[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

Pretty pictures did me in to be honest. :lol:

Granted, Juk with a policegirl would have been amusing and kickass. Like Seras Kickass. :lol:
I picture the Neverborn in a Monthy Python like conversation:

"Well this one has class, I like the red hair... isn't he cute ?

- yeah but Bride is a much more classy title than Lord... plus it reminds me of Kill Bill

- what are you talking about ? the Bride was a good guy in the movie

- yet... she looked bad ass and kill many people !

- sure but... that's not the point...

- aw come one, aren't you tired of the emo kids with piercing clear coloured eyes and dark or white hair with some stupid sense of fashion and the smelly zombified frog faces we see here every two weeks ? This one will be cuter as a she !

- but...

- screw that, *POOF*, I said he's a girl !

- now that's very mature..."

Hencewhy, the bride doesn't say WHAT happened in that tomb with the Neverborn. :D
I like the PDFs personally, but I can do both. I just find it easier to get my situated, for most things, on the pdfs. So I will just do that first.
I almost died laughing when I saw your sheet :lol:

Intimacies : Walker (Bossman!)

Liege ooo Ruby is a good girl...

- Backing +++ Take THAT, got the favor of the boss... ^_^

- Mentor +++ I gotta read all this?!?!

- Resource +++ Pocketmoney for missions

Seems ok to me, don't forget to note your committed motes, it should restrain your potential as a WoMD.
Note: the character with the highest Liege rating is likely to be named the leader of the circle for the duration of the mission.

It is really a strange position, as if everything goes as expected nothing will be gained, unless some extraordinary level of result is achieved (in which case, I will consider extra favors), and if everything goes bad, then the responsible shall be taught a lesson... be he the leader himself, or the ones responsible for the failure designated by the leader if he can persuade the master he could not fight against such incompetence alone.
For this first mission, it will be either an exalt from the moonshadow or the day castes responsible for the mission... as they are those who come and go from world to world and know Creation best.

If Juk and Meme are not up to it either, I will have FTP come along and be the one in charge.
Tweaking the character to make up for the removal of the necro background. I still want to write up a sorcerer.

Hmmm, with the xp, perhaps I should go for Essence 5 and Void level necro.
Well, 1 spell is granted per circle charm, charms can be swapped with spells (you start with 14 charms/spells).

I think you don't have enough xp to get to the void circle and maintain your character balanced... being a sorcerer doesn't mean your only talent is casting spells :)
Wait... what?

Don't abyssals start with 10 charms?!?! We get MORE charms? :shock:
Man, it's 16 pm here, and it's YOUR charter I took :D

I wanted to have experienced characters with some depth, not the usual deathknight on his first mission who, the Neverborn know why, has Liege 5 :)

This gives a small space for sorcerers too.

And yeah the bank's closed. 130 xp everyone.
So, just to make certain; we all start with 14 Charms and not 10, in addition to the bonus BP and xp?

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