[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

The only charm I have that might be appropriate is Elemental Burst Technique, since it's an area-of-effect attack. Other than that, Mantis Form might do something, but I'm pretty much geared for hand-to-hand.
01) classic check for rout

02) Creation of a Unit of zombies/skeletons/hungry ghoss (if you have it as Avatar) Magnitude ... 6 :lol:

So whenever you will use this charm, we will automatically use the Army vs Army rules.

03) When commanding a unit / an army, it gains automatically (essence) Drill (max 5) and does not need relays anymore.

04) as stated, you can easily take on and dissolve unit with a magnitude 3+ as long as you fight as a solo unit (this one is insanely powerful especially when you fight anything else than mortals)

05) allows you to direct an army while actually fighting as a unit leader / solo unit.

06) classic training charm

07) I need to get my head around this envelopping unit business... but would only work if you're a unit leader, if you act only as general this charm would not take effect.

So all in all you get to choose between being a general with a horde of undead (the hungry ghosts provided by Walker sama will add to your troops created with A&S) with Drill 4-5, AND being either the commader of a unit made of undead that will regen if they succeed in envelopping smaller opposing units (which is an undeniable advantage) OR being the lonely hero that makes widows and orphans by the thousand every time she bats an eye lash.

So not only will you be able to command the army anywhere you go within Nexus, but you will also communicate with other players and be able to give them bonuses via your strategy rolls.

With the guys on your team (some bring big and mighty units, others are almost perfect killing machines and you got casters) the conquering of Nexus will be one of the briefest and most violent massacre of all times.

You're ready on your battle plans ?

Atrius Night: we need to work out the stats of you know what.
Chaka said:
The only charm I have that might be appropriate is Elemental Burst Technique, since it's an area-of-effect attack. Other than that, Mantis Form might do something, but I'm pretty much geared for hand-to-hand.
When fighting as a solo unit against Magnitude 1 units EBT would gain you a +1 Might.

Mantis form however won't do anything apart from boosting your soak in Mass Combat.
Did not take the time to thank you all for your patience and persistence...

Now tiz done :)

As I wanted to get things right and play on a large scale for the next chapters of this game, I needed some mechanics easy to crunch not requiring adaptation and interpretation from me at every turn.

I'm having a new baby home this week end (a nice core2duo) and I don't know if I will be able to finish the definitive write up of the complete MC 2.1 mod but if you have followed the thread, you might have an idea of how it works by now, if not, get to it, especially Haku since you're going to be the general of the army).

The system is simple, you got a list of battle modifiers and 3 types of combat.

ARMY: this is the way we deal with armies with a total magnitude larger than 6 (if Ruby casts A&S that will be the case).

1- opposed strategy rolls by the generals (giving bonuses to units) with a list of modifiers... as it is an unexpected attack you'll get a large amount of bonuses over your opponents.

2- attack rolls

UNIT: units led by Heroes will have special actions that can reinforce the damage inflicted to the army.

1- wits + war roll to determine bonuses to attack and DV

2- attack rolls

HEROES: heroes fighting in a battle shine more than their troops and so they have special phases of actions.

1- opportunity roll

2- resolution of the opportunity
Sorry SRC, need my books on this one, your update is due tomorrow :mrgreen:

A.N. / Chaka, we are good to go: which way will you head first ?
Well, the so-called dragon has a few challenges ahead of him, where-as I've just got to place a couple planters and awaken a tree, all of which is easily enough done under guise of illusion and/or cover of night.

Oh yes, and a little bit of crafting is required to keep the terrestrial in fighting trim, using seeds of the immaculat blood (green) to heal him after his challenges.

Start with whichever you wish...no sure if mine are in fact scene worthy or not though ((Totally fine with that, can wait on the side lines to drag our terrestrial out should a problem of some sort arise....))

Oh! I'd meant for it to be behind the scenes sort of thing but if you like I could also play my Floral General on the day prior to the invasion.......
I believe Sage is supposed to be working on some undead monstrosities to tear Nexus apart when we invade.
Was this supposed to be behind the scenes? Are there rolls involved? Is there RP'ing involved. As usually after being away from a game this long and not involved I pull chocks and I leave. I actually want to be a part of the game, but it has been virtually on hiatus for a long time now.
IIRC, it was supposed to be done behind the scenes, but mostly because you were gone while we were making the plan to take over Nexus.

Your best bet is to PM Cyl and see what he says... if you can get him away from his mods... :mrgreen:
Chaka said:
Lemme see, was I assassinating people first or causing havoc via challenges?
Havoc via challenges first so as to remove the heads of some of the remaining mercenary groups, hopefully one or two per day in the week leading up to it, though I think we only have 2-3 that absolutely /need/ to be taken out, winnowing out a few extra terrestrials will make Invasion day (I-Day) all the easier and certainly make the resident Dragon-King happy......On I-day, it's you, me, and the fate-ninja taking on a war goddess.
A divine intervention from the absenteist ST (yeah I got hooked up on playing GoD too... and I also had a lot of work lately :| )

I, once again, apologize for the grave lack of time and ressource management to handle this game the right way. My modding frenesy has been keeping me away from running the game.

The cut scenes will be layed out like this:

- Rasheel: contamination plan (already going on) + extras

- Emissary: negociating a havoc with the faes (already going on)

- Ogama: ass whoopin (aided off stage by the Lizard) (yes I'm going to separate your thread from the Lizard's for more visibility and less confusion)

- Lizard: preparing for the invasion (planting the seeds of chaos) + extras

- Sage and Ruby: since you are both "preparing for battle", how about we actually raid a town to test both your abilities (and the system :roll: )? I would assume Walker sama in his great and dark wisdom would not throw both of you at the head of a such an important invasion before having confirmed your new battle skills.

Don't worry about the "extras", I have "nice" things in mind for character development.

If anyone wishes something different for his PC, now is the time to express yourself (by PM preferentially).
Sounds good to me. I look forward to this game starting up again. I haven't played everyone's favourite irredeemably sadistic dragon-blood in far too long. :P
Like I said in the absence thread :

Got two big congresses next week, and I gotta take care of a lot of things for everything to be ready, so I don't think I will be able to post anything until the next week end.
Sage would help with slaughtering a town if it erved a greater purpose. And if in this case it is merely distraction or such he would leave it to the slaughtering types instead.
My boss just flew away yesterday (she was supposed to take off on saturday) so I was delayed a bit.

Updates and new threads coming tonight.


Chaka: I let you make the first post so you indicate who is your first target.

Coyotekin: obviously Walker sama would not spend his knight's time on things that aren't important... creating shadowland strongholds in Creation is a task not to be underestimated.

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