[OOC Thread] The Whispering Meadow [The Lawgivers]

No you did good ST, you just need one virtue roll for each person facing a virtue 3+ compulsion, a single success means they have to act upon it, or spend a wp to block the compulsion.
I just want to say I have a special place in my heart for Eclipse caste, in fact they are my favorite. With Takeno's long paragraphs of words, he makes the perfect Eclipse. Unfortunately, there are just some people who will choose to relent no matter what you do.

Wait, I just noticed someone used irresistable salseman spirit.... keep posting, but I am just going to say I am sorry, because I completely missed it.

EDIT: Bah, salesman spirit isn't an unnatural mental attack, so he can still choose to relent. And he does. Sorry anyway Tourmaline.
So, I have been thinking of something for a long while now. If you guys want to stick with this game. I am going to have my brother draw pictures of certain events, like this one, showing your characters doing epic stuff in the storyline. He isn't a professional in the sense that his stuff has been published, but he is amazing at drawing. Plus, he could use the extra money.
Oh god, I thought you would punch him in the face, not pull a bow on him. Looks like Ebon has clean up work here.
Oh Heavens....I see my ordained artifact to be not the Perfect's staff but the "Immaculate Golden Broom of Splendid Cleaning" :lol:

On a sidenote, i think the drawings idea is wonderful and it could help immortalize some of the most important moments in this game. Being completely untalented in that department myself, i am very fond of people who can draw adequately and consequently an admirer of their works.
Some people only undestand display of excessive force... he looked like the type :mrgreen:

Plus you never insult a man like this, if you bitchslap him, he'll just bare a grudge, if you show him who's the alpha, he will know his place in the world.

I don't intend to kill him at all, but I can totally see his hand with a little hole in it. :twisted:
I will start by having him draw portraits of you guys, so that you all fit sorta the same art style. Then I will have him draw this scene where you guys are talking to this noble and crowd.

Ebon, get ready to pull out the big guns, cause I can see guards getting involved next update.
Bardlebee said:
I will start by having him draw portraits of you guys, so that you all fit sorta the same art style. Then I will have him draw this scene where you guys are talking to this noble and crowd.
Splendid. By the way he can draw my character with no weapon, since Takeno has left his sword at the feet of Mani. As for the rest of his appearance he could follow my own description of Takeno's looks as i've written it in my character sheet and improve upon it as he sees fit. I post it here as well for quick reference.

Takeno is a young man (almost 25 years old) and quite handsome. Tall and thin (1,90m 80kg) with an athletic build, fair complexion and stylized long silk-like black hair. At times, he sports a neatly trimmed beard that gives others the impression that he's a bit older, allowing him better interaction with the various traders and city rulers, who tend to decide the qualities of those before them based on appearance and not personality. He usually wears fine clothes with his House's insignia embroidered on them, denoting his position as a figure of importance and a diplomatic envoy. By his side, inside a nicely crafted and decorated scabbard, rests his chopping sword, a blade of exquisite quality that Takeno wields with an astonishing finesse.

On the second finger of his right hand he bears a beautifully crafted signet ring, gifted to him by his father, as a token of his lineage that serves to indentify him as a member of his House and affords him a better disposition from certain contacts and allies of his family throughout Creation.

While travelling he tends to wear a buff jacket, functioning as an armor in case of unfortunate encounters during his journeys. In addition to that, he carries, hanged from his shoulder, a satchel, containing his documents of office as well as his exquisite writing kit and various paraphernalia needed to enact his assignments. Also he wears a long hooded cloak to conceal himself better of any unwanted attention and move unhindered when he needs to.

Oh. And as for the big guns regarding social combat i don't think i currently possess any as Cyl correctly points out. All i can do is explain our situation to the guards as eloquently as possible, accuse the nobleman of violently rejecting a trade offer by striking my hand with the money and causing them to fall all around and that stuff. I can't compel them somehow to treat us better I cannot as in i cannot use a charm guaranteed to achieve that effect.
Bardlebee said:
I will start by having him draw portraits of you guys, so that you all fit sorta the same art style. Then I will have him draw this scene where you guys are talking to this noble and crowd.
Splendid. By the way he can draw my character with no weapon, since Takeno has left his sword at the feet of Mani. As for the rest of his appearance he could follow my own description of Takeno's looks as i've written it in my character sheet and improve upon it as he sees fit. I post it here as well for quick reference.

Takeno is a young man (almost 25 years old) and quite handsome. Tall and thin (1,90m 80kg) with an athletic build, fair complexion and stylized long silk-like black hair. At times, he sports a neatly trimmed beard that gives others the impression that he's a bit older, allowing him better interaction with the various traders and city rulers, who tend to decide the qualities of those before them based on appearance and not personality. He usually wears fine clothes with his House's insignia embroidered on them, denoting his position as a figure of importance and a diplomatic envoy. By his side, inside a nicely crafted and decorated scabbard, rests his chopping sword, a blade of exquisite quality that Takeno wields with an astonishing finesse.

On the second finger of his right hand he bears a beautifully crafted signet ring, gifted to him by his father, as a token of his lineage that serves to indentify him as a member of his House and affords him a better disposition from certain contacts and allies of his family throughout Creation.

While travelling he tends to wear a buff jacket, functioning as an armor in case of unfortunate encounters during his journeys. In addition to that, he carries, hanged from his shoulder, a satchel, containing his documents of office as well as his exquisite writing kit and various paraphernalia needed to enact his assignments. Also he wears a long hooded cloak to conceal himself better of any unwanted attention and move unhindered when he needs to.

Oh. And as for the big guns regarding social combat i don't think i currently possess any as Cyl correctly points out. All i can do is explain our situation to the guards as eloquently as possible, accuse the nobleman of violently rejecting a trade offer by striking my hand with the money and causing them to fall all around and that stuff. I can't compel them somehow to treat us better I cannot as in i cannot use a charm guaranteed to achieve that effect.

This is not entirely true. Though you have no charms, you still have high ratings for social interaction. Additionally, you will be granted stunts for epic things you say or do in your speech to the people, granting extra dice. Indeed you can still lay down the law without possessing silly trinkets such as charms.
I see. Sorry for misunderstanding you, since when i usually hear people talking about Solar big guns in tems of social interaction, they tend to mean powerful charms etc.

All i can say is that once again i'll try to give it my best and hopefully salvage the situation as much as possible :D
I've posted the base for your negociation, do your thing, let's buy this poor man from a dark fate, buy him some food, give him some jade and be on our way. :mrgreen:
Well..i tried to present our case adequately and let's hope the guards will agree and let us be on the way alongside the poor slave.
You must be a decent lawyer judging by your style. :wink:

Where are you practicing again ?!
Hey, thank you for your kind words. :D

I practice in my country Greece, (Europe) and specifically in the city of Thessaloniki (the second biggest city of my country). I am actually considered a "junior" lawyer in my country, since i have my license only for a year and a half and i'm currently trying to promote my career step by step since it's a very difficult field of occupation for those who don't have any siblings with relevant jobs (lawyers/judges/politicians etc) to help them get much needed connections through which to advance their careers.
Yep, I know the problem, the complete lack of contacts because of my lower middle class origins is something that made me turn away from the profession myself. In Greece I suppose you can at least try to achieve some sort of meritocracy, in France, it's almost impossible.

I prefered constitutions and governments & administrative systems anyway :wink:
Indeed. I come from similar origins, face the exact same problems and i can fully understand why you turned away from it. As a matter of fact i am unsure of what to do myself, since the overall situation regarding our job is quite alarming in my country.
Well IIRC you pleaded before the CEDH recently, so it means that you can work pretty much anywhere in Europe as a freelance consultant.

Try to see if corps like KPMG or any other consultant corps have offices around your zone, you can usually find good work there. :wink:
My parents grew up with us four kids, from nothing. They lived with my grandparents for most of my childhood. My mother kept going to school though and finally finished her nursing degree. We originated in Canada and decided to move to Texas because they needed nurses. We started out in poverty and my mother kept making more and more money. My dad, at the time worked in construction to help pay for bills because he wasn't legally allowed to work yet. When he finally got his green card he worked on planes, which had been his profession in Canada.

I think within the span of ten years our family went from poverty to upper-middle class. In Texas, they both made 75k+ when it was all said and done. I had been raised from my birth to the age of 13 on no money, from 13 to 25 on upper-middle class. During the second transition (13-25) my parents struggled with debt, as they did ever since I was born, they simply just had more money to throw at it now. Unfortunately they got divorced and went their separate ways and never learned the value of paying off all their debt. As, they did it once and now they are both back eyeball deep in debt, but with high paying jobs... which isn't good still.

My parents never paid for my college education either, unfortunately, but I don't hold that against them and their both good people. I just finished my degree (as you know) and I am making 40k at age 25, which is very good for my age (I consider 12 dollars an hour or over to be very good where I live). I worked full time and went to school full time.

That was a lot longer then I expected, but what my point is that if you work hard enough you can literally do anything you want. Of course, if I started out rich, I would be probably doing more.... or less considering I would have less appreciation for the dollar. Right now my debt isn't bad, but I really don't want to go down the path my parents took, and are taking.

Call me an optimist, but Ebon, you will be the best Lawyer ever and make lots of money and... most importantly enjoy what you do. I consider my humble beginnings of poverty a great thing for my financial decisions and something I feel like I can relay to my future children. But not now... I like my free time.

EDIT: I will say that I am a relatively lucrative field, IT. So my pay is good because of that, not because I consider myself a high-fly badass. My wife makes 45k, before she was making 50k.... but she is in the medical field. It is a shame we reward production and money in america and not English and Art. It's a damn shame. My first career goal was to be an actor :(
In this time I could have updated, but its time for lunch. I will say this scene is going to be drawn first. I am having my brother start on some portraits first however.

Ebon's speech was like DAMN!!


Awesome awesome awesome!

I will still roll your socialize ability, but you get three dice stunt, even though you didn't do a physically social action. I like to give stunt die as follows:

One for great RP

One for great RP

One for epic movement (Jumping ontop of a pedestal and reaching out to the crowd in the middle of your speech would be a good example)
You made more than a valid point Bardlebee. To be honest i am not complaining even though i may sound like it sometimes. Actually i didn't get into that job for the money. Money is not, never was and hopefully never be the top and driving goal in my life. All i want is to be able to utilize my knowledge, (limited yet) skills and (almost non-existant but gradually accumulated) experience in doing my job in a decent way. I don't dream of luxurious houses, fast and expensive cars, business travels around the world, model secretaries etc. I dream about a calm family life, in which i can live in harmony alongside my wife (when i find one that is, :wink: ) and later with our children as well.

What matters is to have our health, love each other and be patient and understanding to other people as well, be honest and try as much as humanly possible to adhere to certain values by which we formulate our existence. And i agree very much Bardlebee that i would not prefer to have been rich either. All i hope to achive is to manage, one day, to earn enough from my job to provide for my family and be able to sometimes help someone in need that i know of. Not the high profile cases, the extra publicity, the criminal syndicates and drug lords cases, connections and consequences.

As a matter of fact i was very happy a month ago, when i got my first job. It was nothing big, just a case involving the proper sell of an appartment belonging to a friedly family, which had some issues though and which needed me to look them over and resolve them. Thank God, all went well, at least nothing went wrong as far as i was concerned and responsible and they now feel satisfied and are very glad that i took care of it. It was not big but it was a start and now slowly i start to work on a couple more cases as well. I have no delusions of grandeur or smth. I only get angry sometimes when phaenomena of corruption which are rife in my country are utilized by those who are "connected" enough to get advantage of them and result in depriving the rest from living and working at a decent level.

On a sidenote: Thank you very much for your appreciation of my effort. You're a fine ST, Cyl Tourmaline and Therealbrickwall are excellent co-players and i truly try as best as possible to give my best self into this beautiful and epic story in which we are all together. All i can say is that i am inspired by all you people and it sometimes leads to good results :D

@Cyl: Thanks a lot for the tip, as a matter of fact it seems that they have such an office in my city and i'll probably check it out.
I am like that CEO guy who fits everything around his job. I am not a work-aholic, but my career is definitley the biggest thing in my life. Which is both bad and good. So, naturally when I see the topic of careers and stuff I sperg about it, haha.

EDIT: FYI, never ask me about IT certifications unless you want a five page response. IT is all about that. I could go on forever.
When I read that the nobleman resisted Mahir's social attack, I thought "Darn! I knew I should have taken Hypnotic Tongue Technique!" Then when I got to Takeno's speech, that changed to "Holy crap. Now THIS is epic."

My hat goes off to you, Ebon!

As for Mahir's turn, he figures they'll be back sooner or later to deal with Takeno's quest for the Scepter. Even if said quest involves Amethyst's Shattering Grasp. ;)
@EA: no problem mate, always eager to help a fellow student of da Laws ! :wink:

Let's move on, TRB's waiting for the resolution.

Any news from Mylli ?
Hey, re-read my post if you haven't I had to edit for a new line at the bottom in response to Tourmaline. Tourmaline, he also resisted to Ebon_Arbiter as well. The only reason he relented was of cyl's actions actually.

The guards at that point didn't want to get involved, so they relented basically at a MDV of 3, and Takeno, system wise got 7 successes. I just didn't add the roll in.

Also, I will move us forward to the ruin if you guys are ready... let me know.

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