[OOC Thread] The Whispering Meadow [The Lawgivers]

Tourmaline said:
A canine Eclipse Caste in action. Seriously, all he needs is the caste mark!
And yes, I will have a turn up soon. I haven't felt well the past couple of days.
*ahem* A werewolf? I believe the Caste you're looking for is Changing Moon.
I hope I'm not too serious / heavy on you :D

I gave you a shortcut to end the discussion and let the others jump in.

I consider this was a private discussion between Mahir and Blossom.
Not at all, cyl! I think such philosophical discussions are as much a part of the Exalted world as epic battles. I mean, our characters woke up this morning as regular people and now they're avatars of the most powerful god in Creation! That's bound to provoke this kind of talk.

EDIT: Anyone else who wants to jump in, go right ahead!
Yous guys taking for evar!

(No rush, just letting you know I am still here. Waiting on your eternal decision making process.)
By the way guys sorry for my absence for the last couple of days. We're having serious health problems in the family (grandpa is in the hospital) and i'm also finishing today my first job as a lawyer. Hopefully i'll get an answer up during the day.
Thanks for accelerating the posting speed when my school life hobby life and social life all start to come crashing together. It really makes me feel like I can keep up here.[/sarcasm]

I'll try and make a decent post sometime today since I don't have as many classes. We'll see.
TherealBrickwall said:
Thanks for accelerating the posting speed when my school life hobby life and social life all start to come crashing together. It really makes me feel like I can keep up here.[/sarcasm]
I'll try and make a decent post sometime today since I don't have as many classes. We'll see.
Hey, if my life is any indication, feel free to take your time. I know very well how life can affect posting rates. I mean... I just came back from it :)
Oh don't rush anything, we can just keep going on our philosophical debate with Tourmaline I think.

Many things are said, but nothing is actually done, so you're not "missing" anything per se. :wink:
My best wishes to your grandpa, Ebon.

Yup, Mahir and Blossom are just sitting around discussing the spiritual and philosophical ramifications of being Solars. They're not doing anything that will affect the rest of the group.

Take your time. I was in a similar boat last semester. Quantitative Analysis... why, God, why?!

*huddles in a corner, shivering*
By the way guys sorry for my absence for the last couple of days. We're having serious health problems in the family (grandpa is in the hospital) and i'm also finishing today my first job as a lawyer. Hopefully i'll get an answer up during the day.
I am sorry to hear that and I also congratulate you on being a lawyer. This is no easy feat.

I too am doing such a feat though in a different field. I am finally (next month) going to be doing what I have wanted for five years, Network Engineering. They pay extremely well and I just love working with routers/switches. Computer communication is just fascinating when you break it apart.
Since this is obviously Ebon's past, go ahead and make a decision on whether you accept the Perfect's offer. No need to wait on others. I know that I saw a post about Myllinia being very ill, I wish her well and hopefully she is okay. Also Brickwall's computer commited seppuku and won't be joining the party until Wed. at the earliest.

So make a decision, no rush, but as soon as that is done we can progress.
Poor Myllinia! :( Wow, RL has been hitting everyone lately.

Here's to a speedy recovery for your computer, Brick! I feel your pain; I had major technical difficulties this past summer right when another online game I play was heating up.

EDIT: Okay, I posted. Wall o' text ahoy!

EDIT EDIT: I added an Intimacy toward the Unconquered Sun (devotion) to Mahir's character sheet and changed his Motivation to "Create peace in Creation by spreading the faith of the Unconquered Sun". This doesn't mean worshipping only the Unconquered Sun, but Mahir believes that trying to emulate the four virtues of the Sun will make for a more virtuous life overall, and therefore a more peaceful society. He also believes in leading by example, so he's more likely to try and convert people by doing good deeds than by browbeating them. "No, do not praise me for healing your mortally ill daughter. Praise the Unconquered Sun, whose power allowed me to do so!"

Hmm. I know where my next XP are going now, I need a Performance Excellency in order to play a divine missionary.

I know that Motivations are supposed to be set at character creation, but heck, he started as a mortal. Even the most heroic mortal isn't going to have the world-changing Motivations that Solars have. And the experience of Exaltation definitely inspired devotion to the Unconquered Sun.
Just sayin' I am still here and waiting. Got pages of stuff for you guys, when you make your decision. Remember I am fine with a decision made with the three of you, the other two can catch up.
Hopefully i'll have an aswer posted as well during the next hours. I've been sick today though and i'll go sleep for a while. Will post as soon as possible, since i want to inform the others in detail about my visions and ask what their view on the matter is, since i wouldn't want to entagle them on a perilous adventure in my effort to acquire the Perfect's staff.
Well i'll have to be honest. I owe you all this much. I cannot go forth with my circle, travel all around Creation etc, while having a secret personal agenda.
Bardlebee said:
Great stuff Ebon.
Thanks a lot Bardlebee. I'm in the early stages of being sick with flu it seems (pain in the bones, fever, burning eyes etc) and it's good to know i can still compose a decent response for this great game. :D
*eats popcorn*

I have a serious wall of text to throw down. I can feel the end decision coming, but let me know when you are ready to progress.
Well we could agree to get to the site anyway, but we can't promise anything about bringing the orb back.

He couldn't use it if he wanted to anyway... :roll:

Also... maybe Takeno could remember this fact (no one can be attuned to both artifacts see Lands of Creation).

Does the Perfect know this ?!
Okay, Mahir wants to go. OOC, I would like to somehow have a reunion with Mahir's family; I think it would make for dramatic RP. And I spent two BP on Mentor, gosh darn it!

Get well soon, Ebon! Flu like that really sucks. Especially the pain part. >.<

Cyl, I don't think the Paragon knows that fun little fact about the Orb. I seem to remember reading something to that effect in the South book, but I could be wrong.

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