[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

cyl said:
I dunno maybe... an appropriated mode of transportation.
You have two Sorcerers capable of summoning some of the Pretty Demon Wasps found in Games of Divinity who's names I can't recall at the moment. They are designed to be mounts and could certainly carry three deathknights each.

You could ask for a Sorcery Capturing Cord if she's a Sorcerer or Necromancer.
She's not a sorceress nor a nekomancer. She does have a war-chocobo for a mount. Gotten with the resource 3 from liege. ^_^ ;
I guess I could request a open top sports carriage being drawn by captive DBs... :lol:
Naw. If we were in the spirit, we'd kill 'em and raise their zombie corpses to do the work!
Nah you gonna kill em anyway, but you can make em suffer and teach them a little before finally releasing them :D
She is indeed a sorcerer-nekomancer (rise armies of dead kitties !!!), and is used to travel a lot and spread the influence of her Liege everywhere she goes... there is a reason why the master summoned a full circle ( and 1/5).
Oh, c'mon. It'd be cool! We all go down to the basement, someone jumps in the coffin, flash-zow we're somewhere else! And we can keep stuff in it.

I guess that would be more appropriate as an alternate location manse...

Sadly, my manse isn't going to have something that silly built into him. Walker-sama wouldn't hear of it... :lol:
5 more to go :)

I finished writing the 4 acts of the first chapter.

Now all I have to do is finishing the NPC and that's all.

Do you need a description for the Green Lady and Walker like "what is known of them" or can I skip that part ?
If you want to...

Granted, I can't look at the image presented in the Underworld book with a straight face... she goes around in nothing but ribbons? :lol:
Yeah... starmetal artifacts it seems.

From what I remember from 1e, caste book night I think, she looked like a mummy all wrapped up... she has a sexier design now.
Maybe... it just seems... silly ^_^

I suppose there might be OTHER sids who dress like her... :lol:

But you run the risk of going naked when you're fighting...

You're still naked... :lol:

Seriously, PAoC doesn't allow you to create clothes or wear armour. Only used OTHER weapons...
tut tut...

Final charm allows you to benefit from all the previous sub form charms if you pay the cost.

That includes the bonus from orichalcum form(+12L/B)... considering you can launch two more forms with it, if you have snake it gives you +MA to Bashing soak...

17+stamina B... I say that's pretty much what the MM superplate does.

PAoC is very very broken if you're an experienced siddy.
I suppose it takes a brave person to go prancing about nude in battle. I mean... no proper support for her bouncy bits...

Think about it.

Also... soak isn't everything. :D
No but considering you can quickly launch other cool stuff.

There are a lot of combination one can use with this style, because it can be stacked with two more forms.

Also... essence 7 for the Green Lady... you gotta be kidding me, she was young at the time of the Usurpation... meaning she's easily passed the millenia.

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