[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

Chaka said:
Ok, but the blast radiates out of my body... I'll see what I can do.
Elemental Burst Technique? No it doesn't. It has a (Perm. Ess x 20) yard range, and a damage radius of (Perm. Essence) yards around wherever you fire it - basically the attack is applied to anyone in that radius, so you hit more, but you only get 1 level per mote spent instead of 2 levels per mote spent like on its predecessor, so you don't hit so hard.
Crush crush kill kill maim maim! Fightfightfight! Grrrr!
BTW, just remember that I called 'dibs' with my first post!
Oh, really? I always thought it exploded out of your body.... Which is how I did it... could it potentially be launched at point blank range to radiate of your body? I'm kinda proud of the stunt...
I think you'd hit yourself, then. :-\

Mind you, what you wrote is basically how I rewrote Falling Star Maneuver in my DB Charms Rewrite.
I'm pretty sure my anima grants me immunity to water-based attacks. And shooting myself in the foot with a hadouken is just silly.
I don't recall any such effects in anima powers. You can't drown, yes, but you can still be hurt by water-based attacks.
Okay so.

First: very nice stunt, 2 die :)

Second: the blast radius = Essence, the range is essence x 20.

So choose your target, add your stunt die, and edit your post :)

Trick question... do suxx passing DV add to damage ? I'd say no...
oh, go on...

Also, if the range is essence yards, and I've landed in the middle of the group the Ledaal commander is in, I hit all of them, right? They ought to be pretty tightly knit, it IS an alleyway...
Yes, there are 3 groups of 5 troopers, one lead by Ledaal Hanaku, the others by the immaculates, you don't even have to move to hit one of them, but if you land close to them, of course you hit all of them... also yes, you are immune to your own bolt with your anima power.
I'm hitting Hanaku's group.

So, are you saying successes over DV don't add to damage dice? Because that makes it the only ranged non-sorcerous attack in the game where that's the case.
Have fun with this, Hanaku has a DDV of 7 but used 8 motes to raise it to 11, that's still 9 over his DV.

13L passing vs his soak of 12L (reinforced breastplate), Ping Damage.

Poor troopers have a DV of 3, most of them wear a breastplate. So basically, no need to roll, they all drown :twisted:
And that's enough ass kicking-mortal threatening- ninja disappearing for tonight.

See ya in the morning boyz n girlz.
Dude, I just realised i typo'd. I had 14 sux, not 20. However, because i rolled three successes on 2 stunt dice I have 17.... I'll make one damage roll for the troopers and one for the commander.
Doesn't change much.

Still Ping Damage on Hanaku

and 18L for the troopers... 6 times their HL (they are extras) they are all dead, don't humiliate them further... :lol:
Meh, I'd made the rolls before I'd read your post. They're edited in to my last post on the thread. And yes, I killed the extras, but unfortunately Hanaku is only at -1. He is, however, busy coughing up a lung.
Can I have a basic overview of who's where? I know that Fallen Prince is facing one of the three alleyways full of people alone, but I'd like a little detail on how many soldiers I'm tangling with and what the monk I'm facing looks like (equipment, weapons, etc).
As I understand it, you guys are in the middle of a T junction of alleyways. I'm a little away from you down one alleyway with the Realm commander, who is currently trying very hard to breathe, and a bunch of corpses. Down the other two alleyways are two groups of 5 (mortal) heavies, each being led by an Immaculate Monk. So we're dealing with ten mortals, three Dragon-Blooded (two of whom are immaculates), and possibly Savage Wraith, an Exalt of unknown nature who gave me the slip and could be anywhere.

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