[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

Coyotekin: I'm just curious... How is Sage wielding his psuedo-flame piece? Save his two dots in Martial Arts, his sheet doesn't list any dots in attacking combat Abilities. Since he doesn't have any Charms from any of the firewand-using Martial Arts styles, wouldn't he need some dots in Archery to effectively wield Hidden Pyre?
He is skilled in Mastery, and truth be told it is more of a back-up piece, and tends to keep most away from him, or the stupid ones off guard from what he can really do.

He keeps forgetting to practice with it honestly. LOL (And, I had plans forit but needed to get every Charm in the Integrity tree first. :) )
Coyotekin said:
He is skilled in Mastery, and truth be told it is more of a back-up piece, and tends to keep most away from him, or the stupid ones off guard from what he can really do.
He keeps forgetting to practice with it honestly. LOL (And, I had plans forit but needed to get every Charm in the Integrity tree first. :) )
Mastery? I don't follow...

So what is it exactly? The little fic you wrote up basically explains as it an artifact Flame Piece that shoots cold instead of fire. I remember you saying at one point you were considering making it a 5-dot. However, you don't have any background dots listed to represent it as an artifact, let alone 5.
Weird, I think I got thoughts and sentences mixed up. I missed that I did that. I was trying to say skilled or a Master of Magic, in every venue. Sorcery/Necromancy.

The 5 dot was me saing I wanted to earn one at some point and I was working with Cyl on it. This isn't the Artifact. It is a Alchemically treated and Sorcery enchanted weapon.
Oh, so basically a higher quality weapon, somewhere along the lines of Exceptional or Perfect, with the relevant bonuses from that elemental enhancement spell. That's a lot more clear lol. My mixup.
Yeah, that is basically it. About as far as you can get with an item without actually making it into an Artifact.

That's what I ultimately plan for that Artifact version as well.
Guys... if no one tries to parry the 3 shots, the boat is going to get them...

Well, now at least you'd have an excuse to raze the city...

"It's not our fault boss, you gotta understand ! We had Soul Mirror with us but they sank the boat, we couldn't run... so we had very few options..." :lol:
That's going to go over really well with, ya know, everyone. Talk about a surefire way to validate the realization of threat posed by the Deathlords that the Mask of Winters did so well in bringing about. On the other hand, this might eventually make things easier. Yeah... go for it. :D
I thought we were still sailing on land?

So... if the ship gets busted up... we'd still be fine? :lol:
Well, before sailing on the land you still have to get out of the docks.

And no if the ship sinks you probably won't (but you'll probably get wet if it's destroyed while far away from the docks. But on the other hand, you might have to face Great Forks finest.

Damn I forgot about the demons. They'll try to parry and put down most of the fire arrows, but until you get rid of the 5 essence cannons, the ship is in danger.

Saving an object does not give you resonnance :mrgreen:
You came all the way back to the basement. That's when you got your warning.

The beast's at least a seven minutes away from you (you are supposed to be in danger in 8 mins).

The basement is rather small, no more than 10 yards square.
Well, if we have that long, it shouldn't take 7 minutes to get ol' Stormrider up and out, should it? I imagine the lil' guy will be up to our location just about the time we've left the Inn, if not a little later.

Question: Was there an escape escort, ie, carriage or something?
Actually all we need to do is get out and let Sage do some Sorcery and we will have a much nicer one that also flies.

And who are we waiting for in our thread to move on?
Um... This is perhaps not the best course of action, Coyotekin... Flying would be quite..well, obvious. Giving away our Exalted nature to a city that probably does not welcome us (especially you as an Abyssal) would be bad, especially we need to remain here to find Blood Pearl as well.
Terrestrial level. LOL. Otherwise we get to the carriage, or I could chop off his head.

:makes note of another skill to train in when he has xp:
Well, first off your version of the spell isn't exactly...well, normal. And to be honest, that's not even my biggest concern. I'm more worried about the obvious Anima effects that go along with the mote expenditure and the Shaping action...

But yeah, I suggest just making a break for the carriage. We're close enough at this point as it is.
She seems to be contradictory ultimately. "Can't you do Sorcery, etc?", "Don't you know how to be subtle?" Ummmm, anyone who knows anything about Sorcery, especially dealing with creation and summonings should know it tends to be anything but subtle. ;)

And as for the spell being normal, as long as it ends up with the same mechanical result it doesn't matter. Death of Obsidian Butterflies could be made Death of Lunargent butterflies and provide slight wealth bonus for a time. It would still be viable though. It would also show a bit of his teacher's preference.

Sage doesn't fit the typical stereotype. He knows who he is, has proven himself not wanting in the eyes of the Neverborn, and has no need to prove it over and over again. He was chosen to get a job done after all. :D

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