[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

Tome said:
Haku said:
I like the concept of a hyperdeath combo... it's just that they are hard to build :lol:
Yes, DBs have problems with Combos... mostly the lack of need for them. Still, there's a few good ones.
Yeah, mostly in the 'there's no point in doing so' sense. DB combat charms generally suck, so.
I rewrote most of the DB charmset, but I'm still thinking about the Elemental Bolt Attack/Burst Attack charms. Specifically, whether to allow them to combo with Archery and Thrown charms.
Also, from the way I'm reading the book, anima flux becomes a die of unsoakable lethal damage every tick when my anima banner is totemic... Is that right?
Hardness still trumps anima.

Basically, your anima flux is soakable, however minimal damage still applies.
That's why the fire aspect's anima power is pretty awesome - the anima damage is soaked separately, so do minimum ping damage twice.
I have some friend coming up this weekend in Lima, so I won't be able to ST until sunday.
Can somebody tell me how Falling Star Maneuver works? I want to resolve putting this Immaculate down.
Thanks Nobble. You were most helpful.

Also, we win. *Final Fantasy fanfare plays*.

I call the killing blow on the immaculate. His life is mine.
Say, is there any official word on how the Midnight Anima at the 11-15 mote level works in Mass Combat?

As far as I can figure out, it should raise up to 60 mortals as zombies each action in Mass Combat.
Well no-one else in there is dead. Yet.

If it was Ben, now, he'd just kill them all with a guitar solo so awesome, their hearts explode.
I've got a concept for a Moonshadow Caste abyssal with some of the DB combat performance charms, loosely based on Ben. I call him The Six Strings That Drew Blood.
Yes, fighting with a guitar is awesome.

... And I may have drawn up stats for an entire Exalted Rock Band, with each member being one of the different Exalt types.
Pft... it's not over til you're out of motes and using stunts to power your charms... :D

Also... Abyssals have charms that allow their singing to kill people. :D
I think I remember reading that Solo units don't use War... if not, Stiches'll just fight normally.

It'll be Flurries all round. :D

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