[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

I read it again, and again... and again.

And yes, solo units use War.

The Wheel of Morality said: Never show off in a bar full of merc when you don't have War !
So we use the normal combat rules.

Stiches can probably kill the entire bar in 60 ticks, and it'd likely take several times longer than that for one Mass Combat action.
Groups of enemies only use War if someone rolls Join War. I'd be kind of opposed to that here because nobody's really set up for unit-based combat; they're all chilling, not in formation, you know?

Basically, Exalted needs a mid-way point, to use groups of people without going straight into Mass Combat. I saw something about that somewhere; lemme see if I can find it.

edit: found it! http://forums.white-wolf.com/viewtopic.php?t=78551
Just a bit of status info on the threads (Private Investigation, North Quarter, West Quarter, Stitches)

PI: you are at night now, you moved fast :wink: , I need a standby just to know what the others are going to do

NQ: get going :)

WQ: same thing :)

Stitches: let's test how tolerant to pain you really are :roll:
North Quarter, is there anyone even still alive? :roll:

Or are we out of combat mode now?
Just making sure... and Bride is not a killstealer... you were just too slow. :twisted:
I'm back here too, it seems, and ready to post. As I did in the other games I'm involved into, I'd like to deeply apologize to you all for my non-participation. Slowing down games is not my thing, and I know how annoying it can be, specially for the ST. So... sorry.

I read the IC the Artificer is involved into already. How should I proceed, Cyl?
Well, there are a few troopers who are in a deep coma (5B when you have 3HL can be a bitch). but will survive... otherwise 3 DB and 10 men are dead.

There's blood on the walls, corpses here and there.

Arthur, don't worry you got the "AFK" immunity :wink: though if you want to be fair with the others, you could do the Resistance rolls... but it's not an obligation.
Just tell me what to roll and I'll do so gladly. I think the check for falling prone wouldn't work, but there is damage there too, right?

Anyway, I just start posting as if nothing had happened?

1st roll:

Everyone make Dex+Resistance roll diff 4

Those who fail fall prone, and if you don't have a 4B hardness or some kind of damage nullifyer take:

4x(D10+0): 2 7 10 5: 2BHL.

2nd roll:

Everyone make a Stamina + Resistance roll diff 4.

Those who fail, take 9x(D10+0): 8 3 10 8 8 4 7 4 3: 5 BHL
And I'm fucked.

31/07/2008 04:08:38 - The Artificer

Rolled Dice: 5

Target Number: 7

Number of Successes: Botch!!!

Name of the roll: Second Roll

31/07/2008 04:02:46 - The Artificer

Rolled Dice: 7

Target Number: 7

Number of Successes: 2

Name of the roll: First Roll
Might this not explain why he's not done stuff? He got bounced all over the place...
I'll take that explanation, Haku, if Cyl is OK with it.

Reintroduced myself to the game, too.
A quick question: with the name of our target, is that enough to give one of the HOunds of the Five Winds enough of a lead to be able to track her down? Not to kill her, just to guide us to her to see why she's bolted.
Well, word's gonna get out that a Realm official, a couple of immaculates, and their associated cronies are currently decorating the walls with an interesting new shade I like to call 'hint of brain'.

That ought to get everyone else's attention.
Hiding a few hours from the patrols is all I came up with in 5 mins, sorry ^^'

This way you'll team up again in the regular chan, and I'll close every solo chapter (except for stitches). (the xp count will be made after the thread with the highest number of pages, plus maybe a little extra for stitches :) )

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