[OOC Thread] The Whispering Meadow [The Lawgivers]

If you guys say no, he has alluded to kicking you out of the city, or possibly worse. But there is nothing saying you can't use your skills/charms in bureaucracy or socialize to bat down that threat. That is of course as always no means to train wreck you guys into that ruin.
Ok personnally I'd like for us to share a bit before we keep going where we decide to go (ruins or not).

A lot happened, a lot has changed, and I think we need to talk about what we have seen.
I'd agree with that. That is why i told him that i wouldn't do anything without your consent. Proper discussion and deliberation on the subject would be very useful indeed.
Sure. No problem.

Of course it is the holidays still... I wish I was at home though. I understand we may be missing a few people due to obligations and of course fun times to be had.
Don't worry about not having read all the splatbooks, Bardlebee. The ultimate authority on any game world is the Storyteller!

The whole visions and Exaltations with memories thing is such a tantalizing mystery! I love it.

As for yes/no... Mahir does not like or trust the Perfect, but neither does he want to fight guards who are only doing their duty or angry townsfolk who don't know any better. Besides, even if the Perfect gets the orb, can he keep it afterward once our Night Caste has gained more experience and Charms? :twisted:
Silly Perfect, assuming that we'll find a supremely powerful artifact and not keep it for ourselves.

Or, possibly more likely, destroy it since it's kind of an evil artifact if I remember correctly.

I can use Shattering Grasp on Artifacts, right? I mean, if not, I can find a more creative way to destroy it, but I might as well check.
Well, he has an Eclipse Caste at his disposal. He'll probably have her or Takeno seal the deal.

The Eclipse ability only works on the letter of an oath, though, if I remember correctly. Takeno's got mad Bureaucracy skills, I'm sure he can figure out a loophole or two. ^_^
Actually i was thinking about sealing the deal myself, without waiting for the Perfect to request it (if he'd ever do such a thing) :mrgreen: , to prevent him from screwing us over after we (supposedly) deliver to him the artifact. To make him at least keep his word and provide us with those contacts he promised, so that we can establish a network of people who think good of us, a proper base of operations and then rebuild our lives and in the process reshape Creation as well. But given that this oath is binding for both sides and i cannot foresee what we'll do after we find it, assuming that we'll accept the mission, i think it may be safer to avoid the oath for the time being.

As for my bureaucracy skills, they may be considerable but i do not think that they go as far as finding loopholes in an oath enforced by Heaven. Of course this is not to say that careful and appropriately phrased terms could not possibly allow us to somehow turn this to our favor, but i'm not certain as it is.
I don't believe there was citation that the staff and orb are evil themselves, just the wielders from the Great Curse, if I am wrong please correct me.

Oh and hey, I am under the understanding the Great Curse is unknown to all, even the Sidereals. Would I be correct in this understanding?

EDIT: I will change those picture links for scarlet and perfect when I get the chance. Just haven't. Mainly laziness.
You are correct. Nobody knows of the Great Curse, although there's a speculation in the MoEP:Sidereals, that a certain god might have discovered something about, but it doesn't give definitive information from what i can remember at the moment.
Uh huh, there are some people who know about the Curse.

IIRC Lytek knows, he just doesn't tell everyone that someone screwed up the very thing he's in charge of, and Nara O also, as well as the maidens and another two or three more gods... and well Autochton of course.

The Sidereals in the First Age became to suspect the existence of a curse on the solars, but their own curse blinded them to realizing that all exalts were doomed.
Bardlebee said:
I don't believe there was citation that the staff and orb are evil themselves, just the wielders from the Great Curse, if I am wrong please correct me.
Strictly speaking, there's no "evil" in Exalted. What I meant was, the Staff and Orb are both full of potential for abuse, and are essentially tools for removing the free will of a land's people. At the very least, Amethyst would consider this incredibly evil.
TherealBrickwall said:
Strictly speaking, there's no "evil" in Exalted.
Well, there are "creatures of darkness" that the Unconquered Sun gives us (especially Zeniths ;) ) special tools to fight. I think one can make a fairly strong case for Yozis and Neverborn being evil, as well as their more intelligent servants. Deathlords, demons, etc. And then there are things like hekatonkhires, the leech gods, forbidden gods like Han-Tha the cannibal god of Rathess...

Damn. We've got a lot of smiting ahead of us.

But when it comes to people and things, I agree. Even artifacts that many would consider evil could be put to good use. *pause* Mostly. If they don't come with the "corrupt the wielder to serve the Neverborn/Yozis" effect.
IIRC most Faes are also considered creatures of darkness.

It is a strange notion in the world of Exalted, since any being on the "shitlist" of the Sun is considered a CoD.
Now you guys can talk amongst yourselves in piece!

*Hides in a painting and looks through its eyes*

EDIT: Yeah if you guys want to stop/say anything in the middle of this process just say so.
Indeed. Happy New Year to all. May all the wishes you ever received, come true this year, for you and your loved ones :D
How long do you guys want to wait before moving on to the group chat? On one hand, I want to give Myllinia a chance to respond. On the other hand, I want to keep moving...
Tourmaline said:
How long do you guys want to wait before moving on to the group chat? On one hand, I want to give Myllinia a chance to respond. On the other hand, I want to keep moving...
I say you guys keep moving on, if there are a good 4/5 or even 3/5 of you in some cases there is no reason to hold off on the game. It would be just like not showing up to a real life game, except the offending person can catch up via reading.

So please continue your conversations in character or here in the OOC, assume you got the table and fruits you requested and hash it out so I have something to update on.
How long do you guys want to wait before moving on to the group chat?
Well we could do it several ways:

- have a heavy rp time full of what we need to discuss / say to each other in the main thread, which will obviously block the game for some time

- have it in another thread, dedicated to this conversation (I'm very fond of cut scenes ! :D ) + having a little post resuming the content of the discussion / ideas your character will bring to the table during this evening's conversation, so we can each start rping in the main thread with some infos about more insight on other's personalities wishes and views on the current situation.

What do you think ?
A seperate thread is not needed, RP it out or OOC it out and I will type out the decision and the causes for the decision. Either way, there can only be ONE thread. THERE MUST BE ORDER!

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