[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

Sorcery may be mechanically the same, but visually things are different. And stopping in the middle of the road to cast a spell is far less subtle than on a speeding carriage - on the carriage, you'll be out the scene before anyone even knows to react. When you stand there, you give them time to react.

There's also the whole thing about a magical, deathly, flying carriage. Compared to an explosion of fire that might slightly resemble a flying bird of prey? Yeah, that's a HELL of a lot less subtle. At least you use thaumaturgy or firedust / fireworks for an excuse with the latter.

And there's reasoning for everything, Coyotekin. Don't forget that. Just because Raisa asked him if he could cast a spell at some point doesn't mean she wanted it right then and there.
Hmm... it occurs to me that both our heavily-accented characters speak Skytongue as a native language. I reckon they'll get along like a house on fire... one way or another. :P
Not arguing her reasoning. ;) He's just not a mind reader and he thinks of what it takes to get a job done. I am enjoying the interplay actually. :)
Hehe thanks, I've started learning mat for fun, so I figured I'd apply what I've picked up so far to help :P . And yes, I'm enjoying the interplay too. If you think she's got a mouth on her now, wait until she starts drinking.

And yeah Tome, I personally can't wait for Stiches and Raisa to meet. :lol:
cyl said:
Like Stitches gonna be friend with one of the fate bitches :lol:
Stiches doesn't have 'friends'. She has a short list of people she won't kill until everyone else is dead. :P

'Sides, whoever said that getting along like a house on fire was a good thing? :twisted:
Tome said:
cyl said:
Like Stitches gonna be friend with one of the fate bitches :lol:
Stiches doesn't have 'friends'. She has a short list of people she won't kill until everyone else is dead. :P
"Remember when I promised to kill you last ? ... I lied..."

Heh :wink:

Small note: the correct name of the Necromancy being used is Shattering the Void Mirror. Void, not oblivion.
The spell automatically "hits" and deals remaining HL of the target x 2 dice or raw damage, armor can't be used to soak it.

He rolled 24 and got 5 suxx which is... not much :?
A few questions about the terrain.

The harbour; how high is it above the waterline?

Roughly how tall are the various buildings?
The harbour: 2 yards tops

The buildings around are small cabanas, inns, and counters, when you get past the 50 yards, you get small warehouses and barracks and after that the high walls of the city.
Sidenote: I'm going to nerf Shattering Void Mirror a bit as it is way too powerful as is.

The formula : deals HL of the targets x 2 L raw damage, bypass armor for 20 motes is kinda uber IMHO.

If you have suggestions, I'm open minded.

I'm considering changing the damage formula to attribute + occult and maybe + essence, more reasonable, but still powerful.
Take into consideration that The Flying Guillotine does an obscene amount of damage and it is Emerald Circle. Then take into consideration that it has been specified that when it comes to hurting things and destruction that Necromancy does a much better job than Sorcery. So the damage of that spell could be rather appropriate. Whereas Sorcery is known to be much more versatile on the whole than Necromancy will ever be. That is why it shows that and Iron Circle spell can be comparable to a Sapphire Circle spell for purposes of destruction.

I see no reason to nerf the spell.
Flying Guillotine, along with every other Emerald Circle spell, has an attack roll. Shattering Void Mirror has none. The only defense against it is soak. No offense, but that's incredibly broken, considering the damage it does. NOTHING should have so little of a way to defend against. It's just like with automatic unexpected attacks.
cyl said:
Sidenote: I'm going to nerf Shattering Void Mirror a bit as it is way too powerful as is.
The formula : deals HL of the targets x 2 L raw damage, bypass armor for 20 motes is kinda uber IMHO.

If you have suggestions, I'm open minded.

I'm considering changing the damage formula to attribute + occult and maybe + essence, more reasonable, but still powerful.
I agree the necromancy is overpowered in some situations, but, well... It's never nice when some of your character's abilities are reduced after the beginning of the game because the ST noticed they are overpowered, especially when they are canon. And it's Artificer's only offensive spell.

However, if you really think it is necessary, then I'd suggest you allowed the spell to be parried or dodged, making it more similar to Flying Guillotine. As Coy mentioned, Shattering the Void Mirror is doing exactly what necromancy is good at. It's powerful because of its narrow scope. It only kills, and only a single target. It can't be used for other purposes (whereas Guillotine can probably cut anything) or even affect automata or the undead. It also costs twice as much as that spell and is far more showy.
Actually, the formula we designed with fhg had in mind works along the lines of the original intent aka kill on sight.

I understand your position, and I am not willing to nerf it to the point it will be useless for you, on the contrary.

For its cost, the automatic hit is reasonable.

Applying only natural / charm soak is the only defense you get is à la limite acceptable, but the damage formula is however not.

A formula like: Intelligence+Occult roll with Essence automatic suxx (soaked first) could be acceptable.

You're quite sure to do at least 3HL + suxx on your roll, which potentially can kill anyone normal like the original spell, but leaves the characters with more vitality than others only wounded.

The captain you were aiming at had 13 HL, so with the original spell your would have rolled 26 dice - soak. With a character with 7HL only you would have rolled 14- soak.

The more healthy your target is, the more damage he will take, and that is just stupid IMHO.

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