[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

She doesn't need to actually find any DBs... but it sure would be fun to see if she can go through with her plan.

She is however, easily distra... Shiny Object! Ooooh, gimme!
Oh I'm sure she'll go and find some fun for herself without any assistance.

She probably could take on half of the district by herself.
Depends. Is there a garrison of Immaculate Monks or Power Armour wearing God-Blooded in the District? Actually, have you got both?
So yeah, since she has no way to know where to go, she'll probably just let her Whispers guide her. I just remembered she can do that. :D
Subtlety? Stiches doesn't quite understand what that word means. Try saying it again in Skytongue. :twisted:
I'm sorry I was still busy at work today (damn Bolivian providers...).

I'm taking care of you right now :)
It's cool. I was busy breaking Inevitable Genius Insight over at Sherwood's game. :D

I love being the smartest character in the game. You can figure out all sorts of nifty stuff.
Hey, a question, cyl. What happens if Fallen Prince uses her perfect soak on the incoming attack? I mean, I'd think it'd prevent everything, but I don't want to be all 'Perfected' and then discover that it didn't, and wreck the flow.
Actually could you delay that, I still have to resolve Sherwood's counterattack before your action :wink:

Maybe he will kill him before you move.

Since it would have been the same standard roll you'd have made against the other target (the monk) I'll let you keep the same roll (just because I'm a cool ST 8) ) if target changes.
Roll is posted; just need to see what his soak is and apply my damage.
I had a 24 die pool before minuses, which after his DV and my penalties, left me with the 8 successes on my hit. I can roll damage, but I don't know his soak.
OUCH :lol:

His soak is 15 L for his last moments... so yes roll damage :)

That's all for me today, brought work home, it's 10.30... and I need to send a fucking ton of programs tonight.

See ya in the morning.. should I ever wake up tomorrow :D
17x(D10+0): 10 8 9 9 4 5 4 9 2 9 7 1 9 10 4 7 2 - 10 sux

Oh, well. He can live for a few more ticks.
Something weird's going on. I got a notification that I had received a private message, but there's nothing there. Forum wasn't responding for a while, so I think it got reset or something.

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