[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

fun.. they just get to butcher a load of mortals and some immaculates... we on the other hand get to toy with important people, slowly making them suffer before destroying them in an artistic way...
oh yes, that sounds fun and i have lots of invisible friends that can bring back dead family members :twisted:
The joy of having a Speed 3 weapon, as well as the Dragon-Graced Weapon charm, is I can make it so that every time I hit this guy I knock him three ticks further along the list.

He'll never even touch me.
Actually he will, since you used a simple charm on T0, that brings you to T6, where he will act as you do.
I really can't act until I know what the monk I'm facing looks like. Like, if he's a hueg Earth Aspect in armor or a nimple Fire Aspect or what-have-you - that sort of information is what lets me decide who to attack with my own DEATH COMBO.
Immaculate Monk 1 looks like a good Air Aspected, Immaculate Monk 2 is Earth Aspected. Neither wear armor.

The Air Aspected carries a White Jade Chakram and wears Jade bracers, while the Earth Aspected carries a Jade Goremaul and wears Jade bracers too.

Earth aspect acts on T3, Air on T4.

They are approximately 8-10 yards from you.
Feh! We'll just kill them all and turn their ghosts into our bitches! I need a new Soulsteel chamber-pot!
Sherwood, you do know that Infinite Melee Mastery just reduces the cost of the three Excellencies, it doesn't apply their effects automatically? You still need to have a combo of Savage Shade Style and First Melee Excellency to do what you just did.
Hmmm, well, I'll just drop the Savage Shade, and stick with the Excellency. He's still going to be my next Soulsteel ass-scrubbing brush.
When I did my rolls, I forgot to look at the accuracy of the weapon! So, I probably should have hit, but since it was my mistake, I can deal with it. It gives my prey a chance to think he might survive. He won't, of course. But its fun to shatter his hopes.
Wow, I didn't check it, you just skipped 5 dice.

It's always good to note your full combat stats somewhere in your sheet, helps preventing things like this from happenning.
If Sherlock Holmes has taught me anything, it's that opium dens are full of intrigue and watchful eyes!! :P
takes Jux's life in his hands and posts his prize purchase from last weekend

I think... unless anybody notice her leaving (which would mean they actually care that she left the scene), I'm going to open a new "the adventures of Stitches" thread... this is going to be fun.

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