[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

But there is no speed for anima power activation.


Also note that I have no activated any thing else... but am willing to 'hold' my action for now.
Oh sorry, I thought you talking (without stating you did something else in your post) meant you took a misc action.

Editing is always a possibility ^^
is my post ok, system wise... bit of a grey area for me, defense (reflective) charm followed by action charm... wasn't sure if I could... or it works that was...
I'll be staying on guard and prepping to use combo if necessary.,.. don't want to end up in a situation where I'm stuck with having committed to a charm.

So, it's a go.
Nobble said:
Damn I forgot about those ones !

You got 3 or 5 of them with you right ?

Huh let's make it simple, either they can use the poltergeist charm (hidden somewhere in the RoGD II), or Hand of the Wind (war ghost power).
Jux normally has 5 very close by, and another 5 near-ish, the others are off doing stuff..

I don't have RoGD II (yet) and not sure what the other power does, no rulebooks with me... but they would be doing the most damaging attacks possible to the woman

plus is continuing a clinch attack considers another attack, because she'll need to make another valour roll and i get to roll more unsoakable damage...
Please remember that Ghosts don't appear naturally in a physical form unless it's they're in a Shadowland at night/out of sunlight, and that by the Corebook Nemissaries do not have the Materialize Charm.... >_<
Nope, you have various choices when clinching:

- maintain

- throw

- inflict damage

All take place as part as the same action, so no second valor roll+ taking damage.

If she chooses to maintain the clinch for subsequent actions, she'll need a Valor roll+will take damage.

I is at work, have access to RoGD II, but has work to do right now, be checking around noon.

There are arcanoi that allows you to interact with the physical world without being materialized... but it's true the particularity of a nemissary is that it is nothing without a body... however, it's still a ghost, and should have some powers... will get back to you on that one.
By the by Nobble and cyl, you're aware that Withering Phantasmagoria is a Simple (Speed 6, DV-2) Charm, right? And Jux got clinched before her action, meaning her action then never comes... Well, until the Daywalker's next action, and throughout all that Jux is technically Inactive.
Graah... he's right, I didn't check the type of that charm (trusted it was reflexive since Jux used it).

Well, at least you can regain some motes back... see the bright side, now you can channel your eye bolts ^^.
fhgwdads05 said:
By the by Nobble and cyl, you're aware that Withering Phantasmagoria is a Simple (Speed 6, DV-2) Charm, right? And Jux got clinched before her action, meaning her action then never comes... Well, until the Daywalker's next action, and throughout all that Jux is technically Inactive.
By the way I'm waiting for you to step into the Dark Mirror to move on :P
cyl said:
Graah... he's right, I didn't check the type of that charm (trusted it was reflexive since Jux used it).
Well, at least you can regain some motes back... see the bright side, now you can channel your eye bolts ^^.
oops sorry... systems .. I not good at them ;)

so can I not act if I'm clinched?
Pretty much... inactive = no movement and such... outside of reflexive charms or charms designed to work in inactive states like grappling.

And yes, it's hard... to understand Raisa at time...
Seriously? Cmon now, it's not that difficult.

If you really, really need the help, here's a translation guide:

ts / ss = th

ee = i

oo = wh

v = w
At least it's not Stiches' accent, which is not only thick enough to walk on, but also wildly inconsistent.
Heh, as you've personally experienced from Beach Volleyball, Raisa's accent is also wildly inconsistent. ;)
Which means the real question is "Will they be able to understand each other?", followed immediately by "Will Stiches actually bother to say anything before attacking the Sidereal?".
Do I need to remind you Raisa is one of the "fate bitchez" :twisted: ?

I'm sure they're going to be good friends !

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