[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

Okay, I can't figure out whether Stiches should try one last ditch attack, or try and lure him into attacking in the hopes that he's as low on motes as she is.

What do you folks think?
Let's just sum up the situation to better help you decide:

Nomaz has manifested the following:

- real high DV

- counterattacks

- real high attack pool

- an insane amount of motes committed to gain previously stated effects, but regenerates the few available to him.

- a low damage rating

You on the other hand have:

- a good attack pool

- an excellent damage rating

- a low DV (meaning everytime he attacks he will hit you, and you're sure to spend motes)

- a way to regenerate motes if you deal lethal damage

- a perfect soak
Not forgetting that Stiches ignores Wound Penalties.

Hmm... The problem is, I know Stiches is pretty low on motes. She has just enough to launch one big attack or defend against three more attacks. I'm not exactly sure how many he has left. If he's still got some left, Stiches has to go on the offensive now, before he can exhaust the few she has left. If, on the other hand, he's almost dry, then hitting him a couple of times normally would probably wipe out his pool and leave him open to a big attack next turn.

... I just had an idea. I love being evil. :twisted:

Cyl, how many non-combatants are within' movement range?
Plenty of them, there are people in the streets, people in the inn.

I can't even imagine the face of the others when you tell them what happened:

"well y'know, ah met a solah and we w'nt few r'nds t'g'ther... ah w'nt totemic, him too, and ah wuz rann'g outta motz, so ah had to kill a few. We got ta go, navar liked th'place anyway ." :lol:

But I would advise not attracting too much attention (I mean... more that you already have) and not killing bypassers. A duel stays a duel when no one else is implied, if you become a threat to others, they might call Enforcers.
I can imagine the conversation going something like

"Really? We ran into a freaking Wyld Hunt and demolished a reasonably sized chunk of the north quarter in the process. Ogama one-shotted an Immaculate, and everyone was slaying mortals like it was going out of style.... we really need to get out of Great Forks. It's not very nice this time of year."
cyl said:
Plenty of them, there are people in the streets, people in the inn.
I can't even imagine the face of the others when you tell them what happened:

"well y'know, ah met a solah and we w'nt few r'nds t'g'ther... ah w'nt totemic, him too, and ah wuz rann'g outta motz, so ah had to kill a few. We got ta go, navar liked th'place anyway ." :lol:

But I would advise not attracting too much attention (I mean... more that you already have) and not killing bypassers. A duel stays a duel when no one else is implied, if you become a threat to others, they might call Enforcers.
Good point... though I suspect that anyone in the streets can quite easily identify Stiches Anima by now. Just look for the giant tear in reality through which a hundred sets of gnashing teeth and a hundred sets of staring eyes attempt to burst through and devour Creation. Still, couldn't hurt to lay off the random murder. Stiches might have to explain this later, and she's not currently here to burn down the city.

Let's also not forget that any nearby corpses should be spontaneously animating and lumbering towards the fight at the behest of their nihilistic mistress at the moment. Speaking of which, are there any corpses within the 10 Yard range of her Anima?
Nope, this is a civilized city, they don't keep their dead in the same place where they live (nice try though, in other cities this will work).

Anyway, duty comes before pride, you know his name, you know the Neverborn want him dead... also, you can deal with him later.

(but you now know why he's known to have killed a deathknight :wink: )
Also I'm closing the other topics (besides Stitches) so we can finally have a meeting with Old Mother Raiton. (xp count for split chans 24 for everyone).
Right, well I've finally figured out what to do. Unfortunately I'm kind of, ya' know, ill, at the moment, so I'll type it up in the morning.
Man... did Stitches just freaking headbutt her conscience?!?

That post may be the coolest thing I've ever read.
Chaka said:
Man... did Stitches just freaking headbutt her conscience?!?
That post may be the coolest thing I've ever read.
Yes, yes she did. And then she spat on it. :twisted:

And I think I just fufilled the criteria for a 3 Die Stunt. I hope so anyway. I need to get her roll as high as possible.
The actual bit where hits him with the sword seems short, but I did cut out the part where she mutilates the corpse.

I'll post that after she kills him.

But yeah, I took my time on that one. Hopefully next time I need to get a 3 Die Stunt, my tablet will be fixed and I can just draw a comic strip. Easier and faster.
Difficulty 3, eh?

3m (2 + 1) 2nd Excellency for one success. Per+Awa pool is 7. Result: 2 7 3 7 6 8 5 (3 successes).

Hmm, could have spared those motes. Oh well. :D

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