[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

Have I ever mentioned Stiches' ability to sing while committing mass murder? I imagine that the first time she faces a bunch of mooks, she'll butcher them to something from Sweeney Todd... :twisted:

With modified lyrics of course.

There's a hole in the world like a great black pit

And it's filled with people who are filled with shit

And the vermin of the world inhabit it.

But not for long...

They all deserve to die.

Tell you why, soldier-boy, tell you why.

Because in all of the whole human race

Little guy, there are two kinds of folks and only two

There's the one they put in her proper place

And the one with her foot in the other one's face

Look at me, soldier-boy, look at you.

Now we all deserve to die

Tell you why, lil' roach, tell you why.

Because the lives of the wicked should be made brief

For the rest of us death will be a relief

We all deserve to die.

And I'll never lie at peace

No I'll never feel the wind - finished!

(shouted) Alright! You sir, you sir, how about a shave?

Come and visit your good friend Stiches.

You sir, you sir? Welcome to the grave.

I will have vengenance.

I will have salvation.

(shouted) Who sir, you sir?

No one in the grave, come on! Come on!

Stiches' waiting. I want you bleeders.

You sir - anybody.

Gentlemen don't be shy!

Not one man, no, no ten men.

Not a hundred can assuage me -

I will have you!

And I will get them back even as they gloat

In the meantime I'll practice on dishonorable throats.

And my life lies in ashes

And I'll never feel the wind again.

But the work waits!

I'm alive at last!

And I'm full of joy!
Jux join in

If this world is wearing thin

And you're thinking of escape

I'll go anywhere with you

Just wrap me up in chains

But if you try to go alone

Don't think I'll understand

Stay with me

Stay with me

In the silence of your room

In the darkness of your dreams

You must only think of me

There can be no in between

When your pride is on the floor

I'll make you beg for more

Stay with me

Stay with me

You'd better hope and pray

That you make it safe

Back to your own world

You'd better hope and pray

That you'll wake one day

In your own world

Coz when you sleep at night

They don't hear your cries

In your own world

Only time will tell

If you can break the spell

Back in your own world

Stay with me

Stay with me

Stay, stay with me

Stay, stay, stay, stay, stay

Stay with me

Disney's Aladin intro song :)

Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place

Where the undead creatures roam

Where they eat off your ear

If they don't like your face

It's necrotic, but hey, it's home

When the wind's from the east

And the sun's from the west

And the sand in the glass is right

Come on down

Stop on by

Hop a dead horse and ride

To another Shadowland night

Oh Shadowland nights

Like Shadowland days

More often than not

Are smellier than rot

In a lot of good ways

Oh Shadowland nights

'Neath Shadowland moons

A fool off his guard

Could die and die hard

Out there on the dunes

Ah salaaaaam :)
Zombie Prostitue

I was alone, and I needed a date;

I was takin' a walk past the cemetery gate

When I, I saw a sign that said "For a good time

"Take a left down at Tombstone Number 8".

Went to the gateway, and I'm pretty sure I

Saw some eyes peepin' out of a "sepulture", I

Took a step into the Tomb of Ill Repute

That's where I met her, the Zombie Prostitute

I grabbed her left breast, and I'm pretty sure I tore it

I said "go down", but she didn't have the stomach for it

Buck teeth fell out, and her tongue fell out to boot,

But all in all, she was a rotten kind'a cute.

While I was tense, it was plain to see

A sort of rigor mortis was comin' over me

I didn't want to see it, but I just had to believe it

I had a stiffy for the stiff in front'a me.

Morally, I'm destitute

In the Tomb of Ill repute

She's a rotten kind'a cute

For a Zombie Prostitute.

Now I'm fallin' apart from my head down to my toes, I don't know

Which of my organs is the next to go

I've been such a sleaze since she gave me the disease

Wouldn't you know, now I'm a Zombie Gigolo

I took my first client on a date

We took a walk to the cemetery gate

I got under her slip, but then, I heard a rip

I pulled it out, and I said..."baby, keep the tip"

Morally, I'm destitute

In the Tomb of Ill repute

She's a rotten kind'a cute

For a Zombie Prostitute.

Other morbidly appropriate, and funny, songs by Voltaire:

Land Of The Dead


Reggae Mortis

Bomb New Jersey

Goodnight Demonslayer

Hell In A Handbasket

And some really funny ones that lack any sort of Abyssal-ness:

USS Make Shit Up

Oookay guys... we're opening the last scene of Chapter 1 this week.

Everybody will be on board of the ship, waiting for the Constable to come back on the ship and leave for Nexus.
Coyotekin said:
Hmmmm, I wonder how our team ended up there.
Your team is still in Nexus, you'll team up with the other (one way or another) in Chapter 2.

Training times's the limit BTW.
Well I'm waiting for someone to react until I make the Quiet Prince intervene :mrgreen:

By the way Juk: nice one "uh guys, we better RUUUN" :lol:
For the guys in Great Forks:

Don't forget you're on a Land Ship guarded by 15 blood apes, but the boat's your only way out of the city :wink:

I'll wait til monday for Haku and then get it on.
Ok, I was just about to ask about our thread. You gave the impression that we were null and void now. I guess otherwise I am waiting for a reply from my companion to keep things moving.
I did ?

Damn, how did I do that ?

I've been working my ass off lately... so yeah, I guess I was a little more off than the usual.
I posted anyways. I really want to game, but as much as I want my companion to continue as well I am enjoying this game too much to stop for long.
Things have been hectic here too. The exam I've been studying for during the last three months is next Saturday, so my time is shrinking exponentially. After the 6th of December I'll be relatively free until the 18th, when I'll stop posting due to end of year holiday. I'll go back after the 4th of January.
I'll be on a trip all over Peru from December 14th to mid January (return date not established yet).

I dunno if I'll have a connection on every step of my journey, but I will do my best :)

So I'm going to try to end Chapter 1 before I go, to avoid leaving things hanging on.
I'll kinda suggest a general holiday from the 20th on to the people in the Echoes of Absence thread.
hurmmm sorry about the porn comments if anyone saw them... I left my post unfinished before walking my dog out, and my girl has a little coyote in her blood.


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