[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

Bride of Ruby Blades or her Rival will kill you if you attempt to claim to be the best Dusk who works for Walker. :twisted:
We are not greater or lesser than each other except as the Neverborn will it. The Banner of Unceasing Strife merely reads their words in the stars of the underworld and hears their voices in the echo of the Void. So long as we both serve their will let the conflict come to our enemies.
Hmm... Cyl? once the fight in Great Forks is resolved, will there be any usable downtime for training for the established players/characters?
About a week of waiting since the first regroup, and then... I'd have to check travelling distance from either Great Forks - Nexus or Great Forks - Walker's secondary lair and use the Mirror to teleport you to Nexus.

Since you'll be in possession of Soul Mirror, most likely the second... and then I'm thinking something along the line of : bring chaos to Nexus and whack the emissary ! :twisted:
Well that's a possible plot... a mere suggestion :)

If you are more interested in going after the missing missy, then we can also move forward in the story.
So before I update this thing, I need to check out with you what you are more interested in doing with the game.

Right now we got 2 options:

- follow the storyline I had in mind, chasing Blood Pearl across the northeast until you catch her.

- spend some time and get some action done in Nexus (I mean, now you got Soul Mirror, there is a portal directly linking Walker's lair to Nexus, an invasion could be doable)... making a move against a major city and obtaining victory would strengthen Walker's positions in both worlds and after such victory, his priestess's absence will be tolerable.

Which one of the two is more appealing to you ?
I for one wouldn't mind bringing down Blood Pearl, and then bring about the fall of Nexus, or at least bring it down a notch for without it's influence the Scveneger Lands will be more maleable to our Master's will, and any chaos in Creation is brining us one more step closer to destruction.
Haku said:
Is you going to run Daughter of Nexus on us? :lol:
Huh not at all, haven't even read it actually !

Nah the question was asked because depending on your choice, you will be staying in Nexus (poor city) or not.
always sounds good, but let's do this right, and let me delay them from sending for reinforcements, or repair the wall while we attack them, and other such buearucratic endeavors, as it will make our job easier.
Razing Nexus seems likely to provide opportunities for large-scale slaughter, so The Banner of Unceasing Strife would be pleased to assist and actually fairly useful.
Of course she's be useful, and most welcome. A combination of the dark Emissary and Unceasing Strife can only lead to great things for us, and for our Master.
Sage is a man on a mission. I know that much. :)

I definitely want to work out specifics for some of the equipment that Sage creates and uses. Also, maybe a side-story or something concerning the Artifact I mentioned. :)
Actually if you're looking for necro stuff, the Artificer's your guy.

Coyote, I know I know I am overwelmed by work atm as you may have seen and I am really trying to priorize things right now to keep everything moving. It will eventually settle down at one point, and we will get back on more personalized matter, but for now I need to keep the game going :P

Make me a "wish list" and we'll get it done asap :)

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