[OOC Thread] The Whispering Meadow [The Lawgivers]

Yep, the errata is an official document from the editor, presenting fixes and mods for the game, if not we'd have called it custom :wink:
Okay... is there a complete, easily readable version of the errata out there? Maybe it was just the fact that I was reading it at 2 AM, but I found the one linked to difficult to follow.

And as for the game... now THAT was a social combat roll! :D
Tourmaline said:
Okay... is there a complete, easily readable version of the errata out there? Maybe it was just the fact that I was reading it at 2 AM, but I found the one linked to difficult to follow.
And as for the game... now THAT was a social combat roll! :D
Yeah, the charm sure helped. Do me a favor though and in the future if you can just tell me how many dice you are rolling. As in what attribute+skill+charm. It will help me when there are multiple people making multiple rolls as I have to like make a second tab... and im lazy.

If you don't do it or forget, don't worry I won't kill your cat. It would just be helpful :P

Can anyone guess who the lady-silhouette is?

EDIT: Going to respond to cyl's post here when I get home from work if no one responds. If any of you would like to leave the basement, it seems Zaria is relenting to let you. If you wish to go up there to see who mystery lady is, sure go ahead. Do what you please! Just don't sign yourselves to the Perfect! You fools!
Scarlet Whisper, Eclipse Caste, Administer of Culture (or something close to that) in Paragon, currently in an "it's complicated" with the Perfect.
TherealBrickwall said:
Scarlet Whisper, Eclipse Caste, Administer of Culture (or something close to that) in Paragon, currently in an "it's complicated" with the Perfect.
I see you read her facebook profile.

Yeah, obviously. There aren't a whole lot of people it could be that are in Paragon. *switches character just to spite Brick*
Okay, I'll go back and do that.

Um, what books haven't I read. The one that just came out, I think it's the Broken-Winged Crane. What can I say, I love reading RPG books. I read them for fun even if I don't have a game to use them in. >.> I generally don't read pre-made adventures, but stuff that shows the worldbuilding? Lemme at 'em!
You guys have me at a disadvantage, though I implore you to call me out on any non-canon stuff. Sometimes there are reasons for character behavior or events, most times its because I am not fluent.

I have read Exalted, DB, South, Abyssals (2 chapters away anyway), and Scavenger Lands. I plan on reading Lunar, Sidereals, Underworld, Yu-Shan next so I can get a full understanding of the politics in the game.
So no matter how high Mahir gets in successes, if it beats Tepo's MDV then he can choose to spend a willpower or relent right? And then if he spends all of his willpower his intimacy towards the immaculate faith erodes one point at a time, based on conviction right?

So if he has a willpower of five Mahir has to brow beat him ten turns to get him to leave his immaculate faith? This is just an example, not what Mahir is attempting to do. I am just confused by this system.

If Tepo has an intimacy towards the immaculate dogma, then you sometime need to destroy that intimacy (although it already serves as a MDV modifier). That can be done with non magical social attacks (called Natural Mental Influence - NMI) or with charms (some of which create an Unnatural Mental Influence - UMI).

If he doesn't have an intimacy, then the social attack is a simple compulsion effect (compelling behavior) which can be resisted by spending willpower.

In our case, I don't know if it's an intimacy or not, but I do know that the charm used by Mahir does not create a UMI, so we stick to the rules for NMI which are: the target can spend WP to negate the effect of the social attack, and can spend no more than 2 wp per scene (meaning you can't make more than 2 social attacks in a given debate).

If he had used a UMI however, the 2wp/scene limit wouldn't have applied and he could have drained him of his wp to the point where he would probably have cracked, wouldn't have wanted to sell us death sticks and would have gone home and rethought his life ! :mrgreen:

The conclusion is: unless you use UMIs you can't brainwash someone.
cyl said:
If Tepo has an intimacy towards the immaculate dogma, then you sometime need to destroy that intimacy (although it already serves as a MDV modifier). That can be done with non magical social attacks (called Natural Mental Influence - NMI) or with charms (some of which create an Unnatural Mental Influence - UMI).

If he doesn't have an intimacy, then the social attack is a simple compulsion effect (compelling behavior) which can be resisted by spending willpower.

In our case, I don't know if it's an intimacy or not, but I do know that the charm used by Mahir does not create a UMI, so we stick to the rules for NMI which are: the target can spend WP to negate the effect of the social attack, and can spend no more than 2 wp per scene (meaning you can't make more than 2 social attacks in a given debate).

If he had used a UMI however, the 2wp/scene limit wouldn't have applied and he could have drained him of his wp to the point where he would probably have cracked, wouldn't have wanted to sell us death sticks and would have gone home and rethought his life ! :mrgreen:

The conclusion is: unless you use UMIs you can't brainwash someone.
Well so without UMI he will always have an intimacy with the immaculate dogma and never hang out with Solars saving the world?
Nah Intimacy are just modifiers for the MDV and "stuff that people care about".

Let's say Tepo has a MDV of 4, and a positive intimacy towards the immaculate philosophy.

If someone tries to convince him that solars are good people (with a NMI or a UMI, it's the same thing here), that goes directly against his intimacy, so he will enjoy a +1MDV, but that's it.

Depending on the circumstances and your interpretation of the character you are free to decide wether if he accepts the influence or not.

The thing is with NMIs the target either accepts at one point (wether from the start or after attempting to resist... that's up to you), or resists til the end spending 2w to stop the debate.

Tepo has shown us an attitude of "I want to resist, I want to cling on to my immaculate education", doesn't mean he will not comply with a second attempt.

The fact is even if Mahir's logic is sound and Tepo should chill... we're full totemic at the moment, trying to say to people "hey we're the good guys" with our animas on fire isn't that simple... so... yeah, in his position I'd have told us to back the fuck off too ! :lol:
Now for the other part of the problem (eroding intimacies):

If we have had time to talk to Tepo and convince him to renounce his faith using the system with Conviction and all (which requires several scenes, and is still subject to the appreciation of the NPC to comply or not).

The main difficulty for STs is generally to decide if the target of a Mental Influence (U or N, it's still the same principle) should accept the influence or not.

In the current situation, considering the situation and our animas I think you did right by Tepo. :wink:
Just when I feel I have a grasp at some rule. Exalted comes up and says "I HAVE MORE" with its dopey smile.

I hate that smile.

But that clarifies it, thanks.
For the record, I agree. Mahir is still riding the Exaltation high, even if he is a bit calmer about it than some of his comrades. That state of mind isn't really conducive to little things like logic. ;) "I made our enemy back down, I can talk anyone into anything, woohoooooo!"
The main things about social combat you must never forget, regardless of the rules, is that it all boils down to how well the pc interacts with the target and what's the target's situation and personnality, which are... up to your divine appreciation.

A coward with compassion 1 could totally choose not to resist the social attack of an abyssal demanding a human sacrifice else he'd slaughter him, and give the child he doesn't love to a deathknight for breakfast to ensure his own survival.
Sorry for yesterday's silence guys. Between shopping for gifts, attending a friend's birthday and having a session with 5 other friends, i found myself at home only to get a good night's sleep. :)

Now, regarding the character issues (specialties etc) they're all legitimate changes made by the developers, firstly introduced by the InkMonkeys, who as I currently perceive it act as official developers for exalted, producing very good material and being in touch and continuous discussion with the community. These changes are included in the - freely downloadable - scroll of errata.

As for what books of Exalted i've personally read, i'd say mostly the MoEP: Dragonblooded (since i've played a campaign as one of them, ST'ed by a friend of mine), things from the Core rulebook (though my grasp of social combat rules is somewhat tenuous and i hope to learn them by example as our game unfolds), and other stuff from the various MoEPs. I haven't read the "compass" books, except for certain parts of areas that interested me, and even then, not in detail.

Now, another thing that i wished to ask our esteemed storyteller about. Seeing that most of the group is specializing at melee for close combat, could it be possible, for the sake of variety and the sake of experiencing (as a group) another great theme of exalted in general and combat dynamic in particular, that i'm allowed to move my melee dots in martial arts instead? I only say so since i like them quite a lot and there's a very good roleplaying opportunity in addition to the combat manoeuvres variety that will be provided.

I mention it here, since i don't know how valid could that be, i was thinking perhaps that my exaltation could have awakened a different combat competency in me, maybe a part of my previous incarnation's memories etc, but in any case it is a change to my character (even though he's in no way combat focused) and i had to bring it before the ST and the group. I thought perhaps that it could fit better with the Diplomat of the Sun profile that i want to present to other people, bearing no weapons on my person (i was also thinking of laying dramatically my sword to Mani's feet, to show that i mean her no harm, and leave it to her as a memento), promoting peace and unity. If and only if my companions are threatened or justice or the laws of heaven are broken, will i resort to violence, and then by using my enlightened methods of perfect mind-body unity, dispatching opponents with no more harm than is necessary.

Well, this was my case, i can elaborate more on it and i can discuss at length on the topic of which martial arts style could be more appropriate for him (which one i'd prefer, which one Bardlebee would deem appropriate, which one the group could see as reasonable or interesting etc), but it all rests on the decision regarding my request.

I apologise in advance if my request is extremely off the line or inappropriate and i completely understand and will comply with any decision. In any case, i'm already very happy to be able to participate in this game and that we have resumed play once again and this thing won't change my attitude at all. :D
"Close combat" ability :) Also, If i'm not mistaken, Amaterasu has yet to show up and Blossom aims to be capable in almost every form of combat, being a dawn caste and all, especially taking into cosideration that specific caste's reworking in terms of mechanics, charm keywords etc. So technically, it's still "most of the group, right? :wink:

(Although i can't think of penalties, other than that the inability to parry, for using archery in close quarters as well).
Uh mate, you do know that you can use most solar melee charms in conjunction with Martial Arts right ?

It's not a dawn exclusive thing... every solar can use this.

The dawn are just better at it because they can buy charms in every combat ability and then raise the other combat ability quickly enough to use 70% of their charms with other abilities (I can't wait to counterattacks with archery :twisted: ).
You're right on that Cyl, and indeed through the martial and martial-ready new charm keywords i can do that, provided i increase my MA ability high enough. My intent though was to pursue a certain specific MA style (for RP reasons etc) and not just to get another set of abilities. But in any case, it's certainly a valid point and thank you for reminding me. :D
Will post later tonight, after Christmas madness has settled down. I am the Cookie and Fudge Queen at my house, currently baking sugar cookies. :)
Tourmaline said:
Will post later tonight, after Christmas madness has settled down. I am the Cookie and Fudge Queen at my house, currently baking sugar cookies. :)
No rush kids, enjoy your holidays and such.

Ebon, you write more text then I can shake a stick at, though this is a good thing. :)

Anyway, Ebon if you feel it would best suit your character you can move around the few points to make you more of a MA character. The exaltation will be the reasoning. of course if anyone else wants to do this, please say so here and keep in mind unless something as crazy as exaltation happens to your characters this is a one-time offer here. Though I won't allow a full character revamp, that's silly.

Going to update something substantial here in a minute. Can one of you PM Myllianna my messages still say "Outbox" and its been three days.... though she hasn't been on since the 13th, so it may not do much good.
Bardlebee said:
Ebon, you write more text then I can shake a stick at, though this is a good thing. :)

Anyway, Ebon if you feel it would best suit your character you can move around the few points to make you more of a MA character.
Yahooo!!! Thanks a lot Bardlebee, I'll get to it right away. I'll also edit my IC post as well, so that i lay my sword dramatically to Mani's feet, to keep it as a memento and as a sign that i'll try to abstain from violence and follow another road to greater enlightment as well.

Since we're on the topic of martial arts. Is there a specific style that you guys would like to see me practice in-game? (Snake style might be good, since my character is thin and not big-framed and muscular, which would fit better Solar Hero for example, even though Solar Hero could fit thematically every Chosen of the Sun and as of lately has received many modifications and improvements and i'll consider it seriously as well. I mention these two since they're on the core rulebook and there's no need for additional material search etc. What i'm not certain of though is whether i can learn other celestial styles without tutor or is it only those two. Another style that could perhaps fit, thematically, would be the "Arms of the Unconquered Sun" style, from the "Glories of the Most High: Unconquered Sun" supplement [pg.43], since it's emulating Sol Invictus Himself and has an exceptional meditative value as well, aside from the practical applications. The problem with it, is that it has been widely suppressed since the First Age and only taught by the Cult of Illuminated according to the supplement, so it is probably difficult to rationalize.

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