[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

LOL, badly timed reply on my part. No, I was writing up what Sage would do and how he would wander with his flame piece and it finally came to me about it, how it came to be, what it would look like, etc.

I also need to write about the ammo he tends to keep Hidden Pyre loaded with. They are basically armor-piercing bullets. In this case they are shaped like thicker needles in three parts, all made of ironwood. There is an outer casing, inner core, and the center of the head to the point. The outer casing in echanted with Earth for its durability. The inner core is enchanted with Air and keeps the projectile light. ANd the center of the head, which tends to be needle thin, is enchanted with Fire to superheat upon impact to ease the projectile through.

He based all of these concepts on both the Flame Piece and the Crossbow and Bow for their projectiles.

And he has plans, one he learns how to do so, to replace just enough parts, or modify the gun slightly, with Soulsteel to gain its benefits and of course make the weapon a proper Artifact. That or he will make a second weapon entirely using the schematics. Chances are though is that he would find Hidden Flame and contract him to make the new Artifact, even better than Hidden Pyre.

Hmmmm, on that thought Cyl, would it have been possible to have set that contract in motion a while back knowing it would take some time, while also giving me the chance to earn the background for it? I am thinking a Lvl 5 weapon as it will be unique, one of a kind. Something to make even the Neverborn proud and the FIrst and Forsaken Lion seek his business. And the Lion, assuming Sage has his Master's favor, would have to treat the ghost with the respect he is due and know he "belongs" to Sage. Is this possible? And if so, what do I need to do to make this happen?
Ummm... You know any level artifact can be unique, right? 5-dots are most often unique only because of how difficult they are to create.
Also, 5-Dot Artifacts require either Craft 7, Craft 5 and two Essence 5 Solar/Abyssal Charms or Craft 6 and one Essence 5 Lunar Charm. Or Savant, I suppose, but I'm pretty sure that only Sidereals, Gods and First Age Lunars really have access to that. It would have to be a very powerful Ghost to construct a 5-Dot Artifact... (Can Ghosts even get Essence 7?)

Without special Solar/Abyssal/Lunar Charms, Savant or a really ridiculous Essence rating, the limit is 3-Dot Artifacts.
Ghosts can get essence 7, however, there is an actual limit on how powerful the artifacts they can make, I believe.

However, if you're working for a deathlord, chances are... you've do have someone who can make it. Or you looted it from someone's First Age grave.
Could also be a dark reflection of a grave good...

Kinda like the "dark mantle" of Brigid.

But I like the story, it was fun, maybe Walker helped built it.

However I'd appreciate this taken out of the IC and put into your sheet/custom thread ^^

Order in this game ORDER... I wouldn't want to angry SWLIHN ! (I already caused her so much trouble).
cyl said:
Who said they were generic soldiers my friend, they are the Enforcers, regulators in a city full of spirits...

Luckily for you, these god bloods and heroic mortals are affected... thanks to your Appearance : they have a MDV of 7, but an Appearance of 2 ^^

Congrats on draining 1 wp to 45 opponents :)
I'd say generic because even Great Forks, especially with it's heavily depleted military (thanks to the Battle of Mishaka), doesn't have enough Heroic Mortals and God-Bloods to make an army of them. Even a single Scale composed solely of Heroic Mortals and God-Bloods would dominate Second Age battlefields. Not in line with the fluff available on Great Forks, which ranks their military as 'piss-poor' at the moment. More than likely, these guys are equivalent to Elite Soldiers at best. Heroic Mortals are frellin' rare, and God-Bloods are still pretty unique, even in Great Forks.

Also, that's 1wp per minute. A Long Tick is one minute. If they go to Mass Combat, this'll cap itself out very quickly. Nobble, does Jux have any effects we can use to get rid of the rest of their wp?
nope but i can kill lots using Withering Phantasmagoria

Area, Continuing: The Abyssal inflicts one level of lethal damage per two motes spent each action, to a maximum of (Essence) damage. Targets can soak this damage only with Stamina or soak-enhancing Charms. The Abyssal’s lethal performance affects everyone whose Dodge MDV is less than the number of successes from the attack roll. Continuing the attack counts as the character’s Charm use for each action.

so i can do 5l stam soakable damage to them per action....

with mdv 7 and app 2 thats 4 suxxs i need on my performance+cha roll, shame i've not got it comboed... yet...

edit: thats to all i want within 50 yards radius
I realize that a lvl 1 Artifact can be unique, but why settle for just barely an Artifact. Sage didn't come so far to just settle. It's not who he is.
Oh well. I guess Stiches will have to settle for only depleteing 4wp. That should screw any Combos we might see from their leaders, I should hope. MDV 7 is fairly high, even for an Exalt, so I'm guessing this hit their leaders as well.
i'm right in saying if they fire the arrows at Jux and Stitches, we will be seeing exploding mortals... thats if they can bring themselves to do it.. plus how close are my nemissaries to the archers? 20 of them should be able to interfere with the archers accuracy...

if three scales of enforces are 50 yards from the ship, i can hit them all with Withering Phantasmagoria?
i'm right in saying if they fire the arrows at Jux and Stitches, we will be seeing exploding mortals... thats if they can bring themselves to do it..
Oh I'm sure their head will pop long before they realise what hit'em :lol:

if three scales of enforces are 50 yards from the ship, i can hit them all with Withering Phantasmagoria?
Hell you can hit everysoul in a 500 yards radius... and that includes your death loving pals if they don't have the right MDV.
Let me quote my buddy Seth Gecko:

"LOW PRO-FILE, Ever heard of the meaning goddamn word low profile ?" :lol:

Daddy's going to be proud of ye, kids. You just gave'em a reason to declare "war" (yeah like they're going to go at war against big daddy Walker :P ).
cyl said:
Let me quote my buddy Seth Gecko:
"LOW PRO-FILE, Ever heard of the meaning goddamn word low profile ?" :lol:

Daddy's going to be proud of ye, kids. You just gave'em a reason to declare "war" (yeah like they're going to go at war against big daddy Walker :P ).
Compared to Stiches usual approach, this is low profile. She was trying to leave the city, without burning it to the ground, and they tried to stop her. She disagreed with them, and they all died bloody, painful deaths. :twisted:

Besides, if he didn't want to see the city burn, why'd he send Stiches? It's not like he doesn't know how psychotic she is. :D
And really, he also send Ruby with Stitches, the moment the two start slaughteriong... you're going to get -armies- of dead being tagged and used to make an army. You could get a literal army made of EVERYONE that was alive in the city, between Jux, Ruby and Stitches.
Hmm... The question is, do we have enough people with Dots in War.

Ruby - War 4

Rasheel - War 1

Constabulary - War 2

Let's see. We've got 7 Exalts, with 72 Health Levels between us. That makes us a Magnitude 2 unit. Magnitude 2 gives us 4 Special Characters, so that means we either need to split up a bit or someone will be sitting this out. If we take 2 characters out, and put them in their own unit, we can still have one Magnitude 2 unit and a smaller, Magnitude 1 unit, probably under the Constable's control. Let's make up some stats.

Unit 1

Commander: Ruby (9 HLs)

Composed of:

-Stiches (9 HLs)

-Jux (12 HLs)

-Fallen Prince (15 HLs)

-Artificier (8 HLs)

Magnitude: 2 (53 / 3 = 17)

Drill: ?

Endurance ? (3 + ?)

Might: 5 (3 for Young Celestial Exalted, +2 for Basic Magical Armour and Weapons)

Close Combat Rating: 8 (8 + 3 + 10 + 10 + 10 / 5)

Close Combat Damage: 5 (19 + 0 + 20 + 19 + 10 / 5 / 3)

Ranged Combat Rating: 5 (3 + 8 + 5 + 5 + 5 / 5)

Ranged Combat Damage: 1 (0 + 15 + 0 + 0 + 0 / 5 / 3)


-Soak 8 (6 + 6 + 9 + 18 + 1 / 5)

-Mobility Penalty 0 (1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 / 5)

-Hardness N/A

Morale: 3 (3 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 2 / 5)

Special Characters:

-Stiches (Hero)

-Jux (Sorcerer)

-Fallen Sprince (Hero)

-Artificier (Sorcerer)

Unit 2

Commander: Constable (9 HLs)

Composed of:

-Rasheel (10 HLs)

Magnitude: 1 (19 / 3 = 6)

Drill: ?

Endurance ? (4 + ?)

Might: 5 (3 for Young Celestial Exalted, +2 for Basic Magical Armour and Weapons)

Close Combat Rating: 8 (8 + 9 / 2)

Close Combat Damage: 3 (10 + 7 / 2 / 3)


-Soak 6 (11 + 2 / 2)

-Mobility Penalty 0 (0 + 0 / 2)

-Hardness N/A

Morale: 2 (2 + 3 / 2)

Special Characters:

-Rasheel (Hero)

Jux really brings down the first Unit's Close Combat Rating, so maybe she'd be best off as a Solo unit, using her Performance Charms? And does the Artificier have any armour?
Actually, that might not be such a good idea. Sure, it would boost up our Magnitude fairly quickly, but our Close Combat Rating and Might would plummet. Better to just let the Zombies act on their own as a mob.
Haku said:
And really, he also send Ruby with Stitches, the moment the two start slaughteriong... you're going to get -armies- of dead being tagged and used to make an army. You could get a literal army made of EVERYONE that was alive in the city, between Jux, Ruby and Stitches.
And they say solars can save the world... how wrong they are :twisted:

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