[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

Rasheel is currently dealing with a bunch of Casteless and beastmen/wyld mutants who apparently want to make him their leader... It could only be more disturbing if they already knew that he was an amoral killer.
Dealing with a group of 60 people right now, updating all cut scenes during the week end.

Thank you guys :)

After this week end... it is "end of the world" time !
Well my mother and sister and I are okay now, worst part is over, now all we gotta do is deal individually as well as as a family with our negative feelings...

We've taken some time to gather with the rest of the family and be strong with their support, and my pals did a great job at taking me out and keeping me on the right tracks.

Only time will tell if we're good, but I'm not too worried, we're tough bastards ! :mrgreen:

I am taking the rest of the week off to determine if I'm okay with STing this specific game. I'll notify you on monday :)
I know it can be hard to deal with it, so take however long you need.

Whatever you decide, we'll respect it, and (hopefully) not lose any respect for you. :lol:
But will it enough? Can we content ourselves with his mind and soul? Would it suffice to sate our eternal hunger?

From beneath you, it devours. We devour. :twisted:
((Does a double take as he notices an update here....))


Welcome back, Cyl....

Do what you need to, I'm just glad to see my first Patternspider ST back on the site.....
Oki, so...

I'm going to reload this game, slowly but surely, one post per day / 2 days, so we can all fit back into our respective decaying shoes and have fun destroying lives and raising zombies.

Expect updates during the week.
Gee, I'm still unable to resume this game (lots of work and aside projects).

I'm still working on this mass combat thingy and have made some progress (for the pbp at least).

So I'll be updating again slowly, veeery slowly, til I get what I want out of my brain cells ! :)
The coughing echoes and is swallowed by the inert silence of the labyrinth.

So, who is up for a reload ?

Last time I checked we still had a city to conquer !!!

Facing my inability to build a satisfying Mass Combat system I've thought "screw this" let's move ahead free form and see what happens !
My god...

It lives!

Well, potentially. I'm in, tho I STILL have no idea what's going on in the Wyld zone and such.
uh yep.

I suppose the best way to deal with this long absence would be to continue the cut scenes for a while before we launch the Nexus invasion.

We got 3 old timers here, but we could also recruit like 2 more newcomers.

Thoughts ?
I'm still in if I haven't been replaced in the interim....

((Sorry for the delay, I kind of stopped checking all that regularly since all my games seem to have slipped into hibernation mode.....Checking daily from here on in...))

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