[OOC Thread] The Whispering Meadow [The Lawgivers]

Hey people. I'm posting to let you know that from next Saturday (6/11) till next Monday (8/11) [and perhaps from 12th till 15th of November as well] i'll probably be quite inactive, since i'll be appointed as one of the judicial representatives, in my country's oncoming elections and thus my presence will be required at the election department (in which i'm appointed) during that time.

(It's actually a duty to ensure that the election will go smoothly, with no bad events and then also count and write down the results and report them to the courts and authorities according to the procedure that is set by law).

Furthermore, i'll be travelling from the 22nd till the 26th of November for an educational trip to the European court of Human Rights, in Strasbourge, and therefore i'll be inactive during that time as well.

Thank you for your understanding and i hope it won't be much of an inconvenience.
It's cool, we are on a slow ride right now because I am taking a stack of tests.

I am graduating next month it turns out, since I passed my CLEP yesterday :)
Wow Ebon you are a rather... busy important person. Good luck on your trips.

Grats on your CLEP win, Bardlebee! ^^

And I suppose I really should post. Doing so. :P
It's Strasbourg actually, no e, french guy here ! :wink:

What are you going to study in the ECHR ?!

I wanted to go for a european carreer once, but came to the conclusion that the EU was an excellent example of the corruption that devours our governments and states, so I chose constitutional law instead.
A big incentive request just popped into my mail, I may have little time to post here till this week end.
Update on my situation people. First round of our double elections has finished, i had to stay awake for almost 30 hours straight, with little to no food (due to personal stress and stomach issues), with continuous pressure, responsibility (as judicial representative tasked to maintain proper procedure) and endless vote counting in the end, coupled with the inescapable frustration, stemming from a slow moving state bureaucracy and utterly idiotic "public" servants who could not even grasp our exhaustion but kept bugging us with all sorts of stupid requests near the end of the procedures.

Thank God i made it and was paid as well and now i'm trying to recover, in preparation for the 2nd round of elections, next weekend. Hopefully this time will be a lot faster and easier, since all the voters have to do, is to choose between two parties, with no further choice between the hundrends of local representatives for each parties. God willing it will be a better procedure overall and we'll not come upon the brink of utter body exhaustion again.
Nearing the end of the semester, swamped, you know the drill.

Any ideas on what Team Almost Exalted should do next? I'm for cleaning up (so they don't look like a bunch of hobos walking around Paragon), going out to get supplies, and asking Tepo whether he thinks they can trust Mani enough to hide out in her basement/potential trap. If he says yes, then hey, let's not look a gift horse in the mouth. We're not Anathema yet.

And seeing what sort of surprises our GM might have in store along the way. ;)
Sorry for the vow of silence over here.

I may have bit off more then I can chew, trying to run three games of exalted, personal life issues, and school....

I graduated, which means I literally have more time then I know what to do with. In my time I have been reading a lot of exalted. Though I know I should have posted something about my absence and for that I am sorry. Ugh.

Anyway, I just graduated, literally Saturday. So I would like to start again, and as a good faith measure I am going to update this game. Though I think I am going to close my other two as I do not think I have balanced my time wisely enough in the past to hold them up.

We can either continue this game or reboot in the north. Up to you guys.
Gratz for your graduation man ! :mrgreen:

I have no problem with continuing with the storyline we have now.
I'm only speaking for myself of course, but there's no need to rush the exaltation.

I'd like to get back in character a bit before she changes completely :wink:
cyl said:
I'm only speaking for myself of course, but there's no need to rush the exaltation.
I'd like to get back in character a bit before she changes completely :wink:
Oh actually this is not rushed, this is in fact where I planned it to happen.

This is just where the chips fell. Though it seems short to have you exalt now, I figure we are in a PbP game and to stretch mortal life longer then we need to is unnecessary.

Though you may have contact with many people in your mortal life afterward.
cyl said:
As the Troll said to the Ork :"Okey dokey". :mrgreen:
I realize I didn't give you guys a good segway to post anything, so if you are going to sit and wait for what transpires next, juts let me know. I am going to be over here sipping egg nog.

EDIT: And getting fat from food.
Congratulations, Bardlebee! *throws confetti* Speaking as someone who cannot wait to get out of school and on with her life, I envy you. And RL is always > than games. I had to tell all my online friends that I would not be having much contact with them, if any, for three weeks leading up to finals due to a term paper and two (TWO!) chemistry tests before the final. I kid you not. The teacher had got behind schedule on the syllabus and crammed everything in at the end.

I agree with cyl, no need to rush things.

Want a Christmas cookie to go with that eggnog? Or fudge?
Tourmaline said:
Congratulations, Bardlebee! *throws confetti* Speaking as someone who cannot wait to get out of school and on with her life, I envy you. And RL is always > than games. I had to tell all my online friends that I would not be having much contact with them, if any, for three weeks leading up to finals due to a term paper and two (TWO!) chemistry tests before the final. I kid you not. The teacher had got behind schedule on the syllabus and crammed everything in at the end.
I agree with cyl, no need to rush things.

Want a Christmas cookie to go with that eggnog? Or fudge?
Nah, I think everyone is back on board. So is there anything you guys would like to update on? If I don't see anything I will continue maybe late tonight/tomorrow.

Disperse your points, if you use anything that isn't in the main books, just link it please for my learning priviledges :)

After I am done with Abyssals and Underworld I hope to finally finish Scavenger Lands.

I have heard Infernals is pretty good and I know nothing of Alchemicals... think I will finish that next.
Well I'd like to know if you're going to use the last errata... because there is a TON of good stuff for the dawn (especially the Merged and Martial mods).
Hmm... on the one hand, the concept of shooting storms of glowy arrows is pretty darn cool. On the other hand, we have two archers already, one of whom is our Dawn. I want to improve either my Archery or Melee, because a Solar who doesn't have at least a couple combat Charms is asking for trouble.

What to do, what to do...
cyl said:
Well I'd like to know if you're going to use the last errata... because there is a TON of good stuff for the dawn (especially the Merged and Martial mods).
Of course, please link the errata though. I have barely read a lot of the canon, let alone the errata so it will help immensely. My hope is that now that I have more time then I can shake a stick at that I can plow through these pretty quick.
Ebon, for your lore check I won't bother. It is pretty customary that anyone with a lore higher then 2 would know that the design of that rod is:

Ebon only, unless you don't care about surprises.

The exact Rod the Perfect holds in Paragon.

EDIT: I will wait for everyone to update to update again. I have not heard from Myllinea or Brickwall. Lets hope they are still around, it is the Christmas season so...

EDIT EDIT: Yeah, so I understand that Lytek is supposed to scrub the exaltations for five days of they're past memories and such. Is there any other steps that I am not aware of? Of course, the strangeness of you all exalting at the same time, perfect circle, with past memories is there. Looks like Lytek got lazy. :P
Regarding the changes in character creation as per the new errata take a look here: http://forums.white-wolf.com/cs/blogs/freelancers/archive/2010/09/27/ink-monkeys-vol-35-the-dawn-appendix.aspx

As for the complete new errata i think you can get them from DriveThruRpg ( http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=84593 ), or any other PDF selling website, for free, just proceed to checkout and there's no need to give credit card number etc, you can just download it.

Now, regarding the game.

The rod is the one the Perfect has? Alright...that's a good one, only that i don't think he'll be willing to part with it, especially being the ruler of the city and all that. But then again, we're the Chosen of the Sun so i understand it's a suitably epic task :D . Also, if i'm not mistaken and remember correctly, the scepter/rod/staff is a unique and amazing artifact which could help tremendously in creating, regulating or managing a society/city etc.
The reason I asked about the errata is because you have now the possibility of using charms you have learned in a combat ability with others ability... which is totally awesome !

Some charms are incredibly useful and can now be applied to several other forms of combat (as intended in the spirit of the game): counterattacks, crippling damage as well as improved defenses, and it works simply, if you have the charm and meet the prerequisites for the other ability, then you can use the charm with another ability. (if you buy solar counterattack it can be used with Thrown or Archery for example)
cyl said:
The reason I asked about the errata is because you have now the possibility of using charms you have learned in a combat ability with others ability... which is totally awesome !
Some charms are incredibly useful and can now be applied to several other forms of combat (as intended in the spirit of the game): counterattacks, crippling damage as well as improved defenses, and it works simply, if you have the charm and meet the prerequisites for the other ability, then you can use the charm with another ability. (if you buy solar counterattack it can be used with Thrown or Archery for example)
Certainly, whatever makes Exalted system easier/more fun to use. Lord knows they should have developed something different for it.

Isn't there a problem late game (which we will probably run into) where you have to basically do perfect defenses and its a game of who has more essence? I would like to fix this with theory crafting or errata's.

EDIT: Have I given you guys experience beyond the 6exp I just gave you?
Indeed, the re-working of the Dawn abilities plus part of their concept, makes them truly the undisputed masters, not of one, but of all the forms of warfare. And it is quite an improvement. :D

Plus there's a nice change in your anima abilities as well i think.

As for the rest of us, it would be good to know if the errata will be used, in order to assign the 4 free specialties and also in case people want to get out-of-aspect charms or other charms, whose prerequisites have changed.

Regarding the perfect defenses and all, it probably rests upon the game and story in general, but personally i think we'll need those when we'll be about to try our chances versus a very dangerous and perhaps out of our league opponentand not merely spam them in every occasion. Especially me as a not-so martially specialized character i could have problems with overly demanding battles (i only have my melee excellency for attack and defence and could perhaps acquire a couple more charms later, allowing me to create an artifact equivalent weapon from pure solar essence, according to the "Glorious Solar Sabre" charm which has changed for the better etc. Of course i'll need essence 3 for this one but in time we'll see.)

EDIT: We had received 6 xp i think upon conclusion of the first story arch.

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