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Dice [OOC] - To Stand Against the Crimson Tide

Hmmm... I think Sayuri would want to go back to the docks or wherever else there's a need for healing. At least to do what she can to help until she finds her own bed.
Do you want to stay up all night healing the wounded, or sleep at some point? Are you inviting Sjet to stay with your family?
Random Word Random Word , would it be safe to assume it has been at least an hour since Conrad spoke with Azul and disembarked from her ship amongst the rocks? Trying to figure out if I can regain 5 motes of personal essence before attempting the Perception+Awareness role.
Random Word Random Word , would it be safe to assume it has been at least an hour since Conrad spoke with Azul and disembarked from her ship amongst the rocks? Trying to figure out if I can regain 5 motes of personal essence before attempting the Perception+Awareness role.
Yes, you've definitely had time to respire some motes.
Do you want to stay up all night healing the wounded, or sleep at some point? Are you inviting Sjet to stay with your family?
Not all night. Maybe late enough where she felt like enough was accomplished and then sleep. Yes, Sayuri would offer Sjet to stay with her family.
Not all night. Maybe late enough where she felt like enough was accomplished and then sleep. Yes, Sayuri would offer Sjet to stay with her family.
Then post to that effect 😄. You can describe how you treat the wounded, and reply to Sjet's question. If you like, you can even describe how you introduce Sjet to your household or what your family's urban compound is like. Obviously nowhere near as lavish as your country plantation estate, but needs must.
I've been meaning to update, but I've been putting too much time into work. Conrad needs an update on traffic conditions, Droplets wants an adventure in the Underworld, the Saint of Valour will offer to show Garret where all that shiny stuff he paid for is hiding, Sayuri is going to M.A.S.H., and Sjet just wants to go to sleep. Maybe the Manse will try communicating with her through her dreams. I'm going to need a minute or two to write all that.
I've been meaning to update, but I've been putting too much time into work. Conrad needs an update on traffic conditions, Droplets wants an adventure in the Underworld, the Saint of Valour will offer to show Garret where all that shiny stuff he paid for is hiding, Sayuri is going to M.A.S.H., and Sjet just wants to go to sleep. Maybe the Manse will try communicating with her through her dreams. I'm going to need a minute or two to write all that.
No worries, I was going make another post real quick. Just been busy.
I agree with Equusheart, definitely no worries. Your posts are so detailed and enjoyable to read, no doubt they take a while to put together for us. Been loving the fun, engaging posts so far, please take the time you need. :)
Random Word Random Word , I would like Conrad to grab his sword and wait in the tree until sentry #3 comes along, then drop on him from above in a surprise attack to silence him quickly.

How would you model that mechanically, do you want me to just do a post for hiding up in the tree and rolling stealth, or do a roll for stealth here in OOC and (assuming it is successful) script out a post focused on the sentry arriving and Conrad leaping down and then rolling the attack?

Also, can you remind me when we can use 2 or 3 point stunts? If this all works, I've got a great stunted action in mind for dealing with the small group of enemies, but want to make sure I don't assume too much in stunt allowances.
Random Word Random Word i am picturing for the three challenges the following:

1. A trial of strength to show he is strong enough to be the reborn Lunar that is destined to carry the panoply. This one using Str + Athletics.

2. A series of shapeshifting challenges to make sure that only a Lunar can access the tomb. Dex + Dodge

3. And finally a test to solve a puzzle, taxing his intelligence to put the pieces in their proper place to unlock the final door. Wits + Lore

How much detail about the challenges do you want? I have a few ideas for each one, but I don’t want to take any liberties with my character and your game. Also, should I roll any dice for these challenges? I can pump in some Essence to help boost my dice pool without a problem.
Is there options I can do within the narrative post? Like... can Sayuri send a little healing to the Aurochs? 🥺
Healing the Aurochs, a construct made of bronze and fire, would be beyond any mortal healer, but you're no mortal healer. If you want to stunt an attempt, by all means, but the difficulty of the medicine roll will be high! It's tough to heal a fire elemental with wood 😆.
Random Word Random Word , I would like Conrad to grab his sword and wait in the tree until sentry #3 comes along, then drop on him from above in a surprise attack to silence him quickly.

How would you model that mechanically, do you want me to just do a post for hiding up in the tree and rolling stealth, or do a roll for stealth here in OOC and (assuming it is successful) script out a post focused on the sentry arriving and Conrad leaping down and then rolling the attack?

Also, can you remind me when we can use 2 or 3 point stunts? If this all works, I've got a great stunted action in mind for dealing with the small group of enemies, but want to make sure I don't assume too much in stunt allowances.
One 2 point stunt per scene. Two 3 point stunts per story.

You can definitely stunt what you attempt to do, and roll dex+stealth if you're attempting to set up an ambush. If you fail, I'll just describe how reality differs from the plan.
Healing the Aurochs, a construct made of bronze and fire, would be beyond any mortal healer, but you're no mortal healer. If you want to stunt an attempt, by all means, but the difficulty of the medicine roll will be high! It's tough to heal a fire elemental with wood 😆.
Oh, nevermind then...
Random Word Random Word i am picturing for the three challenges the following:

1. A trial of strength to show he is strong enough to be the reborn Lunar that is destined to carry the panoply. This one using Str + Athletics.

2. A series of shapeshifting challenges to make sure that only a Lunar can access the tomb. Dex + Dodge

3. And finally a test to solve a puzzle, taxing his intelligence to put the pieces in their proper place to unlock the final door. Wits + Lore

How much detail about the challenges do you want? I have a few ideas for each one, but I don’t want to take any liberties with my character and your game. Also, should I roll any dice for these challenges? I can pump in some Essence to help boost my dice pool without a problem.
I want my players to take liberties with my game 😆. This is a collaborative storytelling exercise.

You bought and paid for these artifacts, so rolling is optional. If you want, you can even enter the tomb in this dream and describe how you overcome the challenges and wake up surrounded by the panoply. Or if you think it would be fun to have the circle help you, you can do joint stunts. Depends on what kind of story you want. We can come up with some kind of bonus reward for success since that's above and beyond what you already bought.
Oh, nevermind then...
This is Exalted! The alternative reading of the character for 'Impossible' in Old Realm loosely translates to 'Hold my beer' 😆.

You can absolutely stunt how your incredible skill at healing allows you to realize the bark of a fire-drinking strain of Ironwood your family grows on the upper slopes of the volcano would be perfect for creating a graft that patches the wounds of the Aurochs, turning it just a little bit into a hybrid fire-wood elemental and staunching the bleeding.
Oh, doesn't your path lead you into the Underworld? I must have misunderstood completely. You're using necromancy to travel within Creation?
Oh, doesn't your path lead you into the Underworld? I must have misunderstood completely. You're using necromancy to travel within Creation?

It does lead to the Underworld, but it's described as "These roads are fleeting, rarely allowing for repeat or return use, unlike shadowlands. While traveling along them, the Abyssal may encounter ghosts of the newly dead, who may be confused, lost, or afraid on their path to the Underworld. The Storyteller also determines exactly where in the Underworld or Creation it leads to, though it’s typically in approximately the same geographic location as the corresponding point on the other side."
So the path might lead her to the place of death that Conrad is near, before she follows it to the Underworld. It could well be that he just gets a glimpse of her as she disappears into the Underworld.
Random Word Random Word , for my ambush attack do you want it to be made as a decisive attack (and roll join battle first) or simply make a withering attack?

Planning to attempt an immediate execution of the sentry and figured I'd roll withering attack kind of like when fighting a battle group, but since she is off on her own just want to run it by you before taking action.

Once I know your preference, I'll post my attack action (and assuming it is successful) my follow-up action to keep it moving. :)
Random Word Random Word , for my ambush attack do you want it to be made as a decisive attack (and roll join battle first) or simply make a withering attack?

Planning to attempt an immediate execution of the sentry and figured I'd roll withering attack kind of like when fighting a battle group, but since she is off on her own just want to run it by you before taking action.

Once I know your preference, I'll post my attack action (and assuming it is successful) my follow-up action to keep it moving. :)
No need to roll, unless you think there's a serious risk your character might fail (say because they're new to fighting, unskilled, etc). As a Solar you can freely execute a mortal you have the jump on if you have any supernatural combat ability at all. We don't turn to the mechanics to answer questions with no stakes - that will just bog down the story.

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