[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

I don't have my books handy... allowing 5 hours full rest, how many motes have I recovered now? The amount of essence I can throw around is going to effect my tactics.
Say, out of curiousity, who here reads Hellsing?

Because Stiches attitude is heavily inspired by it.
cyl said:
Me neither, IIRC it's 8 or 5 motes per hour of rest.
4 motes per hour for being 'at ease' (examples given are watching an artistic performance, taking a leisurely stroll, or debating with a courtier).

8 motes per hour for being completely relaxed (sleeping, or getting a massage).

Also, added motes per hour equal to [rating x 2] from any attuned, functioning hearthstones, provided they are either in direct contact with your body, or slotted into an attuned artifact.
Been real busy lately and worn out after work.... not sure when I'll be able to next post....
Oookay so:

Haku's kinda down for the moment, Momo and Sherwood dropped, no news from meme... and I had newcomers eager to get into the new solar game.

Question: do we open spots for new players (let's say 2-3) ?
Any more room in the game? Maybe for a brainiac that mixes traits of Zack from the show Bones, and House from, well, House. Delving into things because he can and not worried about being himself to obtain it.
Post me your concept-motivation-description-background bla bla bla :) (haven't seen Bones)
I avoided watching it because of the main male character being played by the same guy that played in the show Angel, from Buffy. Mind you, after watching some episodes with the wife I got to like it. It is about a team at the Jeffersonian that solves mysterious murders through forensics. Mind you, much better than CSI and the other shows like it. Well worth the watch though.

I will get on the character though.
If Wraith looks like making it out, Constable'll abort Guard and make his attack using his Combo.
Sorry I got that from the description of the charm. I didn't mean to ruin the cinematics :wink:
So, I read something about High Essence Solar Charms that are really a great idea, involving two new Keywords: Mastery-OK and Flow-OK. Essentially the keywords would allow those charms to function with Infinite Ability Mastery and Ability Essence Flow, and higher-essence charms would be permanent enhancements of lower-essence charms, giving those keywords and making /both/ IAM and AEF worth taking. Any thoughts, cyl? (I can go into more detail if need be; atm I am eating a delicious bean soup though.)
Basically it would make charms that have a variable mote cost for variable effect fall under the aegis of Infinite Ability Mastery - examples include Fire and Stones Strike, or the Dragon-Blooded Charm Falling Star Maneuver - hence, Mastery-OK. Flow-OK charms would instead fall under the aegis of Ability Essence Flow, making it so that activating them no longer counts as a Charm action. Many Supplemental and Reflexive charms would fall under this - most of the Dodge Tree for Solars, as well as charms like Hungry Tiger Technique, Fist of Iron Technique, and so forth.

This would work with both Abyssals and Solars. Lunars, I don't see doing this; instead they'd go for Charm expansions giving the Gift-OK or Fury-OK keyword. They've got their own end-run around combos if need be. DBs already have free reflexives, so this thing is basically pointless. For them, I'd see a charm that A) makes an ability in-Aspect for the purposes of mote surcharges and B) makes side notes like 'this charm fails against attacks enhanced by magic or charms' or 'this charm fails when opposed by magic' in general non-existent. Sids, well...

If you allowed this, and let it work with MA, then I'd suggest that perhaps Sids be allowed to create Sutras for CMAs, as their own enhancement of their area of superlative expertise. Sure, Solars can throw down terrifying scene-length boosts and combo-free Combos with Solar Hero Style, but Sids can make expensive Charms in CMAs phenomenally cheap, and they can do it for ANY CMA.
Hmmm ok, I can see where this is going, so basically mote discount/innate power. Interesting for medium essence gaming such as this game.

Question: how do you determine which is Flow ok/ Mastery ok ?
cyl said:
Hmmm ok, I can see where this is going, so basically mote discount/innate power. Interesting for medium essence gaming such as this game.
Question: how do you determine which is Flow ok/ Mastery ok ?
Custom charms that add the Keyword. Lunars already have this from DotFA for Fury-OK with regards to Flowing Body Evasion. Essentially, this is an expansion, and not something to go and add to all the charms retroactively - though you could easily do so, if you think that it is needed!

Some charmsets will lack some keywords, of course - Infinite Craft Mastery is totally pointless in every way, f'r example, but I could see a number of Craft charms picking up Flow-OK, like Craftsman Needs No Tools.

Also, around Ess 4-5, I could see a charm showing up that allows Essence Flow and Infinite Mastery to play nice together.
Good idea, did you get that from Solar Hero Supremacy ?

I'll have to run some tests first in some abilities to see how this could work, the Mastery-OK doesn't bother me much, but the Flow-OK can be devastating.
cyl said:
Good idea, did you get that from Solar Hero Supremacy ?
I'll have to run some tests first in some abilities to see how this could work, the Mastery-OK doesn't bother me much, but the Flow-OK can be devastating.
Flow-OK should not be Ability-wide, it needs to be on a per-charm (or per couple-charm) basis, otherwise it becomes horrendously broken. Two charms allowing me to perfectly defend whenever without a combo is pretty iffy. Four or five is much more balanced; yeah, I have access to at-will perfects, but the other players have 4 other, shiny charms, while I just picked up slight refinements. It needs to be an investment, basically, but not too much of of one.
Though I can picture most of the charms being Mastery-OK, what would be the criterias to apply the keyword Flow-OK to a charm ? type/duration ?

Because there has to be some kind of a pattern to apply keywords here and there.

Would you mind if we take it to the ECR, I think this thing could interest many STs.

Where did you get it in the first place ?

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