[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

Hmm, I thought I had some Sobeks in there to speed the flooding and act as back up healers....

Drat, must have forgot them...Mind if I add them in...?
Ah....you are not envied....

Though I may be of some use after you post....If you still need something with a hearthstone socket.....
Apart for the combat part, most of the time, we will speed up things in our posts (storytelling the scene, detailed plans + rolls instead of a detailed scene per scene) to get asap to the funky part the invasion itself (where everyone can play).

Sounds good to the vanguards members ?

If anyone has a need for anything (liege request / custom stuff / necrotech toys) , now's the time, after Monday, there will be no turning back ! :twisted:
Well, it's going to be "romanced" (better term) so I'll give you a lot of details and long posts, and the more you'll give me, the more stunt dice you'll get. :)
Okay, so tonight will be too late for second thoughts as I'm launching the cut scenes for each Vanguard.

Haky & Coyote, as you're on hold until the invasion begins what about coming up with new necrotech monstruosities (or maybe would you like to get some of the intial action in Great Forks ?).
Fate is really testing me these days.

Got hold up tonight at a restaurant with some clients of mine... we had reserved a fricking menu, and the reservation dpt did not transfer the correct code to the restaurant, and so my clients got a dinner a la carte instead of the menu we had ordered for them...

Difference in the bill: $230...

The bastards held up the couple like hostages until we arrived, and it took like 5 mins to set them free... then we followed the "Korben Dallas" negociating method!

All in all, I'll be a day late. :evil:
And worked til 1am yesterday.

So I'm going to open up the threads, as a symbol of my motivation, and I'll fill them with text during the coming days. :lol:
Updates starting tonight.

Chaka's down for a whole week IIRC so we will start without him.

Still no words on what Haku/Coyotekin wish ?
'kay SRC and Gulup cutscenes are up.

A.N. : should we proceed with the implementation of the flora or should we wait for Chaka to return and start the dueling ?

Haku / Juk / Coyote, still wit me ? :)
Well, the flora is mostly just prep work...

1) Set a Planter in a secluded region of the Park loaded with the instant army

2) Alter a large tree in said park and directly over the Planter into a sentient creature, Give it minimal instructions on when it is to attack, Feed it, it's neccessary artifact

3)Set two planters the day or night prior to the invasion outside the Council tower and the Guild HQ each loaded with a Death Jungle

4)Prep a number of Green Seeds of Immaculate Blood to heal Gullup with should any of his fights go poorly.....If some are left over for Invasion day all the better for keeping me and the various Exalts alive.....

There are a number of rolls involved....But between my artifacts and hearthstones (not to mention Favored Lizards rampant Skills) It takes a phenominal degree of bad luck for me to fail....(More problematic actually is worrying about my conviction rolls for willpower each morning as I'll be using quite a bit...)

There is opportunity for RP as I give the tree it's orders but mostly I'm playing a backup roll till the invasion.....

heh, Providing gear and support to the superbeings that surround me while I help mastermind the takeover of a sprawling Metroplis.....I feel like a scaly Lex Luthor....
The Haku has no request for the walker... last minute spending of XP will need some thought... I'll finish it up...
Well, the flora is mostly just prep work...
1) Set a Planter in a secluded region of the Park loaded with the instant army

2) Alter a large tree in said park and directly over the Planter into a sentient creature, Give it minimal instructions on when it is to attack, Feed it, it's neccessary artifact

3)Set two planters the day or night prior to the invasion outside the Council tower and the Guild HQ each loaded with a Death Jungle

4)Prep a number of Green Seeds of Immaculate Blood to heal Gullup with should any of his fights go poorly.....If some are left over for Invasion day all the better for keeping me and the various Exalts alive.....

There are a number of rolls involved....But between my artifacts and hearthstones (not to mention Favored Lizards rampant Skills) It takes a phenominal degree of bad luck for me to fail....(More problematic actually is worrying about my conviction rolls for willpower each morning as I'll be using quite a bit...)

There is opportunity for RP as I give the tree it's orders but mostly I'm playing a backup roll till the invasion.....

heh, Providing gear and support to the superbeings that surround me while I help mastermind the takeover of a sprawling Metroplis.....I feel like a scaly Lex Luthor....
That's a nice plan, would probably require a few stealth rolls though... even though rather large the park is carefully watched and patrols are rather regular there, because it's a high class district.
Where are the 'Green Seeds of Immaculate Blood' listed, by the by? Don't remember what they do (aside from, due to the context, heal).
Datz sikrit reesurch mhy frend ! :lol:

EDIT: sorry, bad joke, did not have time to give a page ref.
would love for some social combat to take place. do you want me to list what Charms I activate as i enter their abode, and what charms I use during the small talk?
The green seed is in O's Codex on the next to last page, second artifact down.....

It can be made into a mixture that heals 5 HL of damage (B, L, OR A!!).
Pardon the double post but forgot something

That's a nice plan, would probably require a few stealth rolls though... even though rather large the park is carefully watched and patrols are rather regular there, because it's a high class district.
This is where being able to look human, like any human in fact, comes in quite handy....Specifically, With Shimmering Water 3 'Guise of the New Form' I can appear as any humanoid of + or - 50% my own mass....and if worse comes to worse I can jump ahead with a conviction roll and turn invisible....

But yes, some stealthiness would not hurt.....
would love for some social combat to take place. do you want me to list what Charms I activate as i enter their abode' date=' and what charms I use during the small talk?[/quote']
Nah we're going to do this the old way in RP :wink:

AN: I had no doubt you being a DK would allow you to pass for human, yet a human planting things in the "middle" of the park can be kinda suspicious :mrgreen:
Ah, perhaps a conceptual error on my part......I'd thought, considering the obvious parallels(which admittedly may only seem obvious from my own perspective), that the park would be somewhat akin to New York's Central Park......With parts out of the way and out of sight of the bustle of sidewalk traffic and the like.....

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