[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

Actually I'm working on how to really make this battle work for everyone, and also on how your individual actions will upset the dominion that is Nexus.

Mass Combat should be done by the end of the week, and then I'll got with Mandate of Heaven to insert your action (simplify them) and represent the consequences of your actions.

For now you just have to be patient but be sure that what you are planning to do will have pretty huge impact on the battle.
I'll be away from the 18th to the 24+th getting back to france and going to see my gramps for their 60th anniversary of marriage (try to beat that :lol: )

Will probably have access to internet though, but not sure I'll be able to post frequently between the flights trains and family meetings.
*pokes the thread*

I know that you're heading out to the anniversary in a few days, but there haven't been any posts at all in here IC or OOC since you made that announcement...
Actually I've been working on the Mandate of Heaven and Mass Combat mods I've been talking about for a few weeks, because I have a hard time measuring the large scale impact and consequences of your actions, because the system is simply not built to deal with such datas.

I'm gone tomorrow and I'll probably have a 1-2 weeks down before I have access to a stable connection, by this time, the mod should be 100% done, and when I get back we will resume this game. :)

Apparently Cyl has been spotted here and there occasionally. Still working on Mandate of Heaven/Mass Combat stuff, or something? Just wondering as it's been about a month now since anything happened here...
I was more asking just to see if anything was going on in here period, rather than the rules specifically. I know they'll need to be worked out, but that won't matter much until the game actually picks back up.
Now that I am back home I can tell you the whole story.

I went to France and NYC the last month and was very frequently on the move.

That aside I had forgotten my external HD back home in Lima (in which I store all my rpg stuff)... so... not only did I not make any progress on the rules (though mass combat are 75% over and that is the part that concerns us for the moment) but I also went offline for a while.

Sorry everyone for the waiting, this game will be reloaded during the week for the cut scenes, amd I'll double my efforts to wrap up this MC system once and for all so we can take Nexus on !
No, just close enough so you can hear my voice and see my terrible nature at night while I use words to make you my puppet, cause it's always better to be in the shadows behind the puppet.
Give me a big enough patch of the East, and I'll stay out of everyone's way.

Hold on while I decide how much is 'big enough...'

Okay, so you'll be glad to know that I ran a test for the base mechanics of the MC rules yesterday while I couldn't sleep (frickin jetlag ! :evil: ) and this test has had one result:

1 Yurgen Kaneko not using any charm vs 300 elite soldiers lead by a commander with the stats of an elite soldier = 300 soldiers down Yurgen to his incapacitated level in 3 rounds, but he killed 290 of them.

Obviously, if he had used charms, things would have gone a different way, and he would have killed them all without being severly wounded.

So... the system works and we can play this thing out :)

I just need to wrap up a few things, modifiers, unit actions, some slight addenda to charms and spells and I'm going to need your help for this.

Since we got different types of exalts I need you all to send me a PM the list of all the charms / spells you have with a duration superior to 1 action and that can affect group of people/vast areas to deal with the Magnitude / Might problem indicate you which will be efficient on a mass combat scale, and give you the proper tools to make Nexus fall into Oblivion ! :twisted:
Only Charms I could see that might have use in Mass Combat are the following:

A combination of Dread Lord's Demeanor, Heart Stopping Mien, and Killing Words Technique can cause, in the case of my character something between 4 and 7 lethal health levels to each member of the unit attacking me, but that is because my Essence is 4. It changes with the user's Essence score.

Caustic Hatred Diatribe can also be used against troops, as long as the Abyssal spent a scene interacting with one of the members of the unit. Mmmmm, would be a very good reason for the Dark Emissary to interact with the common soldiers... :twisted:

That's all I could find in my character sheet, but the first combo should prove useful enough, it is costly enough with 3 Willpower.

That's a tough one...

While it does work in a 1vs1 situation, when you're 1vsmany its effect should be altered a bit.

1/ a unit will have no choice but to attack you, if it can and succeds at the valor /wp roll... so the essence damage would definitely apply here. Should it still be rolled or applied automatically... that's a good question.

Since it's not a direct physical attack, I'd say rolled.

2/ it is not likely that men will spend 3 wp to resist not attacking you unless they're desperate... so the whole unit can't do anything to you (but not your unit if you are leading one)... so you can effectively hammer them sadly unable to replicate to the point of desperation when they will pay the wp... that's a very advantageous position for you !

Were they to attack you, they would however pay the HLs (and the unit would take the full 3HLs).

So: DLD works just fine / HSM gives the opponent -2 on his attack and you roll (essence) damage / KWT will work as written.

The thing is it will not cost you 3wp, but only 2 DLD + HSM (they are scene long)... and when you have the opportunity of using KWT you can effectively launch it without the need for a combo UNLESS you want/have the opportunity to use both within the first round.
*looks at charm list*


War charms

01) Morale Shattering Method : 135 (core 197) = 8XP

02) Arise and Slaughter : 135 = 8XP

03) Hive-mind Horror Tactics - 136 = 8XP

04) Glorious Carnage Typhoon - 136 = 8XP

05) Allies in Hate Discernment - 137 (core 197) = 8XP

06) Hardened Killer Training Style - 137 (core 198) = 8XP

07) All-consuming Encirclement - 138 = 8XP

I'm not even sure if my melee charms would apply as they're more one on one...

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