[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

Tome said:
I'd keep the prince around more for his Anima powers than anything else. Those oaths are useful.
We've got Plenty of Dusks, Midnights and Daybreaks, but the Constable is our only Day at the moment, and with the Prince gone we need a Moonshadow PC.
Agreed, furthermore the Prince is supposed to be the responsible for the hunt, so I'll keep him as an NPC til you find Blood Pearl.
Coyotekin: you're added :) keep the daybreak, it's more fitting. Just put 1 dot in Sail so I don't have to bring along another powerful sorcerer (you'd replace Voice as the Captain of the ship)
Gulup said:
Landreu said:
Everyone else could be relied upon to follow their failings in one way or another - Mostly to murder our way through any problems
Hey, that's not fair. Rasheel wouldn't resort to murder like that.

Violence, yes, but not murder. :twisted:
Hey, I'll have you know that Stiches does, occaisionally, not use murder to solve all of her problems. Sometimes she commits atrocities.
Ah, and there is a perfect Terrestrial Circle spell to handle that as well. Good. I'm on it. Now I just need to see how much extra BP I can earn.
Tome said:
Gulup said:
Landreu said:
Everyone else could be relied upon to follow their failings in one way or another - Mostly to murder our way through any problems
Hey, that's not fair. Rasheel wouldn't resort to murder like that.

Violence, yes, but not murder. :twisted:
Hey, I'll have you know that Stiches does, occaisionally, not use murder to solve all of her problems. Sometimes she commits atrocities.
Ogama doesn'... oh wait. Yes, he does. Nevermind...
Arthur said:
Less Frankenstein and more Joker.
But the new image is very cool too!
Stiches is a mix of Alucard (From Hellsing. In fact, most of the characters from that have a bit of influence on her), Frankenstein, a Zombie, Kain (From Legacy Of Kain), Darth Vader and, after seeing The Dark Knight, the Joker. Not to mention a bunch of others who I can't recall off the top of my head.

But she's mostly based on Hellsing. Her personality is based on Alucard's, her accent comes from Anderson and her appearance was originally based on Seras' True Undead form. Through way back, before I decided to incorporate Alucard's "unrepentant monster" personality, she was a rather klutsy nurse-turned-zombie. (Which explained the scars. She tended to get bits cut off and have to sew them back on again.) She's normally a lot nicer, and not so psychotic, but still an unrepentant monster. Just a slightly mor eheroic monster. Her date of death varies as well, but it's usually either during the burning of Rome, the B.C.E. conquest of israel by the Romans or, more usually, during the Blitz, in london. So her ethnicity and age have varied substancially.

EDIT Oh, and she's got a bit of Dante from Devil May Cry, and some Nero from the same in the way she fight.
That's exactly how I pictured her :)

This sort of sloppy undead nonchalance with this fury ready to awaken at the first occasion.

BTW, we got a new Day incoming, and another daybreak, and I'm considering bringing in... a chosen of Endings ! (I mean the only thing we lack are siddies and solars... but you're gonna fix that soon capturing the poor night)
Yes, please don't forget that Stiches' motivation is to "End Fate". A Siddie joining the team... would not end well, considering she can recognise their more trademark attributes.

If a Siddie does join the team, Stiches will be forced to slice their limbs off, beat them unconcious and then hurl them into the mouth of oblivion.
What if the renegade has the same objective as yours ?

A corrupted siddy (that was the intention from the start if this wasn't clear)...
I don't really know what you are talking about, but the Artificer is a Daybreak, if that's what you are asking.
cyl said:
What if the renegade has the same objective as yours ?
A corrupted siddy (that was the intention from the start if this wasn't clear)...
Maybe. It depends on how much their goals coincide. If they share the general goal of "destroy the world to free the Neverborn" and they have a Whispers rating to prove it, Stiches might not kill them immediately. That would last until the first opportunity in which she gets to take them out without being caught. For her to actually get on with a Sidereal would require them to want to destroy the Loom of Fate almost as much as she does. Which would probably make for some interesting roleplaying.
Tome said:
Maybe. It depends on how much their goals coincide. If they share the general goal of "destroy the world to free the Neverborn" and they have a Whispers rating to prove it, Stiches might not kill them immediately.
Well just how exactly can one prove he has a Whispers rating "ooooh I heard the voices of the dead gods in my head" :D

Tome said:
That would last until the first opportunity in which she gets to take them out without being caught. For her to actually get on with a Sidereal would require them to want to destroy the Loom of Fate almost as much as she does. Which would probably make for some interesting roleplaying.
I think so too. But I wanted to have the opinions of the players first :)
The Fallen Prince of Roses would be willing to tolerate a Siddie for a while; she has a grudge against a Sid semi-elder (Ess 5, no SMA but a bunch of CMAs), and some interest in meeting another one. Still, as a player I don't know how well it'll work out. Lunars can run on a par with Solars/Abyssals if they're smart, but Sids kind of got the shaft XP-wise, and a charmset worse than DBs.
Yes, Sidereals certainly lend themselves to a different sort of game than Solars, Lunars and Abyssals... Unless they go with Martial Arts. That lets them keep up in combat, and Violet Bier Of Sorrows is broken, broken, broken. That aside, they're certainly on the same power level, they just tend to be far less direct.

(And Lunars can easily keep pace with Solars/Abyssals. They just do it differently.)
:Takes a bow: More of the Investigative type that longs for Knowledge. I can see a conflict with a certain 2nd Circle Demon already.
So will you just give us a set amount that our predations let us recover? Require a simple roll? Full play-out?

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