is an instinctive power for Lunars, one that comes in a package with their Exaltation (not a specific totem, but the ability to assume the shape of your totem, which is chosen when you Exalt).
cyl said:
I remember something too about a hunger for the totem animal, I am sure it was present in 1e and remembered it was present too in 2e.
In 2e, the Ritual Hunt is instinctual, but it says nothing of seeking a totem. In 1e Lunars, however, it is explicitly stated that the Lunar is, upon discovering their spirit animal, filled with lust for the hunt. This can happen as soon as Exaltation, especially since many Lunars come from barbarian tribes where people have already found a totemic animal.

I think that kind of vision quest is really appropriate for Lunars, though. I certainly will keep it that way in my games. But I don't consider it bad to go by the canon setting in this case. Especially for convenience's sake in running the Exaltation.
I kind of agree with you Brickwall, to an extent at least. But I can definitely see why SRC is running it as is. I had kind of originally planned to have had Silver Tusks get the blood of his tribe's alpha mammoth on his hands, and gain the totem in his Exaltation scene when the blood mixes with his own. It never ended up having to work out that way, but I'd still like to think it did in my own little world. >_>
I can see the appeal of something like it as a background story, but when running a game it can be hard to do in some cases. Since your totem doesn't even have to be from the same Direction you're from.

Think about a river pirate who exalts as a Lunar, and wants a Shark totem. Would he need to go to the Inner Sea to find a shark so he can assume his Spirit Shape? What if it's an animal usually found on the Blessed Isle?
Well, technically you're supposed to pick an animal that's around your area. At least that's what I've always thought. I mean, if you live in the fiery mountains of the Southwest, it doesn't make much sense for a giant squid to resonate with your character as his or her spirit shape (the animal shape he or she is innately and most closely connected to). Especially if your character has, you know, never seen an ocean before :P .
I can see the appeal of something like it as a background story, but when running a game it can be hard to do in some cases. Since your totem doesn't even have to be from the same Direction you're from.
Think about a river pirate who exalts as a Lunar, and wants a Shark totem. Would he need to go to the Inner Sea to find a shark so he can assume his Spirit Shape? What if it's an animal usually found on the Blessed Isle?
fgh's point is only one. Yes, there are many animals that resonate with any given personality, and when one identifies with an animal, it is one that they are already familiar with. Creation is not like our world. They don't have Animal Planet. A Southern warrior who has not received extensive education would not know an elk from a lemur by their names. The humans adapt to their environment like the animals. He who is like a tiger of the southwest might be more like a shark if he were born in the west, or a jaguar in the southeast, or a wolf in the north.

The other aspect is that, yes, a journey would be involved. If you are called to an animal that is far away, then you belong to that far away place in some way. You could not very well be the same as a lion if you never roamed the savannahs, nor could you be a polar bear if you'd never hunted among the icecaps. In the end, totems come from multifaceted shared experience. If one must journey to find that experience, and to truly find a Spirit Animal, then that is Luna's will.
I can understand your points, but I'm not gonna use it in this campaign, since I'd rather stay consistent with what I've done so far.

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