[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

Tome said:
Next question. Would you, once she gets her Athletics to 5 and raises her Essence, allow Stiches to take a Abyssal Mirror of Unparralleled Acumen Meditation (DotFA: Lords Of Creation, P.63)?

Or, failing that, if she ever takes Unconquered Hero's Faith, would she be allowed to take the Solar one instead?
Need to check the prereqs, because IIRC there are subtle differences in the abyssal charms. Will answer you soon.
Okay so skies are clearer than last week, I am taking care of you guys this afternoon !
I need to look over and see what I am missing for the character creation, and do I get that new set of xp that was handed out?
No, newcomers don't get other xp than the 130 for chargen.

If needed, I'll make some adjustment at the end of the next chapter.
Wait... seriously? You realize that puts us 100 experience behind the others, right? That's a pretty big difference...
Sadly... it does mean that you are behind... but also note that Ruby also hasn't spend any of that xp given out thus far. I don't think most of us have.... so it's only 'potential' that is available.
Unfortunately, Nobble, I don't think that's the case. It would certainly be more than fair that way.

Haku... Potential or not, when you do get the chance to spend that XP, that's a full 100 the rest of you are ahead. While I understand the sentiment that it's not fair to the players who have been there from the start to give those who are just joining an equivalent amount of experience, equipment, or what have you (though I disagree with that to an extent), 100 experience can be a pretty serious gap. For an Abyssal, that's a difference of 12 favored Charms and change. That's no small chicken. :P
I'm aware it's a pretty big difference, hence the "If needed, I'll make some adjustment at the end of the next chapter."
I am building Sage with the 130 xp and extra BP and I'll adjust as is necessary. I should have the stats for you by tonight, my time. So if you want to start throwing him into the game then I will adapt.

Do you have any requirements or recommendations for me regarding my build to accommodate his background?
By the way, I assume Constable knows where he and Wraith are due to meet with the others at the end of this? Be kinda silly if he didn't...
I've still got a few things to work out, sorry. Applying for a semester abroad has made my life pretty hectic. Things should should be fully settled down by the weekend though, so I can have it by then.
Go ahead and launch Mine when you are ready. :) I am just filling in the data on the forum as we speak.

Only thing showing for character sheet is basic build with no extra BP or xp spent.
Rest of the guys stuck in Great Forks: I'm writing a sub-plot today and posting it tonight.
Saracen, Mr I have a headache just trying to remember how to type your name and Coyotekin are ready too ?

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