[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]


As an Abyssal expends Peripheral Essence, her aura blooms into a terrible, dark majesty. The levels of anima banner display for Abyssal Exalted mirror those of the Solar Exalted (as explained on p. 339 of Exalted).

When an Abyssal’s aura turns fully totemic, any mortal character who sees it feels both the terror and the lure of the Void. Merely mortal minds can break when subjected to such horror. When a mortal character first witnesses the doom-filled iconic aura, her player rolls the character’s Valor. Failure means the mortal faints, runs away, grovels in worship or is otherwise overcome for the rest of the scene. Heroic mortals can spend a Willpower point to resist this unnatural terror, while the Exalted and other supernatural creatures are immune.

If the mortal’s player botches the Valor check, the result is much worse. Mortals so affected by an Abyssal’s iconic anima must spend one Willpower point not to gouge out their own eyes (or do something similarly self-destructive) in a maddened attempt to blot out the horrors etched behind their lids. Alternatively, the mortal acquires a debility-level derangement. (See The Compass of Celestial Directions, Vol. II—The Wyld, pp. 148–150, or The Manual of Exalted Power—The Lunars, pp. 209–210). The character remains incapacitated, and heroic mortals cannot spend another Willpower point to pull themselves together. It takes all their force of will just to keep from going mad.
Am I the only one who is a mite concern of what happens when abyssals go full totemic in the city? :shock:
Well I did write they were already running... didn't I ?

Checking... oh no, they stood and shout, and scream... but they didn't ran away, my bad ! (it's 10pm and I'm still at work ^^)

Strangely that's not gonna help you.
Tome said:
That a reference to Stiches, by any chance? :D
Naw, but hate to say it as it is the stereotype for many DeathKnights within the Underworld. Stitches just may be one of the best at it, hence reason to fear and/or respect her.
Posted some of the Resplendent Destinies that Raisa currently has (I'm still working out the Rising Smoke one, but I'll have that soon).


Note: she's currently making use of Alabaster Illus. This will be mentioned in the post I'm working up for the IC thread she's in. >_>
Coyotekin said:
Tome said:
That a reference to Stiches, by any chance? :D
Naw, but hate to say it as it is the stereotype for many DeathKnights within the Underworld. Stitches just may be one of the best at it, hence reason to fear and/or respect her.
Aw, you're making me blush. :P

Though Stiches takes a slightly different approach than most, I'd like to think.
I have no idea how many rites and rituals that Sage actually knows being the Master Thaumaturge thathe is. Cyl, or anyone more savvy with said rules, mind enlightening me?
Read Oadenol's Codex and the Core Rulebook, and look at the Thaumaturgical arts you've taught him.
Coyotekin said:
I have no idea how many rites and rituals that Sage actually knows being the Master Thaumaturge thathe is. Cyl, or anyone more savvy with said rules, mind enlightening me?
A Degree gives you, essentially, all of the procedures that fall under it. You can use pretty much any of the ones in Oadenol's Codex or the Core book, and probably a few custom ones. Your character has a lot of options available.

In particular, Enchantment and Alchemy should be used in advance.
That was the plan and I figure with a character like Sage he would get every one he could get his hands on. And it says in the books that you wouldn't necessarily know them all due to different cultures, materials, etc.

Otherwise every bit of Sage's equipment would be worth quite a bit to any mortal due to Thaumaturgy and Sorcery having a part in its crafting and shaping.

I see him carrying a flame piece at in the small of his back, and a pair of large daggers at his hips. I liked the character pic, but he doesn't have that sword.
Since you have Alchemy, it might be worth it to look at acquiring a Plasma Tongue Repeater.

Also, remember that with a Master's Degree in Alchemy and access to your Essence Pool, you can synthesise any Alchemical solution using nothing more than your own body and a few motes. Useful.

And I believe that limitation largely relates to things like the Ironwood formula and other secret rites.
Yes. Just getting an idea about things. Not mention that he can also use Elemental Attunement for things. More often than not it is for his clothes, usual accessories and such.

Charm idea for Abyssals based off of Sacrosanct Soul Retribution in DotFA. First time ever doing one, so forgive my mechanics. I am better about the story aspect.


Master's Favored Servant

Cost: 10m Min: Integrity 5, Essence 5; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK, Avatar (5), Obvious

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Immortal Malevolence Enslavement

There are to be no other Masters other than the Neverborn, especially when that servant is favored by the Neverborn's eternal scrutiny. And woe to the fool that dares to think them self better and mightier than the eternal Ones, and They are not ones to let even the slightest insult go unanswered. Usually such retribution would be meted out by their Deathlord puppets, but even the Deathlords harbor resentment and rebellious thoughts to their servitude. Such is not the case to such an Abyssal as this. This Charm can be invoked as a perfect defense against unnatural mental influence like its Solar Mirror, no matter if the Abyssal is aware of such a rarely missed attack. Unlike its Mirror the Nevernborn Master personally punishes such insolence at attempting to harm such prized property. Whether the Abyssal should wish it or not, as they are never given the choice, the Abyssals shadow, guided by the Neverborn, seeks the offender despite distance, boundaries, or barriers. And the very nightmares of the Neverborn seethe forth to fill every pore and orifice to the their very soul and saps them of their very life force dealing 3 automatic Aggravated damage. This damage cannot be dodged or parried as it is immaterial and of the Neverborn themselves, and armor is useless against it. Should the target fail a (Integrity+Essence) vs the Abyssal's own (Integrity+Essence+Whispers) than his soul is found weak and is dragged directly to the Labyrinth by the very soul that failed him. No doubt greeted by the very servants of the annoyed Neverborn Master and left to his own devices to survive and escape the shadow of the Neverborn tomb.


It could definitely use some tweaking, but there is the base idea, with the possibility of a failed roll of some kind leaving the victim to suffer from Whispers (5 - 1 per Threshhold success) or something of that nature.

I value your opinions and advice and hope this inspires further High-Essence Abyssal Charms.
*agrees with Tome* Plasma Tongue Repeater is probably what you are looking for.

And don't worry about customizations, that's what the game is for.

Now about your charm... since it costs more than its solar counterpart, does less damage, and give them an "edge" (yeah Whispers is not really a curse or a mental derangement), I think there are something that might be change (but the theme of the charm is very cool :) ).

I'd go for the following:

5 motes.

- essence dice of undodgeable/parryable of agg damage for the daring insolent.

- an unexpected counterattack using Integrity+Essence+Whispers vs the target's MDV, success meaning the victim soul's been offered a glimpse of the void and will never be the same afterwards, giving her one permanent mental derangement (ST's discretion) per 2 suxx.

The counterattack would not work on any being with a Whispers rating equal or higher than 3.
Coyotekin said:
Yes. Just getting an idea about things. Not mention that he can also use Elemental Attunement for things. More often than not it is for his clothes, usual accessories and such.
Charm idea for Abyssals based off of Sacrosanct Soul Retribution in DotFA. First time ever doing one, so forgive my mechanics. I am better about the story aspect.


Master's Favored Servant

Cost: 10m Min: Integrity 5, Essence 5; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK, Avatar (5), Obvious

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Immortal Malevolence Enslavement

There are to be no other Masters other than the Neverborn, especially when that servant is favored by the Neverborn's eternal scrutiny. And woe to the fool that dares to think them self better and mightier than the eternal Ones, and They are not ones to let even the slightest insult go unanswered. Usually such retribution would be meted out by their Deathlord puppets, but even the Deathlords harbor resentment and rebellious thoughts to their servitude. Such is not the case to such an Abyssal as this. This Charm can be invoked as a perfect defense against unnatural mental influence like its Solar Mirror, no matter if the Abyssal is aware of such a rarely missed attack. Unlike its Mirror the Nevernborn Master personally punishes such insolence at attempting to harm such prized property. Whether the Abyssal should wish it or not, as they are never given the choice, the Abyssals shadow, guided by the Neverborn, seeks the offender despite distance, boundaries, or barriers. And the very nightmares of the Neverborn seethe forth to fill every pore and orifice to the their very soul and saps them of their very life force dealing 3 automatic Aggravated damage. This damage cannot be dodged or parried as it is immaterial and of the Neverborn themselves, and armor is useless against it. Should the target fail a (Integrity+Essence) vs the Abyssal's own (Integrity+Essence+Whispers) than his soul is found weak and is dragged directly to the Labyrinth by the very soul that failed him. No doubt greeted by the very servants of the annoyed Neverborn Master and left to his own devices to survive and escape the shadow of the Neverborn tomb.


It could definitely use some tweaking, but there is the base idea, with the possibility of a failed roll of some kind leaving the victim to suffer from Whispers (5 - 1 per Threshhold success) or something of that nature.

I value your opinions and advice and hope this inspires further High-Essence Abyssal Charms.
The effect that transports the target to the Labyrinth is a bit much, in my opinion. Especially considering the unbalanced roll.

Also, you forgot to add the Mirror Keyword, or to note the Mirror in the Charm itself.
Sidenote: if a person dies with this charm, her soul is swallowed and destroyed by the Void of course :)
naah seen he posted 2 days ago in the Go West game, I didn't remember he did.

Congrats on stopping a potential threat to the evil plan of the Constable... you're all gonna die *said with the voice of a 9 year old psychotic but cute little girl".

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