[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

I'm fine with skipping past the battle (I'm just cutting through the archers 4 per action anyway, and pretty soon the nemessaries would be joining in. I still have half of the duration of Fury left, so I'm not about to run out of steam all that soon IC). I am wondering how to handle the apparent absence of Tome, as Stitches is Rasheel's Solar mate. Unless she dies (unlikely with facing this bunch and her still on the ship), I'm not sure how her not continuing on with the rest of the circle, but Rasheel staying with them, could be worked out.
Easy, Stitches will remain with the group, as will the other npcs, gives me more material to work with.

Haku and Tome will pop out of their maze (eventually) and will resume playing I hope :) , meanwhile they'll just follow you and get some minor interactions done sometimes... expect Stitches to be a pain in the ass at all times however ^^
I take it Jukashi is gone without return then? Raisa's concept kind of depended on the Constable's presence to an extent. She's still quite playable, it's just the idea of a small conspiracy was a good part of the fun. >_>
cyl said:
Easy, Stitches will remain with the group, as will the other npcs, gives me more material to work with.
Haku and Tome will pop out of their maze (eventually) and will resume playing I hope :) , meanwhile they'll just follow you and get some minor interactions done sometimes... expect Stitches to be a pain in the ass at all times however ^^
I take it that one of Rasheel's unspoken duties is to mitigate Stitches' behavior at times, then. :roll:

Ah well... roleplaying opportunities tend to result in some xp bonusses and whatnot, so I shouldn't complain.
I'd like to wait for you to work out the effects of Coyotekin's attack, cyl. If this means I technically have to have Raisa guard for a tick, so be it. >_>
... forum ate my post...

I'll use the same mechanism as for the smoke grenade.

1 yard per tick or 7 ticks / Stam + Res diff 2 / action, penalty 2, duration 1 long tick (IIRC 60 combat ticks).

I'll wait to see if it hits or not, and if the chimera is affected by it. My post will be somewhat based around those details. :P

Wait a second cyl... I was about to post, but now I'm confused here. You say impact in 3 ticks as the beast is 60 yards away. That would mean it moves 20 yards per tick with a Dash. Pretty damn fast, but understandable given its mutations :P . But the discrepancy comes not with the beast, but the carriage. Doesn't the carriage itself move 9 yards per tick? This would mean that even Dashing, the beast only gains 11 yards on the carriage per tick, making it more like 6 ticks or so before it reaches Sage and Stormrider. :?

This is even more troubling for Raisa. I can certainly have her jump a couple of ticks to make it there, but that changes my post then. However.... If you want to retcon the distance to be closer so the beast can act as you'd planned, I'd certainly not mind. :P
Gee you're right, miscalculated this:

horsey dashes at 9y/t, beastie at 20y/t, distance is 60, so she'll get to the carriage on T4.

Considering you all act at the same tick, your action can change this, but if you close in on the beastie you'll get caught in the smoke and have to make the Tolerance roll.

Let's not get too technical about how and why the beastie ate the grenade (even if the grenade has a 10y range... the carriage is moving, the attack has a speed 6, the beastie dashes like hell, so she will take it...out of cinematic purposes 8) )

I DID forget to make a control mount check for the driver after the detonation though :twisted: , thanks for setting me straight :mrgreen:
cyl said:
Gee you're right, miscalculated this:
horsey dashes at 9y/t, beastie at 20y/t, distance is 60, so she'll get to the carriage on T4.

Considering you all act at the same tick, your action can change this, but if you close in on the beastie you'll get caught in the smoke and have to make the Tolerance roll.

Let's not get too technical about how and why the beastie ate the grenade (even if the grenade has a 10y range... the carriage is moving, the attack has a speed 6, the beastie dashes like hell, so she will take it...out of cinematic purposes 8) )

I DID forget to make a control mount check for the driver after the detonation though :twisted: , thanks for setting me straight :mrgreen:
Tick 4? Whaaaa?

20 - 9 = 11 yards difference

60 yards / 11 yards/tick = 5.454545454545.......... ~ 6 ticks

Don't worry about my poor math skills and take your action on T0 (we'll consider that you are in contact range with a jump / ranged attack for this tick), and I'll follow its consequences (if you wound the beast it will lower her movement).

Beastie should meet grenade on T3

T0: carriage 0 - grenade 10 ----- beastie 60

T1: carriage 0 - grenade 19 ----- beastie 49

T2: carriage 0 - grenade 28 ----- beastie 38

T3: carriage 0 - grenade 37 ----- beastie 27 beastie knows grenade...

And you're right they'll meet on T6, I should really stop working to focus on this sort of details :lol:
So... are we waiting for other PCs to say whether they want to skip the rest of the battle in GF, or something else?
We are at 90% of the last pc coming :)

So hopefully monday you'll team up. Sorry for the lag guys, wasn't expecting that many losses :|
Well well, looks like we got everything ready now, I'll close this chapter this week and the hunt is on again.

I'll write a short debrief during the beginning of the week (to close the on going battle) and will open a new interlude for the newcomers to team up with the veterans (meanwhile Raisa and Sage will hopefully have dealt with their situation), and everybody will meet in Nexus and we'll start on a good basis.

The game has started for some time now, so if anyone need some sort of log of events / notebook to refresh their memories if needed, feel free to ask, I'll build one with the sum of common informations gathered. :)
I have read through the back logs, but how about a summary for the new guys, so we know how the Walker looks at these events, I know that the Emissary will do his best to get in line with the Walker's view.
Yay! I am still in the process of reading through all the previous events, but knowing what our characters will actually be specifically aware will be good.

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