[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

Well you're a skilled lancer, and you can channel + 5 with wp (through your helmet) to your pools on top of the charms... I'd say that kinda makes you a dangerous fighter.
True. But I mean, that's better for fighting individuals. I could also use Shattering the Void Mirror on someone, which would probably nearly kill them. Not so useful for masses of enemies, though.

Hundred Shades Breath is the next spell on my list, then. :twisted:
You could either Flurry some Extras, or use Systematic Demolition Exercise on those Essence weapons?

Now, what song should Stiches sing whilst she dispatches some mooks? Something from Sweeny Todd perhaps? Or maybe just "Let The Bodies Hit The Floor"? Or "The Time Has Come"?
If she ever had a lover, would you make her sing Little Piece of Heaven while she eviscerated him?
They have to travel to them first.

EDIT: ow I'm sorry, you meant as a protective cordon... well, unless I'm wrong about their abilities, all they can do is become to materialize and shield you (giving you a cover bonus), but they'll hurt plenty if they're shot at.
well jux sent them before she started talking and its only 160 yards... and she was talking for well over 20 seconds..shouldn't they be able to cover that?

tbh i don't know what rate they move at... but.. so just asking ;)
Arthur said:
If she ever had a lover, would you make her sing Little Piece of Heaven while she eviscerated him?
In the incredibly unlikely event that she did? Maybe. Though I suspect she'd go with something a little more hateful.
This reminds me... I haven't made their stats... I...need a clone :lol:

They have Dex 3, and they though they ran they had to make a large detour, because they knew the Captains could see them.

I'll consider they can climb like they can run (not dash).

I'll consider that they still have to make a 100 yards run at 9 yards/tick + climb the 20 yards high fortified walls at 3 yards/tick, they'll mess with them in aproximately 18 ticks.

Note: they can only act (willpower) times while using hands of the wind, I'll consider they are all at standard wp 7, even the ones who used it today (they fulfilled their motivation protecting you).
Sure. The ship can provide up to a 90 % cover if you move to cover yourself, wether you enter the cabins or you hide yourself behind the sails, mast, or cabins compartiment.
Say Cyl, how much cover would be granted by ducking behind a vertical plank roughly, oh, say at least six feet long and over a foot wide?
Depending on your size, between 50 and 75% cover, but I'd say 50.

But a wooden plank might not be your best call with fire arrows :wink:
Whoever said anything about wooden? It just so happens that Stiches carries a six by one foot plank of Soulsteel around with her. It's called a Grand Daiklaive. :twisted:

Oversized weapons: Not just for killing things!
I knew you'd say that :lol:

You do realize that you won't get the Defense bonus of the weapon then ? (it's close to christmas, but I'm not that generous...)
cyl said:
I knew you'd say that :lol:
You do realize that you won't get the Defense bonus of the weapon then ? (it's close to christmas, but I'm not that generous...)
Didn't think I would. But once we have an idea of how good the archers actually are, I'll know whether Parrying or taking cover will work best. If they're actually any good, Stiches might find taking cover the best option. She does have a Dodge DV, after all.

If they've only got an Accuracy of 4-8, the normal range for a Mortal, then Stiches can probably Parry them all.

If they're up in the 10-14 region, Essence-less Exalts and uber-specialised Heroic Mortals territory, it might be a good idea for Stiches to take cover. And you've overpowered the mortals.

If I see a dice pool of 20+, you obviously want us all to die, because the 'extras' are all Exalted. At least Stiches' Ghost will be suitably vengeful.

EDIT Oh, and a few questions. How many mortals are dead? How many more do we have to kill to make a Shadowland? How many archers will still be alive after shooting at Stiches and Jux?
Nah I followed the description of Scavenger Lands this time, which is why I had very few of them coordinating themselves, imagine if there was an exalt leading like 6 archers... bam -6DV... this is what I'd want to do if I wanted you dead... but even if Juk's plan was good, the troops were just not ready and powerful enough to face all of you and have you arrested.

I mean your group has the raw destructive power of a legion, and worst, once the dying starts, it gets even better because of the walking dead.

If you seriously had chosen to, the only thing that would have stopped you from razing the city would have been the Three and their court... but even if they could have stopped you, Great Forks would be no more... part of the reason why Black Ice Shadow wanted you out of here asap. :D

And unless your defense bonus is better than +4, it's always a better option to take cover than to parry.

Note that you can cover & stunt too ^^

"what the hell are you laughing at..."

"well you had to say it... fight the shade"

Hmm... Could Stiches parry with just a Shield? If she had one? Or would I need to get her a knife? Just for future referance.

And yes, if they start being too coordinated, there is always the option of rolling Join War. At which point they all die. Why aren't we doing that anyway?
Well I'm not close minded.

We can deal it as Mass combat if you want to, but I'm quite sure it will not necessarily be at your advantage when it comes to the archers and damage taken. War is ugly.

I thought it be much more simple to determine that 3 archers chose a same target in a coordinated attack (like in the standard combat rule), rather than to have a whole unit firing at your unit(s).

(because if so, the boat will be destroyed in no time).

Plus I don't know if poor Rasheel will stand a chance against the archers as a solo unit, while he has one as a single exalt.
Tome said:
Hmm... Could Stiches parry with just a Shield? If she had one? Or would I need to get her a knife? Just for future referance.
A shield gives you a + x to both DV.

If you are unarmed and want to parry, we use the stats of your fists, and add the Shield bonus (I won't ask a stunt for that one...)

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