[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

With my school schedule starting back up on the 25th, and with my wife being reasonable (Curses! That's got to be against the rules somewhere.), I'm going to have to focus more attention on school and (Sob! Oh, the humanity!) less on gaming. So, in order to not leave someone hanging on, waiting for me to make a post, or just wondering 'why the heck hasn't this guy been in my game for a while?' I'm going to have to bow out.

Theoretically, its possible that the classes I'm taking are not going to be that hard, and I'll be able to post more often. But, with my luck, I just don't see it, especially with Microsoft Networking 1, 2, 3, and A+ Software, AND studing for my A+ Certification test at the end of the semester. Not to mention the fact that my wife will be checking up on me to make sure that I behave myself. :roll: I gotta love her; this January we'll be celebrating 13 years married, and for some reason, she keeps on doing stuff to help out our family. Go figure. :)
Another one joins the abyss :evil:

Wish you well in your personal and professional development :wink:

Don't take it personally but umm... I NPC you (cause like... you're like... the only who can like... sail*)

Well, guess that leaves us two slots, unless you guys intend to keep the actual number...

* yeah I read the off topic pics thread recently.
Sorry for the long post :wink:

BTW what the heck happened to Tome ? Anyone got news ?
Tome is in the midst of moving and has had difficulty with the net... he's posted recently. So we know that he's still alive... possibly.
wonders if anyonwe else has stuff to post here....

his comment on the walker's spy marked him for death really, just wondering where stitches/strike is cos as I don't have the right combo I can't stop this blokie from escaping and stitches/strike can.......
Nobble said:
wonders if anyonwe else has stuff to post here....
his comment on the walker's spy marked him for death really, just wondering where stitches/strike is cos as I don't have the right combo I can't stop this blokie from escaping and stitches/strike can.......
Wow, I fear you felt like your options were a little closed...

They're not :)

The Wraith is outnumbered, in close quarters, and you were not bound by any oath. Of course, you'll get in a uncomfortable position with the Three, but they could also be cool with your day running around free should you bring in the Wraith captive/dead... as for the spymaster, he can be disposed of and replaced.
Not so fast, you forgot the Join Battle roll.

Crypt Bolt can be launched reflexively before the JB roll, however the blasts cannot.

Edit your previous post please :wink:
Given the split-up and then rejoining, I'm rather lost re: XP. How much are we looking to get? I try to do the math and I get a different answer each time.
cyl said:
Not so fast, you forgot the Join Battle roll.
Crypt Bolt can be launched reflexively before the JB roll, however the blasts cannot.

Edit your previous post please :wink:
ok no chance of suprise attack then?
Ok so sidenote to all: I never put my players in a situation they can't get out of, although I might give them the impression that they can't.

Violence isn't always the answer, but in most cases... well it usually works :twisted:
"If violence isn't your last resort, you aren't resorting to enough of it".

"Few problems cannot be solved by the forceful application of fist to face".

"Whe' all ya' 'ave is ah big 'onkin sword, all ya' problems start ta' look like a collection a' overly fleshy meat-bags... Which tha' probably 're".

"You can get much more with a kind word and a gun than just with a kind word." - Al Capone.
Gah, another "act on the same Tick" situation.

Since it worked okay last time, and I'm pretty sure another hit will end this, I think I'll have to repeat the previous turn's action... now I just need to think of a nice Stunt.
Yeah well unless I use FMoOT again, which I won't, this is going to be like this

until death (his) or unconsciousness (yours).
Let's see... If I miss, he regains motes, and I get taken out by a Combo due to my lack of motes. If I hit, he takes another hefty chunk of damage and loses most of his remaining motes, which will probably be the last of both for him.

Guess I've gotta channel Conviction again.
cyl said:
Well considering the crackling essence and its obvious type... no :)
ok but just to note Jux is using the Eyes like daggars glance, i didn't say that properly in my post, my bad sorry, but I really meant to state explicitly I was, hence her dropping her head to disguise the essense build up in her eyes from which the crypt bolts burst..

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