[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

I'd be be more worried about the fact that he's escorting the daughter of one of the rulers of the place... she might have bodyguards hidden dematerialized...
I'd be more concerned about Stiches actually showing up... Her opinion of Typhon ain't exactly what you'd call rosy.
And of course, Rasheel is now looking for Stitches somewhere else, while she's where he just was.

Any ideas how I could circle back, aside from someone shouting profanity again?
I'm sure Stiches'll do something noticable in a moment. I figured that since Abyssals have the innate ability to sense other Abyssals (not to mention Ghosts, Shadowlands and anything else that counts as a source of death essence), Stiches would probably check to see if Rasheel was with this large group of Abyssals she sensed.
Just to make sure, should I make the roll as well, or is it only for people actually at that spot?
:sings: I was alone. I was all by myself. Noone was postiiiiiiiiing. I was waiting on you. And now did I mention, I was all by myself?"
I'll have a post this evening. Either way, we still have to wait for the interludes of the others to finish.
Uh... no no

You'll be in Nexus before them, technically they will join you.

*voice shivering* it's all part of the plan !
Well some characters I will not name (but you know who you are you evil spawns !) are actively trying to screw with it but yes. There is.

So newcomers, don't wait up for the others, I don't know when they will be able to join you, between the interludes and Juk's (damn I name one) plan to send the others to jail, I don't know yet when all characters will team up again, but they will at one point.
I have a feeling that Stiches is gonna need her nice, shiny new Survival 5 soon. Because one way or another, there's gonna be some tracking going on...

What, why else do you think I took it? I noticed Infallible Barghest Mien and thought "Hey, maybe Stiches should take this. It'd cut down on all those pesky people she has to track down and kill/deliver to the Walker". Just 10 days downtime, and no one will ever be able to run from her again. :twisted:
I see a good quote from a horror movie trailer which could come out of that

"She doesn't run fast, but, unlike you, she will NEVER tire !!!"

cyl said:
I see a good quote from a horror movie trailer which could come out of that
"She doesn't run fast, but, unlike you, she will NEVER tire !!!"

That's sorta what I was aiming for. :D

Though for the record? Stiches actually moves pretty fast. She's not a speedster or anything, but Dexterity 3 isn't slow. She has a good Athletics to boot. And then there's the prerequisite for Infallible Barghest Mien, Dark Paths Found... It's a travel Charm, ya' know? :twisted:
cyl said:
Yeah but are you going to run from some meat suits? :lol:
I assume that's what you meant. :D

And no, if it's just mortals and the odd God-Blood/DB, Stiches'll just tear them a new one. She won't be afraid to retreat if she has to though. The goals of the Neverborn, and her goals as well, are best served by not getting sent to Oblivion in some pointless battle.
I... has to ask...

Given our discussion in the main Patternspider thread, you're NOT going to state that charm bonuses to weapons and unarmed fists, enhancing their stats and such, fall under the perview of die-adder limits, right?

Please say, for the love of X-BOX hueg die pools, that weapon enhancements such as +acc, +dmg, and +def charms are not included in the die-adder limit.

Or Ruby will cry.... I means I'll accept your ruling... just. I'd cry...
I'd like to add, having just heard of this, it's a ruling I vehemently disagree with. ST call in the end, but will make me rather, well, displeased. ;)
My golden rule:

If you've never seen a problem before, and fixing it

1/ isn't a necessity to the balance of the game

2/ lowers the power of the players,

-> Don't fix the problem !

I'll not consider the stupid point I'm making in the ECR in the game, because right now I don't know what to think and the game has already started so you've all thought your pcs around that point.

Therefore I confirm the mod we did of RSB and your custom charm SBMS will escape the dice adder limit.
Maybe Stiches should take RSB then? After she's got the important things, of course. The only problem would be what it'd look like. Hmm...
Pfft, I haven't even finished the version with her Anima Banner. Now that's a scary image.

I also need to make the bloodstained version.

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